
Episode 17: (Apple Bloom Arc) Unknown Legacy

Scene 17.0: Tartarus, 6:09 PM, Day 15 Of 365


After exiting Tartarus, Princess Twilight Sparkle sees that Apple Jack is still torn about all of this, so she decides to comfort her long time friend.


Princess Twilight Sparkle:

Luster and Shadow will pull through. All we can do is have faith that they will succeed.


Apple Jack:

I know, Twi…I know…but…



"This Is The Worst Part: The Waiting". Right?


Apple Jack:

Yeah…how did you know?



Being around Shadow for so long, you learn a lot of things. Speaking of my brother, this is where I take my leave.



Can I come with you, Blaze? If you have something planned for Aniki, I want to be involved too.



Sure. I need the help.



Krystal is my BFF! I want to come too!




If Florid's going, Yavish going too!



I owe Krystal a big favor and if it's connected to Shadow, I want to join in too.



Looks like you are stuck with us, Blaze.



I'll join you guys later too. I need to meet up with my Big Sis.


Princess Twilight Sparkle:

May I join you, Slipstream? I am well acquainted with your Big Sister.



Of course, Princess. I think she would like to talk to you too.


Princess Twilight Sparkle:

Apple Jack. Remember what have I said. Shadow and Luster will pull through. The way he interacted with Lord Charon means he is well verse in diplomacy. He should be since as he stated…there have been a lot of Bad Blood between both the Gods and the Ancients. If Shadow is a Male Version of Me as everyone claims he is, then we can hope things are going to be fine. For Shadow is not only a Diplomat, but also an intellectual who puts reasoning first above all else.



Of course he can be a tad tactless and push a little too hard sometimes when things are pretty bad. But after what happened days ago with Rose, I'm sure he's going to be more careful this time, but that doesn't mean he will be pulling his punches during his diplomatic exchanges.


Princess Twilight Sparkle:

Did Ember teach you both on Diplomatic Relations?



More like he taught us. When Shadow arrived in the Dragon Lands, he was already the smartest one in the entire region that even the Older Ponies that started living with us were impressed. Must be the effects of the Chaotic Void which time moves differently there than here and Shadow always brags that he's eons older than he looks.


Princess Twilight Sparkle:

I will admit that he does feel older than even Discord, but I need you to know that no matter how old you are, if you lack social skills and the wisdom to tell right from wrong, you are still not an adult.



So Shadow still have ways to go…I'm glad to hear that. Well I am off. Let's go.



See ya around guys.



We'll keep tabs on Apple Bloom until Shadow gets back.


Apple Jack:


Thanks every creature. I am glad to have such great friends and students.


Rainbow Dash:

Come on, AJ. Let's go home.


As everyone go their separate ways: Blaze and Friends head to prepare something for Shadow, Apple Jack with the help of her friends and family are heading back home and both Princess Twilight Sparkle and Slipstream fly to a nearby area discreetly. Once they arrive, a shadowy figure is waiting for them, wearing what appears to be leather clothes with metal spikes resembling the type that bikers wear.



SMILE Agent Number 776125-SPSM Reporting, Commander.




At ease. But you know, Slips…you can call me by my name. You aren't just an agent to me, you know.



(Blushing, Annoyed Expression)

No way! I refuse to call you that directly!!


Princess Twilight Sparkle:

(Proud Smile)

But you are family. You should address her as such.



(Annoyed, Blushing)

It's good to see you again, Big Sis Sunset.


Princess Twilight Sparkle:

I think it is kind of cute on how you both met.



I didn't come here to reminisce, I came here as a SMILE Agent.


Sunset Shimmer:

(Steps Out Of The Shadows)

Oh, but I really want to reminisce about that time.



Like Shadow told his First Teacher today…





(Proud Smile)

You really like Shadow, don't you?



