
My little brother the C.E.O.

Tommy Hawkins was an average nerd whose life was totally turned upside down when a tragedy happened. Was it for better? Or for worse?

Felix_Kunjan · Urban
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253 Chs


Mark and I went to visit Ms. Gonzalez, when we saw a deer hanging on the gate, beheaded with blood dripping on the floor.

Mark covered my eyes and looked closely, there was a red writing which said,' Surprise'.

Mark angrily left with me.

He drove to Ms. Gonzalez's house and opened the door.

I gasped when I saw her, she was bleeding.

Mark ran to her and asked her what was wrong, she had tears and said,"They raped me."

Mark stayed motionless and I was shocked.

I just realized, this was the surprise.

Mark yelled in anger and took her to the hospital.

He was outside walking paces. Then I wondered,"Mr. Nelson only wants the deed, so why would he hurt Ms. Gonzalez?"

A month later...

Ms. Gonzalez was resting on Mark's chest as they watched a movie, she had totally forgotten what had happened to her, thanks to Mark's efforts.

He offered her some popcorn but she couldn't eat it, she said it hurt her teeth.

He offered her a soda but she said it tasted expired.

"But it tastes normal."Mark said.

"Not to me...I've gotta go to the bathroom."

She stood up and left. Mark continued watching till he heard a loud thud.

He ran to the corridor and saw her on the floor, unconscious. He was freaking out and gently carried her up.

He ran and put her in his Ferrari and was about to drive when I appeared by his window.

"Mark, where are you going this late?"

"Cathy just fainted I have to take her to the hospital."

I gasped and asked whether I could come, I wanted to know what happened to her, he told me to get in.

When she woke up, the first person she saw was Mark, looking down.

"Mark?"She said weakly.

He held her hands and said,"I'm right here."

"What happened?"

"I don't know, you just fell unconscious."

The doctor came with the results and said,"Congratulations, your wife is one month pregnant."

Ms. Gonzalez felt everything turn black, she was hyperventilating as tears streamed down her eyes.

Mark couldn't believe what he was hearing.

"Why are you crying, you're having a baby!"

"... she's not yet my wife."

"So you did it before you were married?"


"Then how?"

Mark didn't respond but rather, he hugged the crying lady.

They both came out and I asked,"So what's the problem?"

"You're getting a nephew."

"What?! She's pregnant?! That's great news!"

"Yeah, it is."

Despite the smile on Mark's face, I could tell he wasn't happy.

"Ms. Gonzalez, who is the father?"

She burst into tears before saying,"I don't know!"

I had never seen a woman sad because she had a baby before, it was devastating.

As we got in the car, Mark hit the steering wheel hard, but I was already asleep.

"I can't have this baby..."Ms. Gonzalez said.

"What do you mean? Why not?"

"I can't bring a child into the world without him knowing his father."

"Then I'll be his father."

She looked at him as he gently placed his hand on hers then said,"We'll take care of him, together."

She looked into his eyes and wiped her tears.

Mark decided for them to live together because of the constant danger happening to her when she was alone.

I woke up one morning... I went to brush my teeth and bath, by the time I had descended the stairs, I saw Mark cooking.

Whole grain fruit bread with kelp sausages an organic salad and some freshly blended apple juice.

Ms. Catherine was still asleep, I was sure it was because of her baby. Mark didn't want to go to work that day but we urged him to go.

I put my ear on her flat belly and listened, I heard nothing. She giggled and said,"You'll have to wait a little longer to hear a kick."

I was bummed out but I kept my equanimity.

That evening, Mark came late and we didn't know why until he came in.

I dropped my jaw and Ms. Gonzalez wanted to cry because of all the baby supplies he had bought.

A crib, baby monitor, hand knitted socks, clothes and hats, toys and much more.

He sent all of them into a free room, apart from the crib, which he sent to his own room.

"Mark, isn't it too early?"

"I like to plan ahead."

"And they're all purple."

"The doctors sometimes make mistakes about the gender so I came prepared."

She cried as she gave him a kiss and he held the back of her head gently, I turned away in disgust till Mark said,"Hey Tommy, wanna help me make the crib?"

"Do I ever? Yes!!"

It was harder than we thought. The instructions had names of parts and screws we couldn't recognize, but we eventually did it, two strong men, fixing the crib in just a week and a half, I'm good right?😼

One midnight, I saw Mark talking to a mysterious man, with a test tube with red liquid...blood in it, what was he doing?

At breakfast the next morning, I asked him,"What were you doing with that guy last night?"

"Which guy?"

"At midnight, you were talking to someone and gave them something?"

"Oh Lisa, she's a friend of mine and also a forensic scientist, I wanted her to find out who the father of the baby is."

"Oh, okay."

That Saturday, Mark took me to Lucy's house to study with Lucille. But Mark was home, spending time with Ms. Gonzalez, treating her like gold.

I was studying with Lucille but couldn't help but think of Lucy in the gym, how flexible and gracious she was, most actresses that looked like her didn't have time for that, but she did.

When we were done studying, I went to drink some water and went back to Lucille then said,"You up for a game of body twister?"

"Of course!"

We switched on the TV and started making ourselves into different and dynamic shapes.

Lucy Came back and I was surprised she was sweating...

Which fat does she have to burn?

She's extremely fit!

She asked if we were hungry and we said yes, so she called a maid to do the cooking.