
My Little Fox

Audrey lived her life as simple as possible in Delv city. Staying with her aunts after the loss of her parents and coping with the normal everyday problem. But when she accidentally wanders into trouble which led her to meet a strange man, her everyday life made a 180 degree turn. leaving Delv city for a big country, entangling with people of high status, joining the most dangerous Syndicate organization as a Spy and battling with people with fearful abilities all while trying to save the man who led her to it all. My Little Fox is a novel about the Fox girl and the grey-eyed devil and their captivating and dangerous life.

Night_x_Shade · Fantasie
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14 Chs

Chapter 5: I'm no prostitute

Audrey passed a wary look to each of the sturdy men that surrounded her,

an impassive look on their faces as they waited for a signal from their chubby-faced boss.

She wasn't sure what to do. Naturally, if they attacked first, it would be considered self defense right?

Still. It seemed as though Sir Chad knew how to turn any situation to their advantage. She was at a loss. Maybe she jumped the gun a bit. There's a chance that if she tried to work it out with him, a brawl would be prevented. The first attacker made to launch at her from behind before she yelled "WAIT!", he stopped.

She schooled her expression and tried to talk calmly to Chad. " Wait Sir Chad, there's no need for all these men. We can simply talk about this. I was slightly angered just now and I have trouble controlling my emotions. Forgive me for hurting you just now, I'm willing to make amends if needed" she lowered her head slightly as a sign of apology.

Chad grinned wildly, thinking he finally got a hold of the little lady. To him, She got scared of his men like any other little girl and was trying to save herself ,when in truth, Audrey was trying not to break the limbs off him and his men!. As well as causing no trouble to her two Aunts in doing so.

She smiled." We can work this out can't we? May I tend to that arm? it seems painful."

Chad scoffed and said " Now you're talking. You finally came back to your senses little lady. Mere peasants like you should know when to bow your head to people of higher status. Don't think just because you're pretty, you can let it get to you head, bitch".

'funny, I thought you said I was ugly'.

She kept her eyes and head lowered as she listened to the man rave on. words like peasant aren't new to her. It's been like that her whole life. They were always peasants to people like him. All she hoped was that he'd let her off after playing around with her for a while.

"Not only will you tend to my arm girly, but you will also have to please me"

"please you?"

"yes",he grinned. "Do you really think I'd let you off with only an arm massage?"

He sauntered towards her lazily, his hands in his pocket while his grin never left his face. He circled his arm around her waist, forcefully bringing her close enough for her to catch that pungent smell of cigarettes again. She really did want to puke, but she held up her calm demeanor and tried to create some distance with her hands. He pulled himself closer to her ears gingerly and uttered " It's been a while since I've had my way with a lady. Especially one as young as you my dear. With that little Spark of yours I'm sure you'll do nicely in bed. Once you've satisfied me, I'll let you go back to that wretched slum you call home."

Audrey gritted her teeth,her hands clenched into her fist so hard, her knuckles were turning white.

"My offer still stand though. Behave and I'll give you a reward. A few coins and who knows, maybe I'll make you my permanent plaything. one of my favorite pass times. Things like this shouldn't be new to you now should it? I mean in the dump you live, I'm sure that pretty face of yours is the only way you make a living"

'He sure does talk a lot', that's all Audrey allowed herself to think about. She was really trying her best, but who did this man think he is. His plaything? Her? Do All rich people think they can go around doing whatever they want or was it just her bad luck that she had met this one?.

Chad noticed her silence and continued " Now be a good little bitch and do as you're told. Defy me and I'll make the rest of your miserable life even more miserable than it already is for your entire family"

On hearing those words, Audrey froze.

Her Aunts.

If she angered this man further, she would be putting them in jeopardy. however, she couldn't just go on and give herself to this man. she was 16 for God's sake and this pedophile was asking for the one thing she couldn't give him.

She looked at him. She was torn. She was thinking of a way to get out of this.

This man never had any intention to let her go!

Chad who took her silence as a form of submission felt pride wash over him. He felt a sense of superiority. Looking at the lady in front of him, he slowly admired her. She was young but quite beautiful. Nice curves and a beautiful face. He could already imagine her moaning in his bed an the thought made his member throb. He smiled and started to pull away his new found toy. Audrey walked with him quietly. She was confused. Her thoughts were in disarray and she felt helpless. She heard one of the guard mumble behind her " Tch. the bitch thought she could act like a spoilt little brat just cause Sir fancies her"

Another guard heard and replied " what do you expect from peasants. Hey at least she's beautiful, I mean look at her"

"hmmm. I agree, quite a beauty. maybe I'll get a turn once Sir is done with her"

" oooh good idea, we can have some fun as well"

And they all laughed.

At that moment, it was as though glass shattered into a million pieces in Audrey's head. Why the heck would she simply go along with this, to be tossed around and played with by random shameless men.

No way!

Even her Aunts would never agree to that!

She pulled her hand away from Mr. Chad. Chad was perplexed as he thought he had her wrapped around his finger.

" Sorry Mr. Chad but I'm afraid I have to decline that offer. I can help you massage your arm, maybe pay for medical bills if needed but I CANNOT become your plaything", she raised her voice slightly.

Chad chuckled "Do you think you can afford such bills, girly. I'm going easy on you by not outright getting rid of you and you still dare refuse me. You obviously don't care what happens to you or your family"

She gritted her teeth. He was threatening her, but she wasn't having any of it. Not this time. She decided to lie and say,.

" I have no family to be worried about in the first place, and I can take care of myself well enough so save the threats for someone else. If your so rich then you can take care of your injury, yourself. I'm no prostitute. if you can't keep your erection in check, go get yourself one at a fancy bar back home. I've spent enough time with you. Keeping me with you against my will is an offense so I won't hesitate to defend myself. Good Day, Mr Chad"

She stressed those last words as though telling him, this was the last straw but he didn't seem to get the memo

She took a few steps backwards, however, she was quickly surrounded by his men again.

it seems she had no other option

She had to deal with this man once and for all to restore peace back to her life. She readied herself for the battle and she wasn't gonna back down.

With all that's been going on, the group of people didn't notice two men who stood not to far away from all the drama, watching everything unfold. one seemed amused while the other's reaction was covered by the mask he wore over his mouth and nose as he held a stiff expression on his face

And so, the battle began.