
My little fairy guide through the Apocalypse

21 year old Liam foster was just an above average student when one day he met with a beautiful elf queen. The queen chose him as her contactor through a lottery and told him that his world is now entering the great Mana age. See if Liam can get strong enough to live in the great Mana age and also somehow win over the elf queen.

Daoistmango · Fantasie
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11 Chs

Resolving myself

I look at the status screen find that my intelligence, agility and luck stats are higher. First 2 should be from the contract with Eleanora but the luck catches me off guard. I've never seen myself as a lucky guy. But I guess that's how I contracted with Eleanora.

I put out my status screen and find my parents and brother knocked out. I start feeling anxious and check if their breathing is okay. After confirming they are breathing fine, I carry them onto a mattress and lie them down. The entire house is a mess from debris all over the place.

It slowly starts to come to me everything that's happening. A part of me still wanted to believe yesterday was a dream, the excitement I felt when I first met Eleanora have already vanished in thin air.

Then my sight falls onto the servants quater. Even though we were aristocrats, me and Leon was born on the tail end of aristocracy. Specially Leon who doesn't even remember that. So we grew up having pretty equal relationship with our butlers and maids. After the fall of aristocracy we lessened the amount of staff for the caretaking of the estate. Although there's still many people who work for us only head butler Albert's family continued to live in the estate with us as he is from our side family. His wife was the chef, 2 of his 3 daughter's stayed as maids. Although the gardener and the other maid also stay in the estate we hired them 5 years ago for lack of personnel. Malika,Mery and Mia, Albert's 3 daughters are like sisters to me and Leon. We grew up together, we played together and went to school together. Although they call us young master in public, we never differentiate among ourselves at home. I used to have a small crush on sister Malika when I was in middle school. I had texted her last night to stay in her apartment today and to not go out. Because of the contract with Eleanora, father,mother and Leon should be fine, Malika will also be fine. She was the daughter of uncle Albert's first marriage with my mother's sister who died during childbirth. Actually that's the part of the contract that mostly relieves me. But I have no choice but to pray that uncle Albert, aunty Viola,sister Malika,Mery,Mia,our gardener Alen and the other maid Susy will survive. I also start to think about my roommates and friends how many of them are still alive as it hits me most people I know will either become zombie or die.

Suddenly there's a comes a loud groan from the gardener Alen's room. A mad inhuman sound. I get scared and get to father's study to get a gun. My heart keeps pumping and adrenaline rushes into my vein. I take machine gun father brought yesterday and an axe from the wall an rush back violent hitting sounds comes from the servants quater. I see my parents and Leon waking up. They get startled hearing the loud noises. I hand the gun over my father.

[ Father some of the servants have been zombified. Take the machine gun and come with me. My agility is high so I should be able to react fast when I open doors but I can't operate guns as well as you. Leon,mother go back to the study and bring the other guns.]

[W..we are going to kill them? Isn't there anyway to save a zombified person? Can you ask the elf?]

Leon seems shaken as he asks me if zombified people can be saved. It seems what's at stake is just resistering in his mind. Usually he is an strong minded and confident young man. But he was the one among our family who spent most time with the servants. So he's been affected by the situation the most.

[ Sorry bro. The pain you felt earlier should be your mana circuit opening and you unlocking the system. If your body cannot handle Mana you'll die and then deform into a zombie. A zombified person is already dead.]

Leon starts to tear up. He's still in middle school after all. Mother and father make a grim face but father still holds the gun steadily. He has been through a war so he must be more accoustomed to death. I feel my emotions breaking out too. But I get myself together. The hour of mourning has not yet come. I pick up the axe and move towards the servants quater. Sound of banging door resonates with my beating heart. I start questioning myself can I really put them to rest. I have gone hunting before and even killed my own game but never have I ever killed a person. Even though I tried to pacify Leon who'll pacify me???

[ Be a man and pull yourself together,Liam]

My father nudged me and went forward. His back seemed broader than I remember. I took a deep breath and steadied myself. Many others living in the planet didn't even have a hunch of what was to come. If I, someone who had previous knowledge of what's to come let my father do everything for me then how can I survive what'll come next. I go past my father and give him a nod as I open the door. I stand before gardener Alen's room and call out to him. But the response I got was a beastly growl. My heart didn't stop it's high thumping, sweat didn't stop forming in my forehead. In my mind I have decided if I am to lament,if I am to puke it'll al have to be after I complete my job. As soon as I break the door open with my axe Alen jumps at me. I roll over and my father shoots Alen.


dhump.... with great noise Alen's body drops onto the floor. I see a small glowing light go into me and a larger one go into my father's body. I open the status screen to check and see

LEVEL 1(1/100)