Shadow is like a brother to me, he's like…everything I aspire to be. That's why I am a SMILE Agent. Because I believe I can reach the same level of skill as Shadow. So…now that I am a SMILE Agent, I don't see him as a brother anymore. I see him as a Rival that I will do anything to surpass. Ethically by the way, not immorally.


Princess Twilight Sparkle:

That is a great goal you set for yourself, Slipstream.



She wasn't like that when we met. She was a real crybaby and a coward when I saved her from the Remnants of the Storm King.








Sorry, but I can't help it. You were so cute back then, but now you are a reckless tomboy.



(Annoyed Scoff)

If you don't want my report, then I am leaving.



All work and no fun will make Slipstream a dull girl.






Fine. Your report then.





Slipstream tells Princess Twilight Sparkle and her SMILE Commander, Sunset Shimmer everything she knows on what has happened since she found out that Trotter was in Ponyville to today. The Princess is saddened on everything she heard while Sunset was shedding tears upon hearing all of it.



(Thinking, Saddened)

Oh, Shadow…


Princess Twilight Sparkle:

I can't believe some pony that evil existed. And are you sure Celestia knew of her?



Shadow didn't attest to it openly, but you can tell he hinted at it.


Princess Twilight Sparkle:

Looks like we need to confront our teacher, Sunset.




Looks like there's no avoiding it.



I'll sit this one out. I want to help Blaze and the others on what they have planned for Shadow.




Alright. Go help your friends.



You don't have to tell me twice.



(Teleports In Front Of Slipstream, Devilish Smile)

But before you go, if what Blaze has planned for Shadow is what I think it is then let me tell you this.

(Whispers To Slipstream)



You really think that will work?



Trust me.



I don't know…



You have nothing to lose. I promise you that Shadow will love it as soon as he see it.



I highly doubt it. Shadow isn't that type of pony, but you are right. I have nothing to lose. See Ya Later, Princess. Sis.


As Slipstream flies away, Princess Twilight Sparkle and Sunset Shimmer teleports out of that location and to Celestia's Home,Maretime Manor at Seaward Shoals.


Scene 17.1: Underworld, River Styx, 6:34 PM


Upon arriving at River Styx, Luster breathes a sigh of relief that she no longer has to bear the extreme heat of River Phlegethon as the heat is starting to subside, but not completely since River Styx is the River of Hatred and still possess a large amount of heat itself.



Feeling better, Luster.



A little overheated, but I will feel better once we reach River Acheron.




So you know which river we need to take to reach Lord Thanatos.



(Sassy Attitude)

Don't underestimate me. I read a lot of books, you know. There's nothing I don't know, you ijit!



I think you should be a little careful there, Luster. The Alicorn Amulet is influencing you already.



(Notices Her Attitude, Shocked, Ashamed)

Shadow, I'm so sorry!



I don't blame you, Luster. But you need to focus. You lose that focus, the amulet will take over your mind.



I…I will try.



No. Try Not. Do Or Do Not. There Is No Try.



I will…take that to heart.



(Demonic Voice)

Platinum Shadow. We are approaching the entrance of River Acheron.



Yes, Lord Charon. Luster…I'm…I'm going to show you my greatest secret the moment we enter Acheron. Please…do remain calm.





As soon as they enter Acheron, Shadow's body begins to undergo a drastic transformation: His Mane turns as Black as the Night as his Coat turns Platinum Steel and he is as shiny as a Crystal Pony; his eyes from Emerald Green Changes to Golden Yellow and are in the same shape of the Sparkly-Eyed Pegasi from Timbucktu; his body size now resembles that of Celestia and Princess Twilight Sparkle but Muscular and Masculine as he is not a Unicorn but an Alicorn. Luster is shocked to see Shadow's True Form that she starts to hyperventilate.




Oh, Dear. Luster are you—



(Hyperventilating, Shocked)




Take your time.


30 Minutes Later…



Feeling better, Luster?



(Calmed Down)

Shadow…You are an Alicorn?



Yes. I was born an Alicorn just like Flurry Heart which is extremely rare in this day in age.



