
My Love Rival Likes Me?!

After graduating college, Jian had never imagined his life going downhill. In a stuck up job with minimum wage, no social life, too much overtime, instant noodles for almost every dinner, and his relationship that's about to break. Nothing went well in his life after graduating. He even found out that his first love in high school getting married. After a few drinks, he passed out. Upon waking up, he found himself in his old bedroom, way back in high school. It turned out he turned back the time. From that day on, he promised to change his disastrous future. And this time around he'll confess his love for his first love! But before that, can he get rid of his rival in love? or will this turn upside down?

GreenAlienBlueDuck · LGBT+
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20 Chs

Chapter 01: "A Wish"


"How am I supposed to work with this?!" as I stepped out of the elevator I could hear the ruckus in the office.

"It's the only data he provided, boss..."


"Get the papers!"

"Ugh... My head hurts…"

This is my life... I wake up early in the morning just to go to this zoo-like office, where everyone are screaming.

"Mr. Tan!!" the devil calls.

"Y-yes, sir!" I ran towards him.

"Bring this to the HR." he shoved a pile of papers on me and turned his back afterwards as he answers the call from the other line.

Well, as you can see. This is my life, a miserable one.

I'm Jian Tan, 25 years old. Stuck up in a stupid job with a minimum wage.

"I really want to cry..." I thought to myself.

"What are you still doing? Move!!"

"G-got it!!" I frantically ran out. I'm really screwed! No… My life is really screwed!!

"Hey, Jian!"

"Yes, Senior?"

"Get me a coffee, please! Thanks, I'll pay you later!"


"Oh! Me too!"

"Make that three!"


I can't even say a word. I'm also in a hurry, so I have no time to argue.

Ugh, when did I become a pushover?

I went to the elevator, and all three of them were broken.

"Sorry, young man. You got to use the stairs for the meantime."

"Wow... Could this day get any better?" I sighed and proceeded to the stairs. Ain't I lucky?

"I really hate those bastards! You'll see, if I won the lottery I'm gonna quit this freaking job! WAHAHAHA!" I screamed on top of my lungs as I went up the stairs.

"I said all of that and I don't even buy lottery tickets."

As I was having so much fun climbing the stairs from the third floor to the seventh floor. Half of the papers on my hand flew out of the open window.

"WHAT THE— AH! THE PAPERS!" I tried to catch it as fast as I can, but it was too late.

"DAMN IT!" I ran back out like a dog to retrieve it.

I was catching my breath as I finally arrived at the ground, outside the office where the papers flew off.

"Ugh! You've got to be kidding me!" I picked-up each and every paper on the ground.

And went back again. There's so much running I had to do this day. But I'm broke, so I don't get to complain...

I hurried back in, as soon as I got to the seventh floor, my boss went out and sarcastically smiled.

"Don't ever show your face at my office again."

I'm done...

"But... boss!" I practically begged him and hold unto his leg.

"Get off me!!"

"Don't fire me!! I'm really broke!!"

"Are you a leech! Let go!"



After a long day of running back and forth from the office and eventually convincing my boss to give a second chance, I went straight to a bar.

I want to get drunk and forget all of my problems.

"Ugh... What am I supposed to do with my life..." I mumbled as I drink the strong liquor on my glass.

While drowning myself in sorrow, my phone suddenly rang.

I still have the strength to picked it up.

"Hellooo~" It was quite obvious that I was drunk.

"Hey! Jian?! What the heck? You're seriously drinking right now? You're really hopeless! Why did I even dated you?!"

Ahh... This again...

"Hey! Why aren't you answering me?! You know what... We're done—"

As soon as I heard all the nagging from my girlfriend on the other line, I dropped the call.

This isn't what I need right now.

I dropped my head on the table.

"Um... Excuse me?" a familiar voice echoed into my ears.

I slowly raised my head to see a beautiful girl standing in front of me. She's wearing a yellow dress that perfectly match her long wavy blonde hair.

"M-miya...?" I asked, still wondering if I'm seeing things because of the alcohol.

