
Chapter 3(the date)

(Henry's pov)

Tina is a nice sister ,she always stands by me ,she loves me too .Most times I wonder when she would grow to stop acting childish,she is all-around me . awwwwn nice to have such a baby sis.

I would have stayed with her for sometime but I need to meet Mira.


At the fast food, Mira has been waiting for Henry, she thought he won't come again,he would have just told me he won't come,such a mess, her phone rings continuously,she was deeply in thought without checking the caller.Henry calls back this time she snapped back,goodness it's Henry calling

Hello!! Henry it's not that I don't wanna pick up but just that I wasn't aware that you were the one calling.No probs dear ,just wanted to let you know I'm at the fastfood just step out and take me to our table.

Mira gasped for relief checks her self out with her phone Camara puts up a smile and walked outside.

Here you are Henry,I mustn't fail to comprehend your gorgeous look.Henry smiled you look stunning too Mira.

Henry's pov

I could say she blushed because her face turned pink ☺️. she looks so beautiful even when she smiles , o.m.g she is killing me . WHAT A BEAUTY 😍😍.

okay I'll walk you to our table said Mira.

Ladies first ,she blushed again maybe Mira doesn't understand that she is driving me crazy said Henry.

After much talks and getting along while sipping their drinks , Henry told her that his sister made something for her and she wishes to meet her one day.Mira was overjoyed she stood up to hug Henry,he never expected that so he was just staring instead of hugging back.After much of laughter and talks about Tina,Henry told her they better start going to avoid her mom scolding her .she only laughed while Henry teased her mommy's girl.

Mira's pov

meeting Henry is such a nice thing,he is a nice guy ever since i broke up with David I've never found a better match,I could tell Henry is much better compared to David tho.what can I say ,I just hope im not falling for him,His eyes are just deep like that of an ocean,his body so elegant like a spotter ,I just can't tell he is perfect, his voice is one thing I love the most,he made me smile a lot.I guess he is much close to his little sister because he talks about her too and she even gave me a bracelet, what a nice pair even his sister has already accepted me without seeing me.most times love comes when you think all hope is gone .I just turned 20 and Henry 22 just two years gap,that's what I call young couple.

How can a little guy like this own a company and even a CEO,I just can't believe what Anna told me about him but he never spoke to me about his financial status,well whether CEO or not I like Henry.

Henry walks down with Mira where she took a cab,she left him with a smile, Henry couldn't help than staring at her.when he could no longer see her ,he went to where he packed his car,he drove off.

Henry got into the house ,mom Good evening,how have you been and Tinna?

Tina rushes to hug her bro,how did it go she asked!! shhhh we talk about it later okay said Henry .

welcome home son, you can take off your clothes and get over for dinner. Alright then I'll go change.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Dennis_Bettercreators' thoughts