Why…? Why did you hide this from everyone?



There are a lot of reasons. One of them is I always draw too much attention. In my village, everyone would always pester me because of it.



You don't want the attention?



Why do you think I want to be called "Shadow" instead of "Platinum"? Because I want to be another face in the crowd…I want to stay hidden, for no one to notice me…to be just like everyone else.



You do realize that your personality makes that pretty much impossible. I mean…You are a really Cool Edge-Lord. Even if you don't look like an Alicorn, your attitude makes standout just as much.



So I need to start wearing nerdy bottle-thick glasses, a pocket protector, braces on my teeth, face, torso and hind-legs—



(Furious, Demonic Green Aura, Evil Eyes)





I was joking. Looks like I made your situation worse.




It didn't sound like a joke!



Fine. Want me tell you everything? We have less than 12 hours before we reach Lord Thanatos' Mausoleum of Hate, so I bet you want to hear everything about me…


…and my mom.




You said…you found out things you weren't ready to hear. Was it really that bad?



(Proud Yet Sad Smile)

No…It was something I never thought she was capable off. She's the Coolest. I am proud to be her son.



(Surprised, Excited)

What!? Now I want to know more about her!!




Remember that I don't know the whole story, so don't get angry if you don't understand certain points.



So you don't know the whole story? Don't worry. I'll try to keep up.


Scene 17.2: Seaward Shoals, Maretime Manor, 6:34 PM


Upon arriving at Maretime Manor, Sunset transforms herself from being a Unicorn to an Alicorn as she looks just as Regal as Twilight as she and Twilight stands outside her house door with a sad and worried look in their faces. Twilight knocks on the door, but they get no answer. They knock again while calling out to the Two Sisters; suddenly they hear a racket like someone is committing a burglary while the Alicorn Sisters aren't home. Sunset and Twilight breaks down the door and starts to inspect the house to find Celestia wearing her bed-robe, her hair is a mess and she look all sweaty and annoyed, but is hiding her annoyance behind a smile.



(Hiding Annoyance Behind Smile)

Twilight. Sunset. What brings you here?


Princess Twilight Sparkle:

Um…Celestia? Is everything alright?



No, something is not right.


Princess Sunset Shimmer:


What happened? Is there something we can do to help?



Yes, there is.

(Stern Stare)

You Fixing My Door!


Princess Twilight Sparkle, Princess Sunset Shimmer:

(Sad Sigh)

Yes, Celestia.


Twilight and Sunset use their magic to fix the door and now faces Celestia to learn the truth: "How did Celestia knew Trotter?" as they give her a disappointed stare.



Why are you looking at me like that?


Princess Twilight Sparkle:

Celestia…did you knew…about Trotter Poisonia?



(Saddened Sigh)

I'm sorry, girls. But I promised not to tell anyone about her.


Princess Sunset Shimmer:

She's the most dangerous pony in the history of Equestria! How could you not warn us about her!?


Princess Twilight Sparkle:

Who did you promised?



My Best Friend…Stardust Memory.


Princess Twilight Sparkle, Princess Sunset Shimmer:




Princess Sunset Shimmer:

How did that happened?



It all happened…about 40 Moons Ago, right after you abruptly left me, Sunset. You…you broke my heart when you demanded the power you have now.


Princess Sunset Shimmer:

(Ashamed, Saddened)

I'm sorry, Celestia. I was as you said: I was selfish. I lacked compassion and sincerity, but thanks to Twilight, I now know what you were always were trying to teach me.



(Proud Smile)

I am glad you are once again here in Equestria helping Twilight and your Friends, Sunset.


Princess Sunset Shimmer:

(Saddened, Trying Not To Cry)

You know why I came back, Celestia. So please let us not go there. Tell us more about My Shadow's Mother.


Princess Twilight Sparkle, Celestia:


Your Shadow?


Princess Sunset Shimmer:

(Hard Blush, Realizing Her Goof, Deeply Ashamed)



Princess Twilight Sparkle, Celestia:


Is it me or Sunset just went a little too defensive when she said that?