"I'm glad you still remember me, Jian." she sweetly smiled at me. Just like we were in high school.


It had been 8 years since I last saw her. She never changed, she's still pretty.

"How are you doing? I never heard anything from you after graduating from high school." she said, just sitting across me.

"Oh... I was kinda busy..." I answered while scratching my neck. Furthermore, I don't know what to say to her.

"Is that so?"


The awkward silence broke when someone approached our table.

"Miya~ Where were you?"

A girl with short brunette hair sat beside her.

"Huh? Isn't that..."

I don't want her to see me, this girl knows too much!

"Oh my gosh! Jian?" Oh, well...

"Yeah..." I avoided eye contact as much as possible.

"HAHAHA! It's really you!" yup, there she goes.

"Oh, hey... Riri..." I acknowledge her and smiled awkwardly.

She stood up and sat beside me.

"Come on! Don't be shy now!" she said as she messes up my hair.

"The heck! Get off!" I tried to push her face away.

"Why you little— is this how you treat me after seeing me again for how many years?! Huh?!" She fought back and grabbed my hair.

The scene made Miya chuckled. I stopped and sat properly. Of course, I don't want her to see me as immature.

"You two are really cute together, you know."

"The hell?! I'll rather be with a rat!" Riri flinched in disgust.

"Same goes here!" I also glared at her in disgust.

I haven't seen them since graduation. Somehow, this feels nostalgic.

"Oh right, Jian." Miya took out an invitation card from her purse and handed it to me.

"What's this for?"

"It's an invitation."

I already know what this is.

"I'm getting married next week." she sweetly smiled.

I can hear my heart shattering at the moment.

"T-that's... Nice..." I forced a smile as my fist clenched.

"I'm happy for you... Congratulations." I added, unable to look at her in the eyes.

"Thank you! I hope to see you there."


"Ugh! Am I cursed or what??" I complained as I went out of the bar.

"HAHAHA look at you. What a loser." Riri followed me and stood beside me, she lighted up her cigarette and smoke beside me.

"Want some?"

"Nah, the last thing I would want right now is to have a lung cancer."

"Tch, that doesn't change the fact that she's getting married." she replied after taking another sip.

"Ughh!! Why?? Why does it have to be her?"

"Dude, how would she even know you have feelings for her? You didn't even confess."

She's right. I'm a coward. I had a crush on Miya ever since we were in high school. She was my first love! My angel! My savior!

I had a lot of chance to tell her back then. But, I did not. Now, she's getting married, and I can't do anything about it.

"Don't worry though, I've met the guy she's going to marry. He's really nice and handsome. He is rich too."

"Yeah... Miya is better off with another guy. I can give her nothing. I can't give her the luxury of life. All I have is my face." I sighed.

Riri gave me a disgusted face.

"You're kidding? What face are you talking about"

"Haha, So funny..."

Well, whatever. This is how it's going to end.

"Although, I think you know the guy. He's from our high school."

"I don't care!" I replied, trying to get out of that conversation.

If only, I could change everything...

"Heh... Hey, loser!"

Ugh, I don't want to listen to this rascal.

"What if I told you that you can indeed change the past?" She said, looking at me with that smirk on her face.

"I don't have time for this. I'm going home, I still have work tomorrow."

"Hey! Just listen!!" She stopped me and handed me a coin.

"I'm still not a beggar."

"Dummy, just hold unto that 'kay?"

"What are you—"

"No more questions! Just toss it and think about where you want to go!" She said and ran off.

"She's really crazy..."


As I was waiting at the bus stop, I took out the coin Riri handed me awhile ago.

It shines as bright as the moonlight.

"Can I sell this?" I whispered to the air as I stare at the coin.

It looks like there's no more bus.

"Whatever." I stood up and was about to walk when suddenly I tripped, causing me to fall of the road.

"Ugh... Damn it—"

I am about to stand up but suddenly a truck hit me.

I can feel that this is really the end of me. All of my memories were flashing into my mind. And all I could think of is...

"If only, I could change everything..."