
My little brother the C.E.O.

Tommy Hawkins was an average nerd whose life was totally turned upside down when a tragedy happened. Was it for better? Or for worse?

Felix_Kunjan · Urban
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253 Chs


A group of police officers walked into an arm's dealer's shop in the heart of Brazil and the shop keeper immediately left his post then confronted them.

The man asked,"What do you want in my store?! I only sell licensed weapons to certified people!"

One of the cops looked at a couple of kids chasing each other with an illegally automatic pistol, then back at him as he said,"Their father did it."

"Sir, we are going to need to ask you some questions, while we search your...honest establishment."

"Do you have a warrant to be in here?!"

The officer snapped his fingers and one of them presented the required documents as he yelled,"I want my lawyer!"

The officer then made a signal and a pretty lady in glasses walked forward then he looked at her and said,"You expect to persuade me with her?! With a voluptuous and beautiful woman like that? I...I shall not tell you anything..."

"Bro, that's my wife."

And that's where the conversation ended.

Luis walked forward with a couple of papers in his hand then slapped them on Huang's desk, then said,"I told you I knew people."

Huang looked at him through his glasses then said,"You got a man to confess he sold a gun to a child."

Luis sighed then said,"Imbecile, he was talking in code."

"I know I'm going to regret asking why so I'm just going to do...both our jobs if you excuse me."

Huang stood up and walked past Luis who licked his chin and bit his lip, challenge accepted...

For the rest of the day, the two men stepped on each others' toes, competed and insulted until they got a lead, and a location.

Luis then said,"Thanks but no thanks for everything, you have been a great thorn in my a**, now I've got to leave and don't follow."

He got in his car and drove off then Huang casually started counting...


Amane had stretched to his limit to get to the taser, but he couldn't reach it, not until Scarlet Sapphira began to scream.

The man began to walk off then felt something touch his taser, he turned towards Amane, right before a fist knocked out his silver plated tooth.

Amane started massaging his badly bruised wrist, drenched in crude oil, the very crude oil the wanted to soak in them and burn them alive...you heard it right.

He freed him neck and ankles as several men poured into the room, but all he saw was red...

After breaking a few bones and b*lls, he freed Scarlet Sapphira and she just fell into his arms, he carried her between them then took her out of the well furnished room and hid behind a wall as bullets were shot at him in quick succession.

Scarlet Sapphira silently held his neck.

He gently kissed her forehead as footsteps progressed, then the moment the woman reached the wall, she received an elbow to the face and her phone was snatched from her.

Amane called the first person he could think of, he called Lee, and Lee immediately went to tell Lucy and the others.

Lucy slowly took his phone and spoke,"Amane...is that you?"

"Yes but...we are in danger, Scarlet Sapphira's very hurt and needs medical attention."

"Where are you?"She asked.

"I don't know..."Looking out the nearest window, he said,"...I can see the mountain but it's in a distance."

"How far?"She asked.

"I don't know, about thirty kilometres."

"And the sun, where is it?"

There wasn't enough space for him to look at the ball of fusing plasma, so looking at the shadows, he spoke,"It's behind me."

"How many stories are you from the ground?"

"About four."

Lucy mumbled something then said,"Help is on the way."

She called Luis then said,"Luis, I think Am...Scarlet Sapphira is in..."

"How do you know?"

"Her boyfriend told me."

"He's holding her for ransom now?! I'm going to kill that scoundrel!"

Before Lucy could speak again, he hung up and she silently gave the phone to Lee who asked what happened, then she gave a fake smile and said,"They're in safe hands..."


The woman still lay beside Amane, profusely bleeding from the nose, he took a deep breath and heard more footsteps coming his way as the gun shooting had abruptly stopped.

He tried to hit the person, who dodged and caught him before putting a gun to his head, but he grabbed it and turned it off target, shooting off target before elbowing the person in the chest and creating some distance between them.

He looked at the man standing before him, his brown wavy hair and alternating blue and green eyes, his relatively tall stature and muscular build.

Luis smiled then said,"Amane Bushida."

"Who the h*ll are you?"He asked in a low tone.

"Tabby cat didn't tell you? I'm Luis, her uncle..."