(Shocked, Realization, Out Loud)



Princess Sunset Shimmer:

(Face-Hoof, Annoyed, Blushing, Ashamed)

Can we focus on My Mother—I mean, Shadow's Mother than My Personal Love Life—I mean My Personal Social Life!?


Princess Twilight Sparkle:

Alright, but I want to hear your relationship with Shadow after this.



So do I.


Princess Sunset Shimmer:

(Annoyed, Blushing, Ashamed)

There's nothing to talk about!!!


Princess Twilight Sparkle:


I told you about me and Flash Sentry and how it ended, so you owe me the same deal, Sunset.


Princess Sunset Shimmer:

(Furious, Canterlot Royal Voice, Tearing Up)



Princess Twilight Sparkle:




I'm sorry. I…didn't know. How…?


Princess Sunset Shimmer:


He died in the line of duty. Let's just leave it at that, Twilight.


Princess Twilight Sparkle:


"In The Line Of Duty"? Shadow…Was A Police Officer In That Other World?



I see that Shadow is in fact the son of my dear Stardust Memory if he met that end in that world, Sunset.


Princess Sunset Shimmer:

Like Mother, Like Son…Tragically.



Alright. I will tell you everything I know of Trotter. However…I need you to promise me that you will not tell Shadow about this.


Princess Sunset Shimmer:

I promise.


Princess Twilight Sparkle:

So do I.



40 Moons Ago…I can't believe it has been that long since then. Our story starts a few weeks after you left, Sunset. I was so heartbroken, I needed to get my mind off on what you did. So I made a surprise visit to Wonderbolt Academy and there is where I met her…


As Celestia tells her story, some creature is hiding in her room, waiting for both Twilight and Sunset to leave so "He" and Celestia can continue where they left off before being interrupted by the Current Alicorn Princesses.


Scene 17.3: Underworld, River Acheron, 9:05 PM


After hearing the bits and pieces of what Shadow knows about his mother that Luster is in awe and at the same time saddened on hearing everything. She learns that Shadow has a family aside from both of his parents and a Young Homunculus that his mom loved so much, she could have been Shadow's Older Sister, but she is no more thanks to Trotter.



Shadow…Your mom was a very, very awesome and wonderful mare.



(Sad Smile)

Thank you, Luster.



That Fiend Trotter. How could she do that to her Own Homunculus!?



I am not surprised. Trotter has proven that she doesn't care for anyone but her own interest. She hated my mom more than anything because she was the Element of Life. The Element in opposition to her power which is the Power of Death.



The Element of Life…I can tell it is the Most Powerful of All The Elements. Without Life there is nothing…No Laughter, No Honesty, No Loyalty, No Generosity, No Kindness and…No Magic.



(Old Man Voice)

In Life you can Heal, you can be Brave, you can attain Beauty and Strength, you can hold on to Hope and Sorcery will brighten your surroundings. Life is not Only The Most Powerful of All Elements but even All of The Gods have acknowledged its Power. Both Good and Evil. The Element of Life is so Powerful, it can do everything the other Elements can do.



Lord Charon. You saying that make me sound like a Gary Stu.




But it is the Truth. Your Ancestor, The First Element of Life managed to restore the world once the Great Alicorn War ended. The World was a wasteland devoid of Life. No creature would survive long with no food or water. Your Ancestor took the power of all the Elements within her and spread their magic in order to restore the world.



That sounds beautiful.



But the strain of doing the act costed her, her life.







As I stated: The Element of Life can wield all Elements, but there are consequences of wielding too much power that your body cannot handle. It is no different than being overweight. Your body cannot handle a certain limit and the strain of such limit will earn you a visit from one of Lord Thanatos' Grim Reapers. Remember that limits exists for a reason. If you ignore these warnings and the consequences will be fatal. That warning goes to you as well, Luster Dawn. That Alicorn Amulet is already influencing you and that influence has a limit and so does your resolve. If your resolve is stronger than the amulet, you will survive, but if your resolve falters, the amulet will enslave your mind forevermore.



