
My Lover, My Friend

They were just friends, best friends and nothing more until they got drunk and found themselves wrapped together. They decided it was better to keep it a secret and acted as if nothing happened between them. But, whenever they meet the feelings to touch always come back. Alex was a player that had never had a successful relationship and Clara wanted a successful relationship more than anything. She wasn’t ready to sacrifice her friendship with Alex for a relationship she wasn’t sure would work out. What would they end up preferring? Will they rather be friends and save their relationship or risk all they have worked for, to be lovers?

Wendara · Teenager
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7 Chs

The Night

Clara's POV

The pain that shot through my head was a reminder that I don't mix well with alcohol. I tried to sit down but I couldn't and it was difficult to adjust my eyes to the brightness in the room. I felt a severe headache every time I tried opening my eyes. I moved my hand slowly to feel my surroundings. I was surrounded by soft bed sheets all around. I don't remember crashing on a bed last night. The last thing I remember was drinking with my friends, and then I had a chat with Alex. After that, I could barely remember what happened. I moved my hand again and this time I felt a body beside me.

My eyes temporarily forgot the plan of adjusting to the light as it shot open. I stared beside me to see Alex sleeping peacefully on the bed. He wore a smile on his lips – he must be having a good dream – like he does when he was playing with girls. What I don't understand was how I ended up in bed with Alex. He stirred and his cover opened showing his naked ass. I heard a scream before I knew it was from me. Alex also jerked up in a position to attack whatever had disrupted his sleep, and that made me see him in all his full glory. I screamed and covered my eyes.

Why was Alex naked?

And why was he sleeping beside me?

I check myself, only to discover I was also naked. When Alex didn't see anything that would cause physical harm, he relaxed and stared at me. "What's the problem, Clara? You almost scared me to death."

My eyes widened. Did he ask me what the problem was? Didn't he see the state we were in? I pointed at him with my eyes still close, "Can you put something on first? I can't have a conversation with you in this state."

I felt movement on the bed and some shuffling. "Are you decent?"

I heard chuckled, "You weren't like this last night when you kept on screaming that you want more of me. Suddenly, you can't look at the dick you keep screaming you want more of."

I chocked. He didn't just say what I heard him say. Did he just confirm that I had sex with him? Alex was my best friend, but we were nothing but friends. "Are you decent now?" I screamed, eager to open my eyes and have this conversation with him.

"I am decent."

I opened my eyes slowly to see him in just his shorts and a smirk on his face. I felt ashamed of myself. How did I let something like this happen between me and my player friend?

"This is not funny," I said while trying to cover myself up under the duvet.

He shrugged, "We are adults and are capable of making decisions for ourselves."

"We were under the influence of alcohol. Are you still drunk, Alex? We are best friends."

He looked as if I was saying something irrelevant, "That doesn't mean we can't be lovers."

I scrunched my nose up at the idea of dating Alex. He was a friend like a brother to me, so I had never thought of being in any intimate relationship with him. It seemed like one of the most impossible things in the world. Alex and I

"Why are you wearing that face? Am I not attractive enough to be your boyfriend?"

That was another issue. Alex might be my friend but he was also the most attractive guy I have ever met in my life. Alex had this face that screamed model, and he wore a look that would make any lady think he was prince charming, but I knew Alex was no prince charming. He was the villain.

"Alex, let's be serious here. How did we let this happen?"

For once, he looked serious. The smirk and smile that usually accompany his speech were missing, and for that moment he looked more like a stranger than my best friend. "Clara, I don't think we need to make a big deal out of this. How about we start dating, for this to have happened, it simply means we are attracted to each other. Why don't we give this a chance? You never can tell if we could work together."

I shook my head slowly, was he trying to use one of those lame pickup lines he used in picking girls on me? He must have forgotten that I was the one he usually re-tell all the stories of him and his latest conquest. I could not believe that I was now part of his conquest.

On reflex, I picked up the pillow and hit him on his head. The smirk came back. I had almost thought he might be serious with the look on his face, but as it was everything was a joke to him. "You think this is a joke. What will your girlfriend say when she hears this and what about Chris? He already doesn't like you."

His eyes narrowed and I could barely guess what was going on in his head. Whatever it was I had no interest in knowing.

"We can keep this a secret. Nobody needs to know."

I nodded. That was the best solution to this mistake.

His gaze shifted to my body again, and consciously I wrapped the duvet around me more. "But if you give it a second thought, we can start dating. You know I don't really like my girlfriend, she has started pissing me off with her demands and Chris is an asshole that cares nothing for you."

I shook my head, there was no way I was going to fall for his sweet talks. Plus, If I wanted to have anything to do with Alex, it had to be serious. I had to be sure that I was not a thing I would get tired of easily, and destroy the friendship we had built for years.

"Get out of this room. I need to get dressed and leave"

He stood up and turned on his heel. "See you soon, Clara."