
My Little Sunshine (Sun and Moon)

The story about Janhae (female lead) selfishness for Copter (male lead) love, she has made a mistake that make the relationship between them has been strain over the years. Six year have past, Will Janhae get opportunity to redeem her mistake and forgiveness from Copter? She regret for ruining Copter life.

PearPeachPineapple · Urban
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1 Chs

Six years has passed

Janhae's plane lands. She runs off the plane like the wind. If she turns around, her hair will whip the faces of the two strangers following her. While she was about to hail a taxi, she unexpectedly got a call from her father. He stated that Copter going to pick up her from Airport. The name that still preserved and lingers in her mind for six years.

The call was hung up before Janhae could process this and react. He came to pick her? Six years has passed, the incident that still lingering in Janhae memories makes her recall the incident that cause her to move to abroad.

That year, when Copter family almost lost possession of the farm when Copter father got swindled, but Janhae father who is Copter father best friend came to rescue and lend him money to pay off the debt. Because of Copter father feels indebted to Janhae father, when Janhae father mysteriously drops Janhae off at their Farm with nothing more than Janhae father had business to settle and will pick her up once the problem settled. Copter father ask Copter to lookout for Janhae in the city while Copter is attending college.

Copter comes to adore Janhae like a little sister and the two bond over their newly found friendship and Janhae begin to fall in love with Copter because of kind and bright personality. Naturally she latches on to him and gives him the 100% obsession that she had reserved only for her parents. But Copter only thinks of being there for her and helping her trough a tough time. He not realizing that his attention and adoration seems like love Janhae.

Soon her obsession becomes problematic and Janhae turns more and more into troublesome teenager than anyone signed up for. There is one moment where Janhae and Copter overhear that Copter father made a promise to Janhae father that Copter and Janhae would marry each other. Janhae is elated because she fancies Copter, while Copter is horrified because he doesn't love Janhae and only think Janhae as a little sister. Another reason is he has a crush on his best friend and he is refused to be force to marry anyone.

Since that moment, Copter frustration with Janhae grows until he sees her "true colours". Janhae afraid to lose Copter , Janhae contrives to be compromised by Copter. On the day of Copter graduation, Copter and his friend out on night for celebrating their graduation from college. Copter went back drunk and Janhae sets out to seduce him and they spent one night together. On the next morning, Janhae parents and Copter parents catch them in bed and Copter father is ordering Copter to marry her.

"In this life i will never marry Janhae even if i die" Copter storms out of the house, gets into his car and drive his car to high speed until his car hits tree. The accident nearly took his life, thus saying goodbye to being the star athlete and to his crush who moved back to London, Copter only has one person to blame. He's going to remember how Janhae ruined his life forever.

A chilly wind was carries in from outside the door. Janhae tugging the blanket that was on her knees a little higher, her father walked toward the bed while holding a card. Her father gives Janhae a card while Janhae staring the card without takes it.

"This card have 1,000,000 ¥ in it. This card is for your expenses while you are in city. Dad already bought a flight ticket. Your flight is schedule on next week. ".

"I do not want to..." She halfway through what she wanted to say when he saw his expression turn somber, so she turned her words around. "Okay."

"Listen sweetheart, it not that dad doesn't love you and not care about you. This is the best decision that I can make for you to forget what has happened. I have talk to Copter father. I have apologies on your behalf and that they don't have to take responsible about things that happened. I have thickened my face to say it's both parties fault even though it's your fault. Make this thing as a lesson for your future"

"I'm sorry dad. I've let you down" She hugged her dad while sobbing. She promises to her dad that she will change to be a good daughter.

Actually, her father decision to moves Janhae back to the city for her to find healthier environment to heal and grow up. With the right help and opportunity, Janhae indeed mature and learns that you don't need to fight everybody. She even manages to make some friends, graduate in the field that she wants and built a good life. Still, in the back of her mind, she would never forget the biggest mistake of her life: ruining Copter.

Janhae snapped from her memories when a man about forty year old ask. "Little sister, where are you going?"

"Old man, you are over forty" a twenty eight years old says. "Give this younger one to pick up a young woman".

Janhae grabs her suitcase without answering them, and she sees a familiar face that she has not seen since six years. Copter wearing a white shirt with blue jeans jacket pairing with jeans. There are women around the Copter are ogling him. "He still has not changed. Still can attract people around him". She spoke in her heart.

Copter scans the crowd, and spots Janhae. He see two guy following her. Copter strides to Janhae and first word he say when he saw her "You still have not change. You flirt even after landing; you're still a vixen six years ago."

Suddenly Janhae shock and feel her eyes started to ache and feel disappointed to him. "I can flirt with whoever I want. It has nothing to do with you."

Copter sneers at her and walks to his car. We he got in front of his car, he turns his back and sees Janhae stay still in the same place and not following him. "Do you want me to carry you like princess on the way to car?" Copter shout to her direction. Janhae shocked and run to his car with her heavy suitcase.