I will be careful, Lord Charon. Speaking of Alicorns…I understand you don't want anyone to know that you are one, but…why keep it a secret from your friends?



Can I tell her the truth of the Origins of Alicorns, Lord Charon?



(Demonic Voice)

Her Destiny is intertwined with all Alicorns. If she is to understand them completely, she needs to know the truth.



What truth?



Quick Question First, Luster.



What is it?



Have you heard of the Gods Ares and Athena?



God of War Ares and Goddess of Wisdom Athena. They are brother and sister with a deep sibling rivalry and that's me sugarcoating on how bad they have it. Why are you asking this?



Because…Female Alicorns are the Personification of Athena. As for Male Alicorns…




You don't mean…



Yeah…Male Alicorns are the Personification of Ares. Look at the differences between the Great Alicorn Nation and Equestria. The…The Second Platinum Shadow plunged the Great Alicorn Nation of Arcadia into a War that reached the entire world.



Second!? Shadow…what do you mean by that?



There are many Prophecies involving an Alicorn named "Platinum Shadow" and all of them…always bring death and destruction to everyone around him. The First Platinum Shadow was an Ancient that betrayed his brethren and forced them into exiled to the Chaotic Void.



What happened to him?



Sealed away in an unknown location.



What happened to the Second Platinum Shadow?



He was sealed away too after becoming too powerful but not before bringing ruin to the world.



But your ancestor, The First Element of Life managed to undo it all with her sacrifice as I mentioned earlier.



What number are you, Shadow?



I'm the Third Platinum Shadow. But my colors are reverse while I am in Equestria unlike now that I am sporting my true colors.



Why is that?



I think it is because of my Magical Alignments. In Equestria My Chaos Magic if far stronger than my Harmony Magic, because Equestria is Full of Harmony Magic. But when I am in locations where Chaos Magic is more abundant than Harmony Magic, My Harmony Magic replaces my Chaos Magic. I think that happens because of Self-Preservation. I'm a hybrid of Chaos and Harmony Magic. If I embrace Harmony Magic in Equestria, my Chaos Magic will disappear because Equestria as I stated is Full of Harmony Magic and vice versa when I am in locations like this place.



But you keep telling every creature that you personally prefer your Chaos Magic over your Harmony Magic?



I do. Both Willingly and Unwillingly. Willingly because Chaos Magic is Cool. Unwillingly because there are times I want to rely on my Harmony Magic from time to time, but in doing so might jeopardize my life.



But Shadow…I don't see you as a pony that wants to fight others at a drop of a hat. Sure you have your aggressive side, but nothing that makes you a danger to others or to Equestria as a whole.



(Happy Scoff)

I'm glad you think that way.



I still can't believe that Spitfire of the Wonderbolts is your Aunt.



Foster Aunt. Remember that my mom was adopted by Stormy Flare.



Aren't you going to meet up with them after this?






Why Not!? You no longer only have Jack in your life. You now know you have more family members.




Didn't I tell you that I wasn't ready to learn about my mom?



But I thought you were proud of her…



I am, but…now that I know some things about her…I do want to know more about her, but I fear that it will influence on how I will interact with my dad. That's why I don't want to learn anything more about her until I settle the score with him.



(Annoyed, Evil Eyes)

Why do you have to be so darn stubborn!?



Calm down, Luster. The amulet—



I don't care. I care more about you that my own well-being right now! How can you be so stupid when it comes to your own family history!?



It's my problem. Not yours, so stay out of it.



I won't! Let me ask you this: do you remember what Lord Charon told me before telling me that I wasn't allowed to come with you?



Something about your grandma?



