
My little brother the C.E.O.

Tommy Hawkins was an average nerd whose life was totally turned upside down when a tragedy happened. Was it for better? Or for worse?

Felix_Kunjan · Urban
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253 Chs


The two men walked forward towards Mark, Lucy didn't like this. It was obvious with her folded arms.

Mark walked towards them and they met.

Mark handed him the paper then said,"Now bring Tommy."

"Actually there has been a slight change in the agreement, the master wants you too."

Mark looked around as half of the men in the van hemmed him.

Lucy said,"I knew it!"

The truck started driving away and she chased after it, the men weren't interested in her so they let her go.

She couldn't keep up with the truck and realized they curved on the road and had to go under a bridge.

She ran as fast as she could to get on top of the bridge and as the truck passed below, she jumped on it, almost falling off.

One of the men opened the back door and saw nothing, suddenly she swung and kicked him in the chin.

The other one tried to shoot her but she twisted his wrist and he yelled in pain as he dropped the gun.

She kicked it out but when she turned back, he punched her in the lip.

She got furious and spin kicked him, then handstood, wrapped her legs around his neck and threw him off.

The other man recovered and tried to hit her with the edge of his gun but she dodged, hit him in the chest with her knee and hit him at the back of the neck with her elbow then kicked him out.

She saw me and touched my cheek, I remained motionless.

She held the roof of the truck and rolled to the top and as she got to the top of the driver's seat, three bullets penetrated the roof.

She dodged them then held the roof and kicked the man to the right with both her legs.

The driver tried to shoot her but she got back on the roof.

She then descended when the driver wasn't expecting it and wrapped her legs around his neck. He struggled and she dropped down, pulling him in the process.

His head crashed into the door and he stayed motionless.

She did a sit up back to the door and opened it from the inside to throw him out.

She sat on the driver's seat and stopped the car. Then began driving back to the pond...

Mark looked left and right as the six men surrounded him.

A woman was about to cover his head with a bag when Mark elbowed her in the gut and spin kicked her legs down.

They shot darts at him but he side flipped over them.

A man attacked him but he dodged and punched the man three times in the chest, then kicked him down.

The others shot more darts from a far distance but he blocked them with his arms.

The pain of injections piercing his skin was totally concealed by the rage he felt.

He ran towards one man and they were scared that their darts had no effect on him as he took them down, one by one.

The last man was terrified of the look on his face and gave him back the deed.

Mark snatched it and said,"Run as fast as you can."

The man ran away.

A woman stood up with a real gun and was about to shoot him when she was knocked by the side of a minivan.

Mark looked as Lucy poked her perfect face out and had a 'What?!' look on his face.

"Don't worry she's fine, maybe a few broken bones and a little internal bleeding but, she's fine.

Luca called the cops and they untied me and took me away.

I woke up in the hospital and saw Mark, I yelled his name and hugged him, I yelled Lucy's name as well and hugged her.

"How did you free me?"

"...the cops did it."Lucy said.

I knew they were hiding something from me but what?

Mark left to get me some food while Lucy stayed with me.

When I had eaten and was asleep, Mark asked Lucy,"How did you do that?"


"How did you beat up those goons like that?"

"I'm a gymnast as well, it comes with the territory and what about you?"

"I free run for fun."

I was discharged from the hospital and we split up. Mark took me to the police station and I ran to hug Catherine.

"Ms. Gonzalez, why are you here?"

Mark and she looked at each other then at me, Mark took a deep breath and said,"Someone is trying to kill her."

I dropped my jaw and said,"I'm sorry."

"Don't be, it was not your fault."She said.

"Yeah, it's true."Mark said, holding her hand.

"Oooh, you're holding hands... you are in love!"

"Actually, she's already my girlfriend so yeah."

My mind was blown.

Security in the school was tightened from that day and all the students wanted to know my experience, while the teachers apologized.

I just remained calm and since I was malnourished, the teacher allowed me to eat in class.

Mark only packed the most nutritious food in the mansion and I was a bit bummed out that there was no junk food.