
My Lonley Pop-Star

Sakura and Li's fate cross through a bad break up that leads to a fake public relationship. Although their relationship is a lie their feelings are real. Will this couple make it through the trials of love? Will Li finally remember what it was like to enjoy life? Stay tuned for tears, pain and passion. --- A/N: Original work done by me from FanFicnet

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Break Up

"Sakura! Please won't you come with us to the concert tonight?" The purpled hair girl whined.

Sakura looked at a pocket mirror to make sure her curls were still springing. Her short brown hairs tend to unravel even when styled. She sighed in sadness seeing her hard work starting to flatten. "Tomoyo, you know I have a date tonight."

Tomoyo sighed as she sat on Sakura's school desk and looked her friend in the eye once the mirror was put away. "This is a once in a lifetime chance, Sakura! We have been in love with N.V.R. since they debut in China months ago!"

Tomoyo slammed her little palm against the table top to emphasize her words. Sakura jumped slightly and then smiled at her friend. "I know, and I'm sorry. But tonight is special. Yue has something planned." The brunette began to stand up and put her leather satchel across her body.

Tomoyo hopped off the desk and pouted while crossing her hands across her chest. "Fine, it better be worth it though. You won't be able to see Li live for a while." Tomoyo obviously didn't like Yue, Sakura's older boyfriend very much.

Syaoran Li, the lead singer to N.V.R. also Sakura's bias from the trio. Sakura bit her fingers and frowned, she had been wanting to see him for months now but her real life man was more important at the moment. "I know…" She whispered and then walked out of the class room.

"Where is he, it's 8pm." Sakura glanced down at her tan watch. It coordinated greatly with her brown skirt and white v-neck. She liked to dress very comfortable and casual. She pulled out her pocket mirror and checked herself out quickly. "Is this beany too much?" She asked herself as she tugged on it. She turned her pocket mirror around and there stood her 3 princes. It was a photo of N.V.R. laminated on the cover.


A male voice approached from behind her. She quickly packed away her pocket mirror into her purse.

"Honey!" She smiled and hugged him tightly around his waist. He was quite taller it was hard for her 5'3" body to reach around his neck all the time.

"I missed you." He smiled gently down at her.

She smiled back and gave him a peck on his cheek. "What took you so long?"

"Oh uh just lost track of time." He lied.

She scrunched her face but kept her smile. Weird, he's always worried about being on time.

This was the first time they had seen each other in a week and she was too happy to question him any further. "What are we doing tonight?"

He turned her to the skyscraper beside them. "I got us a room. It's beautiful inside."

Sakura's eyes gleamed with excitement. The building was one of the best and most expensive hotels in Japan. "Really? You're so sweet Yue." She gave him a peck again.

To be with this handsome college man who chose her an average girl to be his girlfriend was spectacular, but for him to go to these lengths to share this moment with her was a dream.

"You're beautiful Sakura…" He kissed her check and she blushed.

They were laying on the king size bed together facing one another.

Oh my gosh, am I going to lose my virginity tonight? Everything is too perfect. This has to be the night. I mean after all I am going to be graduating soon. Maybe I can even get into his college and we can attend the same school? Calm down Sakura let's just get tonight going first.

"I'm going to use the rest room. Be right back." He smiled at her and slowly got up and walked to the restroom.

She swooned at his every movement. He was too perfect. BEEP! A cellphone noise startled her from her daze. She sat up and looked for her phone. It was lying on the TV stand next to his. She slid open her phone and got a picture message. It was Tomoyo and the gals. They took a selfie in the stands with the stage as their background. Sakura smiled and then noticed a blinking light behind her hand. Hmm Yue has a message. She knew she shouldn't have but she did anyways.

She picked up the phone and slid her finger across the screen giving her access to the text. 'I had a blast today honey. Can't wait to see you tomorrow. I 3 U.'

"What the…"


She was frozen…This can't be real right now. She must have been having a nightmare. Yue stomped up to her and snatched his phone out of her hand. "What do you think you're doing? This is my phone can't I have some privacy?"

Sakura looked up at her boyfriend with wet eyes. This was no nightmare it was worse, this was reality.

"…W-Who is that?" Sakura stared at his phone.

He looked down at his screen and saw the message with haste he pocketed his phone and looked at her with concern. "This is a misunderstanding…"

Sakura was devastated. He had been cheating on her! "I want to go home." The tears began to slip from her eyes.

"No no please I can explain." He got down on his knees and looked up at her face.

She looked away to her side and wiped at one cheek. She couldn't figure out the words to say to him at that moment. All she wanted to do was scream and cry in agony. Her heart had been ripped out of her and her hands began to sweat.

"Yes Manager Clow, I found my room." Li let go of his rolling luggage to reach for his hotel room card. When he pulled it out of his jacket pocket it fell on the ground.

He reached to pick it up and then something else caught his eye. It was round and had a metal back. Li turned the object over and it was a photo of him and his group members. The colors were slightly faded. His eyes widdened with slight fear of having fan girls finding out his room location. Quickly he picked up the mirror and the room card. There was some talking down the hallway. To his curiostiy he peaked over to see a young looking couple, average looking couple entering a room together.

"Surprise Sakura." The tall male announced once opening the door.

The girl seemed to be giggling and excited. Li scoffed she looks a little young to be sharing a hotel room with a guy.

"Li! Do you hear me!? Are you there?!"

The shouts from his manager made him jump. Li pulled the phone away from his ear and looked at it as if it were evil.

"Ahhh, yes I'm fine I'll meet you guys at the dressing rooms in 15." And with that he hung up and started to enter his room.

It was big and luxurious looking, just like the last 10 hotels he had been to. He felt a little envy towards the couple he saw earlier. They probably weren't use to this luxury and thought this was fun. But to Li, it was all so dull and lonely.

