
My little brother the C.E.O.

Tommy Hawkins was an average nerd whose life was totally turned upside down when a tragedy happened. Was it for better? Or for worse?

Felix_Kunjan · Urban
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253 Chs


They were driving then the man asked,"So what is a gorgeous woman like you doing out in the rain?"

She said,"I'd rather not talk about it."

"Okay."He said.

There was an awkward silence for a few seconds till she said,"Clark Nelson tried to kill one of my daughters."


He abruptly stopped the car and Lucille yelled as she crashed into the seat in front of her. She frowned as she rubbed her head then he asked,"Why?"

"Because she looks like her father."

"Then how did you escape?"

"Well, his brother and I got into a huge brawl and Lucille was able to escape with her sisters then I followed and then you met me."

He turned back and ruffled Lucille's hair then said,"Good girl."

He asked,"But how come Clark wasn't apprehended the moment he went into public?"

Lucy said,"The effect money has on people is mind boggling."

He asked,"So where are you going exactly?"

Lucy sighed and said,"I don't know, I have no idea where I am."

He said,"You can stay with me."

Lucy said,"Oh no, no, no, you've already done too much for us, besides, I don't want Clark to target you too."

He said,"I've not done nearly enough to repay what your husband did for me and I'm not scared of that two faced idiot Clark and his hitman."

Lucy asked,"What did my husband do for you? And which one?"

He said,"That's a story for another day."

He drove them to his mansion and they walked in, he helped carry Thomasina and she liked him.

Mr Nelson was agitated, he knew the companies had been given to Mark in the first place because Aqua couldn't be taken away from him. Even though Lucy had given him the companies, they still belonged to the triplets.

There were only two ways for the companies to be truly for him, either to have Mark's father—the true writer of the will—change it, while he was nowhere to be found, or kill the triplets.

He looked at his brother and said,"I want the heads of those four daughters of Lucy, I know it would be a pleasure getting them."

His brother smirked, wore his mask then walked out of the office.

The man had his maids give Lucy and her daughter's a warm bath then when they'd gotten some new clothes, he set them up for dinner.

At table, Lucy asked,"So what is your name exactly?"

"Mordecai, but my friends call me Mo."

Lucy nodded.

Mo had put the children to sleep but realized Lucy was just looking out the window. He walked to her and touched her shoulder then she tensened, he whispered in her ear,"You can calm down, I'll keep watch."

She looked at him then said,"I can't ask you to do that, it's too much work."

He smiled then kissed her forehead and said,"Trust me."

She nodded then went to her bed.

The next morning, she abruptly woke up, she had overslept.

My daughters!

She was about to jump off bed when Mo walked in with a tray full of food. He said,"Good morning, beautiful. Your daughters are all safe."

He served her and she looked at him, surprised then he said,"Don't worry, I'll protect the five of you, even with my life."

Lucy looked down then he said,"I'm sorry if what I said brings back bad memories."

"I was never there to help any of them, not John, not Mark and not Tommy, I regret it everyday."She said.

He hugged her then said,"Eat, you'll need your strength."

Mo got Lucille homeschooled from the same syllabus as her old school so she won't miss out on anything and got the triplets a certified babysitter.

He spent much of his time with Lucy.

He took her to a posh restaurant one night then he said,"It was Mark."


"It was Mark who did something for me."

Lucy didn't know whether to ask another question, but like he read her mind, he said,"My father had left my mother, sister and me when I was little and my mother had to work two jobs to make ends meet. We were then kicked out of our apartment with nowhere to go, suddenly, we found out that an anonymous philanthropist had put thousands of dollars into our account and built a huge business for us to run, the person sponsored my sister's and my education as well."

"But how did you know it was Mark?"

"I did some digging and found out that same philanthropist had donated a sum of more than five million dollars to several charities across the country, all in secrecy. I did everything to find him, including having the poorest people track him, till I found out who he was, Mark Lester of Aqua, he left a great legacy behind."

"That's why I fell in love with him."

He placed his hand on hers then said,"I'll not let you lose anyone else that you love."

Then he leaned forward and Lucy did as well, then they kissed.

Lucy opened her eyes, but felt... nothing.

He took her back home and she went to bed.