
My Little Fox

Audrey lived her life as simple as possible in Delv city. Staying with her aunts after the loss of her parents and coping with the normal everyday problem. But when she accidentally wanders into trouble which led her to meet a strange man, her everyday life made a 180 degree turn. leaving Delv city for a big country, entangling with people of high status, joining the most dangerous Syndicate organization as a Spy and battling with people with fearful abilities all while trying to save the man who led her to it all. My Little Fox is a novel about the Fox girl and the grey-eyed devil and their captivating and dangerous life.

Innocent_Psycho_24 · Fantasie
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14 Chs

Chapter 8: Did you just threaten me?

"Okay then"

Those two words he uttered brought her a great amount of relief. She held on the his shirt as hard as she could. She shivered as she left her tired body entirely in his care as she could barely lift herself. August stared at the little lady in his arms.

She had buried her face in his chest, giving him only a good look at her hair. Her odd colored hair was marvelous. The bright red glistened in the sun. He felt an invisible force pulling him to touch it. He carefully used his fingers and picked a few strands and played with in between his fingers.

'pretty', he thought. He immediately brushed away that thought. What was that? He felt strange. He felt a bit of warmth when he played with her hair. A weird feeling built up in him as he felt her grip on him. It felt very weird. He was one of the most feared men in the world.... so how come this girl was casually leaning on him!

"odd", he mumbled. it was completely odd. Chad's men finally got the sand out of their eyes and the man who seemed bent on getting revenge on Audrey, searched around for her like a predator searching for his lost prey.

He spotted his prey clinging onto a strange man he had never seen before. He was too riled up to think and he headed straight for them yelling, " Hey YOU. What do you think your doing. get your hands off that girl"

August looked at the guard who spoke to him so rudely.He recalled him as the one who was madly chasing the little lady.

August, with a blank look in his eyes, asked "Me?" slightly tilting his head. His assistant saw what was happening and couldn't help but sigh. the young Master was at it again. playing dumb and innocent. He already pitied the man. He was digging his own grave. Talking to the master like that?

He definitely had a death wish!

The man replied August " Yes You! In the mask. get away from her "

"Oh? But why?", August asked again

"That girl belongs to our boss. Hand her over or else"

August's ears piqued. "Or else?"

The guard was already getting annoyed. "Master Chad doesn't like people touching his things. That bitch is his. Try anything and you'll pay dearly for it"

August let out a cold chuckle. "Did you just threaten me?" His Aura got so dark, the guard felt his blood run cold even under the sun. He swallowed hard. He didn't speak.

"I asked you a question. I don't like repeating myself"

The guard suddenly became scared. He was only telling the strange man not to butt in, however, it seems he offended the man.

"N-No. I'm.. not... th-reatening you, S-Sir" he stuttered. "I was just saying... my boss is... a bit s-stubborn and possessive when it comes to... these things"

August looked lazily at the guard who seemed petrified. this was how it was supposed to be. Even after speaking only few words, people still cowered in fear so he didn't blame this man. it had been the same for everyone. However...

He looked at the girl who was now unconscious. He sighed. His assistant came forward and said "Sir...".

At that point they heard Chad's voice yelling as he ran towards them "What are you doing standing around. tell me you've caught that little bitch, otherwise you'd better_" He had to stop speaking because he noticed the man was holding his prey and as he got close he realized...

This was his boss. Young Master White himself. he instantly remembered the business meeting he had with one of his superiors. Dont tell me...

The CEO himself was the one he was supposed to meet with! and he had been playing around the whole time.


He was in deep trouble now.

Chad corrected his posture as he walked towards his boss. He schooled his expression as he bent and offered a greeting "Good afternoon, CEO White. What a pleasant surprise. To what do I owe the pleasure of_"

"Cut the crap",August retorted. Chad immediately shut up. As soon as he saw August, he became so calm and level headed that Audrey's eyes would've popped out of it's sockets if she saw him.

"What do we have here. Playing catch?". If anyone else said it, Chad would've laughed it off playfully but this was his boss! one wrong step and he's toast.

"A forty three years old man still chasing young girls. Your wife's not doing her job right? I'll be sure to talk to her for you"

Chad's palms became sweaty but he tried to keep his composure "My wife is doing well Sir. My business with this girl is trivial. She disrespected me and my men and we were just correcting her before she ran away".

"Oh? Such trivial matter is the reason you've kept your boss waiting? that must mean I'm even more trivial doesn't it?"

Chad panicked "NO. NO, OF COURSE NOT SIR"

His assistant could tell from the tone of his voice, that August was having fun

"Hmm so I'm wrong now?"

"Yes... I.. I mean NO Sir. it's.. uhm_"

"you're not making any sense. Chad. Look what you did to this girl. if this is your way of correcting someone, it seems very interesting. On that note, you should also be corrected for disrespecting me. Karl" , he called out to his assistant and his assistant Karl who stepped forward.


"See to it that Mr. Chad here is 'corrected' after the meeting. in the mean time, Get her somewhere to rest. Handle the meeting with Mr. Chad. it's trivial matter afterall. And I've lost my good mood"

"Yes, Master White".

Through the communications device in his right ear, he instructed August's men on what to do.

Chad's felt pale. He knew that receiving any form of correction from the white family was going to be the death of him. He couldn't think of a way around it. His face was white and he looked several years older. He didn't move from where he was which made August ask "Do you need something else? A work transfer maybe? or should I just fire you? how about I charge you for brutality? Those foot prints must've left a mark."

Chad flinched. His boss saw what happened!

" Be glad I'm not doing anything more than just 'correcting you'. let this be a reminder not to let anything like this happen again", he said nonchalantly.

Chad pressed his lips tightly. He could do whatever he pleased... but in the face of the young Master White, he was nothing but an ant who could be squashed at any time. "You're still here", August stretched the 'still'. He had barely completed that sentence before Chad scurried away. He went straight to the hotel where the meeting. Chad cursed August under is breath. He had been working in the White Industry for years but this kid was treating him like he was nothing. Arrogant Child!

Though he couldn't deny that August was better than any business man he had ever seen. A young man who was calculative, highly meticulous in all he does. And not to mention, the underlying evil one could sense from his mere presence. There was something mysterious about The Young Master White, he had too many secrets.

August sighed. it wasn't as if it was some big matter they needed to discuss. Five minutes would be enough to settle it but he let him go as he was already tired of seeing that man. He could tell that Chad saw him as a puzzle he couldn't fix. In the future, he ought to keep an eye on that man before he does something stupid.

He sighed again, more exasperatingly. He was tired of having to deal with annoying people. It was the reason he decided to take a break from home in the first place, Though the truth was evident.

No matter where he went. He couldn't escape all his problems. New ones always pop up. Just by simply looking, he can already see Chad causing trouble for him in the near future even though Chad himself couldn't dream of it.

Dearest readers, Don't forget to vote. the comment section is also wide open for anyone with opinions or suggestions. I'm curious though, what do you guys think about August? Do you think he has powers too? what do you think it might be? °~°

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