After a few minutes of checking his social media networks he got up off the bed and starting taking off his clothes. He made his way to the rest room and showered.

What are we going to do Li?

He sighed as the warm jet streams of water penetrated his back. Tonight would be Li's 8th live concert. The rich and famous life was starting to wear on him and he wasn't sure if it was something he wanted anymore.

At first it was just for fun. His friend Takashi and he would play for their local church. Takashi convinced Li to try out for a new pop group with him and in the end Takashi didn't make it. Li was just as upset as Takashi was but Takashi wasn't any less excited for his friend.

Li became the new lead singer for N.V.R. and the last time he spoke to his friend was the night before he left their small city in the suburbs 10 months ago. He missed his friends and family. Thankfully the group members and the manager have been nice to Li. It helped him transition easier.

After he had finished showering and puting on some slim jeans and a long sleeve plaid button up he grabbed his phone. There was 6 missed calls all from Clow. Li sighed and fell back on the bed. He ruffled his damp hair a bit.

He dialed his manager back but there was no signal. "What the heck?" Wow 15 minutes have already passed. Clow's going to be pissed.

He got up and decided to try calling once he was outside the building. He slipped on his jacket and decided some shades would do to hide his identitiy for a little bit just in case he ran into some crazed fans. Li entered the hallway where he heard lots of commotion.

"Let go of me! I'm leaving!" A girl's voice yelled.

Li quickly turned towards the direction of the voice. It was that couple again. The male had been grabbing onto the short female who obviously was very upset and wanted to be released.

Should I do something? Am I getting punked?

He ruffled the back of his hair again and decided to be a noble man to the rescue.

"Hey!" He shouted as he walked towards them. The taller male looked at Li and grimaced. Sakura yanked away and looked at the other male.

"Sakura...?" Li suddenly froze up and said her name. How did I even remember her name?

He remembered he heard the male surprising her earlier and said her name.

"Do I know you?" She sniffled and wiped at her wet cheeks.

Li paniced. This was going downhill real quick. He was unsure of what to do or say at this point.

"It's me...Li." What the heck Li! We are going to introduce ourselves to the fighting couple right now?

Sakura was unsure of who the male was because his shades hid most of his face.

"Sakura, who is this?" Yue asked with a hint of anger.

Sakura turned back to Yue and with a burst of anger she stomped on his right foot.

"This is... Li...I have been seeing him as well and he is a way better boyfriend then you are. Good bye Yue!"

With that she grabbed Li's hand and they quickly ran off together. Li was shocked when the short female grabbed his hand and dragged him to the exit with her. She didn't say a word or looked back up at him once.

Once they were outside the building she let go of his hand. He was slightly disappointed but unsure as to why. He looked around and saw his driver parked in the front waving him down. He turned back to Sakura to tell her goodbye but she broke down in sobs.

"AHHH!" She cried.

Li reached an arm out to her but decided against it once she turned to face him. He looked away pretending not to have notice her crying.

"Uh...I have to go now but, why don't I give you a ride?" He asked nervously. Crying girls were not something he could handle.

Sakura looked down at the ground and nodded. "T-thank you." She whispered.

They entered the car together in the back seat as the driver started off.

"Where should I drop you off?" He was very caustious of his words since Sakura hadn't stop crying.

She took a breathe in and out and wiped at her eyes. Slowly she turned towards the male who looked uncomfortable in his seat and that's when she realized the male was being driven. He must be really rich.

"I'm sorry for crying so much. I just found out my boyfriend was cheating on me. Who are you again?" She asked while looking at him. It was dark now and she could barely see his face.

Li pulled off his glasses and then smiled at her. "Hi I'm..."

Sakura's eyes widened. Li loved surprising peple with his true identity.

"What's wrong with your eyes?" Sakura questioned.

Li went from smiling to scrunched brows."What do you mean?"

He pulled out the pocket mirror from his jacket that he had found earlier.

"Crap! I told them to stop using the water proof eyeliner on me." He rubbed at his panda eyes.

"I must have forgotten to clean it off after my shower."

Sakura looked at the strange male. A guy, wearing eyeliner? Who is this weirdo?

She turned to look back out the window until she noticed the mirror in his hand. That looks a lot like mine. Quickly she reached for her bag and searched it. My mirror, it's gone! She turned back to him.

"I think that's my mirror." She whispered.

He looked at her and then back at the trinket in his hand. "No it's mine." He lied as he continued to rub at his eyes making it worse.

Sakura inspected it some more by leaning towards him. He leaned back a bit from her closness.

"It is mine! I must have dropped it when I was skipping to the room." She said to herself.

Skipping? The thought of a person skipping at her age creeped him out. Maybe she's a fan.

"Give it back." She demanded.

He didn't like her tone and looked at her. "I don't see your name on it."

Sakura gave him a confused look. "Neither is yours!"

"Well my face is on it so..." He turned the faded laminet towards her.

Sakura stopped breathing as she realized all the pieces. He has a driver, he was at the expensive hotel, it's N.V.R.'s concert tongiht, and he said his name was LI!

RING RING! Li turned away from her who seemed to be frozen and put the mirror back in his pocket in exchange for his phone.


"LI! WHERE ARE YOU!?" Manager Clow shouted.

Li looked around and then at Sakura who was still frozen and didn't seem to be breathing. He waved a hand in front of her face, no reaction.

"Um, I'm here. See you in a bit!" He lied and hung up.

"Just take us to the venue please." Li directed to the driver who nodded back.

"Sir, what about the girl?" The driver spoke.

Li turned back to look at her. She was still not blinking.

"Uh she's coming with me. I'm late so please step on it."

I'm going with him? Is this real life? I might faint. Were her last thoughts as they headed out for a night of adventure.