
My little brother the C.E.O.

Tommy Hawkins was an average nerd whose life was totally turned upside down when a tragedy happened. Was it for better? Or for worse?

Felix_Kunjan · Urban
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253 Chs


He jumped into the Porsche and bullets were fired at him but Oleh yelled at the woman who shot,"Don't hurt him you idiot!"

"But mam, he's going to stop us."

"Then drive faster!"

They were and Oleh seized the gun but accidentally shot a stray bullet to the roof. There was a yell right before Mark fell off the car.

"Stop the car!!"Oleh yelled.

They obeyed and she jumped off and ran towards Mark, she got to him and said,"Snookims, I'm so so sorry for shooting you."

He groaned and she touched his chest then he suddenly held her arm, twisted her and held her chin with his other hand.

The people from the car came out with their weapons and he yelled,"Drop the weapons or I'll snap her neck!"

"You don't have the guts."One of them said, closing in.

He got angry and twisted her neck, just enough to cause pain.

"Drop the weapons!"Oleh yelled.

They slowly dropped them and signalled someone.

The sniper on the roof shot a bullet at Mark's shoulder and he yelled in pain before falling down.

The men quickly took Oleh as she screamed for Mark and drove away with her as Mark lay on the road, bleeding...

The cops were finally able to track Mark and saw him on the road, in agony.

They quickly took him to the hospital.


When I heard of the news, I begged Ms. Lucy to take me to that hospital.

I got there while Mark was still on the stretcher. I yelled his name and ran to him.

"Tommy?"He said in a coarse and weak voice.


He smirked and I said,"Please don't joke, I don't want you to go."

"...I'm not going anywhere without you, big bro."

I stopped...

Did he just call me,' big bro '?

Tears welled up in my eyes. I wanted to hug him but he wasn't around...but Ms. Lucy was.

I ran into her outstretched arms and I said,"I'm scared."

"Don't worry Tommy, of all the many...very many bad traits your brother has, there are a few good ones, like, he never gives up. He wouldn't let you get hurt either."

I just cried in her arms. Then I asked,"But the deed, where is it?"

"Wait, he actually took it?! He is so irresponsible and careless, ugh!"

"But where could it be?"

Mr. Nelson held the precious document in his hand as his photo was taken and he smirked.

I'll be back...

"No Ms. Lucy, he only told them where it was to save me, they were going to torture me."

She was silent but looked tremendously surprised,"Torture a child?"

I nodded.

"I forgot he also takes love very deeply."

I nodded again, just then, the doctor came out and said,"The patient has lost a lot of blood and it has to be replaced by a blood transfusion otherwise, he may have acute anaemia."

"What's his blood type?"I asked.

"B positive."

I was an A negative, there were no other relatives of ours, they were all gone, suddenly someone said,"I'm an AB positive."

"Okay madam, then please, sign here."

Lucy did. I was surprised she was going to give him some of her blood.


The pint was connected to her and the blood taken.

Two pints were enough.

Mark was totally unconscious during the blood transfusion and I was praying for him to get better.

A few days later...

Mark was discharged, the bullet didn't penetrate his shoulder, it only made a deep scratch, he was fine.

I tugged at him as he led me away from the hospital and I asked,"Where would we live now?"

He turned serious and said, We'll find somewhere."

At the prison, Mr. Nelson had been bailed and they showed it on the news;

The reporter said,"Mr. Clark Nelson of Lightning flash claims to have bought Aqua, his main competition from it's former C.E.O., Marcus Hawkins."

I was scared.

"So Mr. Nelson, how does it feel like to own the two biggest shoe companies in the Americas?"A reporter asked.

"Oh it feels wonderful."

"And what do you plan on doing now you have them both?"

"You know, giving to charity, giving scholarships and stuff like that."

Mark was frowning as Mr. Nelson insulted him that he was always unfit to manage Aqua, he was childish and could never get into a good relationship.

I didn't want him to punch the TV so I pulled him away.

I didn't care anymore about where we were going to live, as long as Mark, my big little brother was with me.

A car pulled up on the road right besides us and the window was lowered...it was Lucy.

"I'd rather live on the streets and drink my own sweat than live with you."Mark said coldly.

"Ouch, thank goodness I'm not interested in you, it's Tommy I want."

"And you think my little brother would..."

"Look to your left."

He looked, I was gone, he looked at the car and yelled,"Tommy!"

"Come on, it will be fine."I said.

He groaned then entered the car.

After supper, Ms. Lucy took me to my room and it was awesome! It was huge and had been customized just for me! With stuffed frogs on the race car bed, blue lava lamps everywhere, and more.

"Cool!"I yelled before running in.

"And you can sleep on that mat."Ms. Lucy said.

Mark frowned at her as she mouthed,' Good night '.

Mark lay on the hard floor and kept rolling about, uncomfortably.

He ended up looking at the stars through the clear, UV proof ceiling and thinking about how he'd take care of me now, he knew Ms. Lucy and it was only a matter of time till she kicked him out on the streets and payed someone to run over him.

The next morning, at breakfast, Mark asked Lucy,"Okay, why are you taking care of me? What's the catch?"

"I want to be able to rub it in."

"Of course you do."

Ms. Lucy took me to school that morning, after I asked Mark a question...

"Mark, don't you have any money in your bank account? That you could use to take care of yourself?"

"Oh yeah, I didn't think of that."

He picked up his phone and talked for a few seconds then frowned.

"What is it?"I asked.

"My bank account has been frozen."

"What? How?"

"I synced my bank account to that of Aqua so I guess Clark can temporarily make it inactive, but it still belongs to me so he can't use the money."