
My little brother the C.E.O.

Tommy Hawkins was an average nerd whose life was totally turned upside down when a tragedy happened. Was it for better? Or for worse?

Felix_Kunjan · Urban
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253 Chs


I was alone in the room as Jessica had gone to buy some groceries.

I was just looking all around the room as that was all I could do. My body badly ached and so did my head.

What have I forgotten?

And where is this place I want to go to so much?

I lay down and looked to my side as the door opened. Jessica walked in with a salad and offered it to me.

I started eating then she put something on my lap before leaving, it was a...


I had to get back to her. I rolled off the bed and yelped in pain when I fell.

Jessica ran in and gasped when she saw me, she tried to help me up but I struggled and said,"No, I have to get back to her! I have to get back to Rose!"

She said,"Look at yourself, are you in any state to look for this Rose? What do you think she'll do if she saw you like this?"

I calmed down then she said,"Please, let me help you."

Lucy was in the garden with Lucia when she had a bad feeling.

Something's wrong.

She ran to check on Lucille, she was fine. She went to check on Markella and Thomasina, they were fine, then why was she feeling like this?

She placed Lucia down then turned around and saw Mr Nelson's brother blocking the doorway.

Lucy gasped then stood between him and the triplets.

He said,"Give me the kids and no harm will befall you."

"Over my dead body."

"That can be arranged."

He was raising his gun wielding arm when there was a sharp scream. He looked back and saw Lucille then he aimed at her but Lucy pounced on him and they struggled for the gun.

He headbutted her but she kicked him and they both stumbled back. He aimed both his guns at Lucy and Lucille at the same time then spun them and put them in their pouches and tic tacked off the wall and jumped out of the window.

Lucy didn't understand.

Why didn't he just shoot us?

At that moment, Mo just appeared with security then asked,"What happened? I heard Lucille scream."

Lucille was crying as she said,"That scary man came again."

Mo tightened security around Lucy and her family, but he didn't let them leave, he said,"If you leave, I can't protect you anymore and he'll easily harm you."

Lucy nodded, not seeing Mr Nelson's brother watching them from the top of a building, sitting with one leg dangling and the other bent, casually drinking a soda. He smirked then stood up and left.

Lucy was asleep one night when she had a visitor, the person brushed the hair away from her face then kissed her cheek.

She stirred and her eyes fluttered open, the person was gone...

I had fully regained my memory and was even more determined to leave though I was still recovering.

Even though Jessica said I was healing faster than she thought I would, it wasn't fast enough for me.

Lucy was on a date with Mo and they were in the parking lot, about to leave. Mo groaned and said,"I forgot my keys, I'll be right back."

Lucy waited by the car but then someone covered her mouth and dragged her away.

She elbowed the person and he let her go, it was Mr Nelson's brother. She yelled,"You?! Why won't you just leave me alone?!"

He didn't respond, but rather aimed his gun at her. She was too far to attack and couldn't move, then he pulled the trigger.

Lucy stood still and looked back at the person he'd shot, it was a man who was holding a knife, ready to stab her in the back.

When she looked back he kissed her.

She didn't know what to do, it happened so fast and was amazing. It was electric and passionate, she felt ecstatic but pushed him back.

She then saw him without his mask for the first time and he was gorgeous, the only person she had seen who looked better was Mark. He had segmental heterochromia with his irises alternating between green and blue.

His long brown hair fell over his perfect face in waves.

He had pink lips and a perfect jawline. His perfect Greek sculpture nose added all the wonderful elements of his face together in harmony. His face alone was a work of art.

He cleaned his lips with a complex expression, he looked angry but seemed to have the same feelings that just rushed through her. She herself didn't know what to feel, then rage took control...

"How dare you?! You kidnapped my daughter then tried to kill her and now you kiss me?!"

Just then, Mo arrived and said,"Lucy, there you are, I've been looking for you all over."

When she turned back to where Mr Nelson's brother was standing, he was gone.

Mo asked her what she was doing there and she said,"Oh nothing, I just wanted to see the stars."

He smiled and said,"I know a better place."

Then he drove her to a meadow and she sat with him on the hood of the car. The stars were everywhere and it was so beautiful.

She smiled and he asked,"It's beautiful, isn't it?"

"Yes they are."

"I was talking about your smile."

She looked at him then he leaned in and kissed her.

It still felt, empty.

She hugged herself and looked away then said,"Can we just go home?"

"Why? Is it because of the kiss?"

"No, I'm just tired."

"Of course."

She was furious at herself for liking that kiss.

She met Lucille who welcomed her with a hug after calling her three times, saying that she missed her.

Luis answered the video call from his brother and Clark yelled,"Why did you kill the hitman?!"

Luis drank some of the soda then said,"Because I want to kill her myself, don't send anyone else."

Clark said,"And why do I hear that a few days back, you had she and her daughter at gunpoint but did nothing?"

"You said I should do the job, I'll do it at my own pace."

"You better not fail big brother."

"Yeah, yeah, whatever."

He hung up and took another sip of his soda.