

i remember my first kiss and first big crush like it was yesterday. around that time, i wasn't into boys or girls. i had to be like 11 years old and in the 6th grade. i knew i didn't like boys and i kind of liked girls until i heard some bullshit about catching coodies if you get kissed by one of them. i didn't know what coodies was, but from the way the guys in my class joked about it, it made me not wanna get close to a girl.

One summer afternoon, on the way home from school, one of my oldest sister's best friend told me to give her a kiss. she was a really beautiful girl around that time, still is today, but i didn't want to kiss her, because i thought i would get coodies. so i told her, "NO!"

suddenly, i heard her foot steps coming up behind me. i looked back saw her reaching out for me and i ran. i guess because she was taller than me at the time, it was easy for her to catch me. and when she did, she gave me a really big ass kiss on my face. both of my sisters laughed and when we got home, they told my mom about it and she laughed. i on the other hand went to my bedroom mad as hell. i sat down on my bed rubbing my face thinking, "now i got coodies and all of my friends are gonna laugh and make fun of me." i could still feel her lips on my cheek no matter how much i rubbed them.

all of a sudden, i had gotten this light sort of pleasurable feeling inside of me. my face slowly went from a frown to a smile. i started blushing and i thought to myself, "wow! coodies are not so bad after all."

i enjoyed that kiss and had always hoped for another one. i even wanted her sexually so many times. but she was gay, so it never happened and around that time, i was already someone else's sex toy.