(Saddened, Evil Eyes)

For as long as I could remember, my parents were always working and had no time for me. So my grandma always took care of me. She would always read a lot of books to me. She would give me the attention that my parents couldn't. One day she took me to "The Festival of the Two Sisters". There I saw Princess Twilight lower the Moon and Raise the Sun. Of course Nana told me she didn't use her own magic since the only ones to move the sun and moon are Celestia and Luna. They gave Princess Twilight the Sun/Moon Amulet to move both of them. Nana was a wonderful mare…she even promised to introduce me to The Princess on my 8th Birthday.


She promised to introduce us because she knew her personally…but instead I got the news that…



I am sorry for your loss.



At least…she didn't suffer when it happened.



She…in her sleep?






I was there when my mom passed away in her deathbed.






I also got 1 Cutie Mark on my Right Flank that day.



The Princess' Cutie Mark.



I still don't know why I was given her Cutie Mark while my Left Flank is Blank. Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo still haven't deciphered why. They still are trying to figure out what sets me apart from the Princess.



I will admit that you do have some similarities to her, but at the same time you act in a way completely different from her and it's not because you are a Male Version of her. In my honest opinion I think what makes you different from her is because of your life experiences. She has lead a life with a lot of friends and she stayed in one place. You have a lot of friends, but you never stay still and have been traveling the entire world looking for your father, Jack. She also didn't have any grudges against any creature, but you are holding a grudge against your father.



A grudge that is wavering slowly, but surely.




You mean…?



I said slowly. I'm still on the fence on how I will interact with him when the time comes.




I hope you two find common ground with one another when it happens.



(Amused Smile)

Don't get your hopes too high there, Luster.



So you have Spitfire to tell you everything about your mom. Then there's this Mysterious Pony called "Specter" and a Pink Unicorn named "Tia". Sadly Goldie Delicious is in Elysium, may she rest in peace.



Specter is a Ghost Type Pony. I can't believe an Undead was friends with my mom. As for Tia…She just disappeared out of the face of the world right after my mom became a member of Celestia's Private Guard.



Too bad. So Tia disappeared your mom joined Celestia…





What's wrong?



Shadow…Say the following 5 Times Fast: "Tia and Celes".



What are you?



Trust me.




(Notices Pattern, Shocked)




(Demonic Voice)

I'll have you know that Tartarus is not any way housing any type of Holiness.



(Clears Throat, Moderately Calms Down)

Forgive me, Lord Charon. It is a figure of speech.



So long as you understand where you are.



Yes my lord; I apologize. So…Tia is in reality Celestia, but how? Celestia doesn't seem the type to know any spell like mine. Especially that Shapeshifting is mostly used by Chaos Creatures.



Maybe she used an illusion spell?



Possibly. But she would also need a Limiter Spell in order to seal away most of her Alicorn Magic and only rely on 1 of her Pony Traits. Since she was a Unicorn back then, she might have locked away her Earth and Pegasus Traits. Anyhoo, it's getting late. We need to rest up before meeting up with Lord Thanatos. We can brainstorm ideas on how she did it another time.



(Old Man Voice)

I agree with the Child of the Ancients. By the time you both wake up, we will make port on the Mausoleum of Hate. So rest while you can. For the denizens of the area can be "Quite Lively".






(Annoyed, Sour Expression, Thinking)

That Pun Was So Horrible, My Dad Can Come Up With Something Better And He Only Knows Dad Jokes.


As Shadow and Luster turn in for the night, Their Pursuer, even though he is high up that they can't see him, but thanks to his abilities, he was able to listen in the whole conversation and he found it both informative and inspirational as he hovers over them almost undetected as Charon discreetly knows of his presence.


Scene 17.4: Seaward Shoals, Maretime Manor, 9:05 PM


Around the same time Shadow and Luster are finishing talking about his mother, Celestia just finished telling her side of the story to Twilight and Sunset and they can't believe what they heard: Stardust Memory is The Nameless Hero that defeated an Interdimentional Demon that almost destroyed Equestria 40 years Ago which Celestia lied to the world that it was a Cosmic Event that only happens once every 1,000 Moons.


Princess Twilight Sparkle:


You…lied to us!?


Princess Sunset Shimmer:


But that doesn't explain why she asked you to promise her not to tell us about Trotter!




She told me that Trotter didn't survive and that revealing the truth of what happened would cause more harm than good.


Princess Sunset Shimmer:

But Stardust is a hero. She saved Equestria…No, She saved the world! How can that cause more harm than good!?



Because of Stardust's Ancestry.


Princess Twilight Sparkle, Princess Sunset Shimmer:

ANCESTRY!?!?!? You mean that Stardust Memory…Shadow's Mother Is An Ancient!?



No…Stardust is not a Child of the Ancients. Stardust Memory is in reality…


Upon hearing about Stardust Memory's Lineage, both Twilight and Sunset are in disbelief, but Sunset is even more in disbelief since she and Shadow in that other world were an item. After hearing everything Celestia could say, they say their Good Night to her as they leave. When Celestia made sure they were gone, she returns to her room and meets with "Her Lover".


Scene 17.Final: Canterlot, Royal Library, 12:21 AM, Day 16 Of 365


After returning to Canterlot, Twilight and Sunset started looking in the Royal Library in order to research on Stardust and Shadow's Ancestry and when they found what they were looking for, neither of them could believe it.


Princess Twilight Sparkle:


I don't believe this. Shadow's Family Lineage…


Princess Sunset Shimmer:

(Saddened & Overjoyed At The Same Time)

This is too very bittersweet for me, Twilight.


Princess Twilight Sparkle:

I know I promised not to ask but…What was Your Shadow to You, Sunset?


Princess Sunset Shimmer:

(Pulls Out Necklace Tied To A Wedding Ring)

Shadow…Was My Husband…


Princess Twilight Sparkle:

(Shocked, Saddened)



Princess Sunset Shimmer:

Don't be. You didn't know. The Shadow Of This World is just like My Shadow down to his very core. How…unfair that in this world we are age apart. I'm A Full Grown Alicorn and he is still a teenager.


Princess Twilight Sparkle:

But Sunset, he is—


Princess Sunset Shimmer:


I DON'T CARE ABOUT THE EFFECTS OF THE CHAOTIC VOID!!! Physically he is an adult, but mentally he's just like every teenager.


Princess Twilight Sparkle:



Princess Sunset Shimmer:


If I only had stopped him…he'd be still be alive today…I would be living in that world with a family of our own…we…we…we would always talk about it…Until that day happened…I knew…somehow I knew something bad was going to happen that day. I had feelings…I was seeing the signs that were happening all around me…when I saw him leave that day…I wanted to tell him to stay with me. I wanted to scream something was not right. I Would Have Said Anything just for him to stay with me…but instead I wished him Good Luck…Do you know what it is like, Twilight? Knowing that something tragic that you have the power to stop yet you just let it happen!?


Princess Twilight Sparkle:

Sunset…You are—


Princess Sunset Shimmer:



Sunset teleports out of the room and Twilight starts to ponder how not only to help Sunset to move on, but Shadow too now that Twilight knows that Shadow is the Descendant of the Founder Of The Crystal Empire and Princess Amore's Predecessor. Unknown to Twilight, A Renegade Changeling working for Blight Terror overheard everything and recorded it all inside a strange-looking Green Crystal as he walks away discreetly so Twilight doesn't know he was spying on them as he continues his work disguised as a Pegasus of the Royal Guard.



Sky Supporter. What are you doing here?


Renegade Changeling (Sky Supporter):

(Military Salute)

I thought I heard something peculiar around here so I decided to investigate, Captain.



At ease. Return to your post.


Renegade Changeling (Sky Supporter):

Yes, Sir!


Platinum Shadow…He IS Truly The Chosen One Of The Ancients If His Ancestor Is Really The Founder Of The Crystal Empire. Lady Imago will want to hear this.

(Evil Chuckle)


To Be Continued…

Script by: Starscream Σ

Owned By: Hasbro

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