
My little brother the C.E.O.

Tommy Hawkins was an average nerd whose life was totally turned upside down when a tragedy happened. Was it for better? Or for worse?

Felix_Kunjan · Urban
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253 Chs


Lucy had been following the maids on the tour from a range out of earshot, when she heard someone giggling behind her.

She turned back and saw someone in a cloak, then asked who it was and the person removed the cloak, revealing an adorable, little woman with raven black hair in bangs almost covering her eyes and children's beads embedded in it, a generous amount of kohl around her eyes and a straight dress which wound around her legs like a jumpsuit and looked as if it fitted more than her own skin.

Lucy cringed and said,"Bad choice of clothing, jumpsuits do not go well with potty breaks."

The woman giggled again then brought out two push daggers as a white lioness and a black panther came out from behind her, then she said,"You're going to die..."

"Okay?"Lucy said, weirded out.


Luis whispered loudly to catch Mack's attention but he was stubborn as a mule.

Luis caught him by the hand and said,"This man will kill you!"

But Mack turned back and yelled,"Forthhold!"

How the heck did he get here?

Mr Welshes took a breath of the flower within his grasp then closed his eyes in Glee, then turned back to the men, kept his right hand behind his back and with the other, motioned them to come on.

Mack, without a second thought, ran on and Luis decided then and there that if Mack survived, he'd kill him by himself...


I could finally get my hacking on.

I started connecting the cable of the device in my grasp to the control panel of a screen, when the door opened on its own.

I looked at the panel and saw the unconscious guard's hand on it, well that worked.

I walked in and saw about eleven people begging not to be harmed but I tried to make them trust me, promising them freedom.

I looked at the locks and grinned, then took out a hairpin.


Mack darted at Mr Welshes, when he tilted to the side and avoided the attack with his claws and gave him an uppercut before ramming him in the chest with his shoulder.

Mack stumbled backwards and Luis didn't understand why he was being so mild with him, unless...he was toying with him...

Mack brought out his Lightning staff and flung the kunai like weapon at Mr Welshes, who ducked, then jumped backwards as he spun it again, then began to laugh,"This is the best you've got?! After all this time?!"

Luis yelled for Mack to stand down, but the block headed idiot was blinded by rage, the same rage he thought he had gotten rid of so long ago.

Mack threw the whip at Forthhold's head, but he tilted to the side and grabbed it, pulled it and Mack right into a hard knee, then wrapped his arm around his neck, tightly.

Blood slowly dropped down Mack's nose as he choked to death and Luis couldn't just stand there, even after he had warned the dude several times, as Jonathan licked his lips and said,"Tick tock, Mr Spire..."

Luis in the blink of an eye, made his hands in a gun shape and fired a claw at Mr Welshes, but he turned and it hit Mack in the neck.

Mr Welshes then dropped Mack to the floor, suffocating, then said,"Your turn..."

He ran at Luis, who faked a turn to the left, then dashed to the right, running on the wall to stay out of Mr Welshe's grip, then jumped off and safety rolled to Mack.

Mr Welshes then said,"Playing tag, are we? Well two can play at that game..."

That statement brought back memories and left Luis open for a split second, and yet during that time, Mr Welshes had appeared from seven meters away and gave Luis a spinning axe kick to the crown of his head.

Luis fell but rolled out of the way before Mr Welshes could stomp on his head and shatter it to pieces.

From a distance, Luis fired the darts, one by one and Mr Welshes either smacked them, dodged them or simply caught them between his fingers.

Luis hadn't missed a shot in years, it seemed that streak was broken.

He ran at Mr Welshes, who grinned.

He knew he couldn't do anything from a distance and yet had to get Mack out of there which of course Jonathan wouldn't allow, so close combat was his only choice.

Mr Welshes threw a flawed, circular punch at him, which was obviously intentional, but Luis didn't have the time to focus on that.

He hit Forthhold in the midsection, then gave him an uppercut, before punching him five times across the face, and all along, the man did nothing and felt nothing.

Mr Welshes turned his head to the side from the last punch, then caught Luis' open, clawed hand and looked at the blades then grinned.

Instantly, Luis began to yell in pain as the man crushed his hand, then arced it down and head butted him in the nose and pulled him into an inside elbow, all with one arm.

Luis stumbled backwards and looked at his shivering hand, then got hit by Mr Welshe's flying knee and elbow, the moment he looked up, before he was picked above the floor and given a suplex, right on his neck.

Mr Welshes bounced on the balls of his feet then laughed as he looked at one of the world's deadliest assassins, groveling at his feet.

He kicked him in the face as he got to hit knees, then stomped, hard on his chest and blood spewed out of his mouth.

He then grabbed Luis by the hair and lifted his face to his then said,"I told Lucille you wouldn't be her father for much longer..."

He was about to pierce his hand through Luis' chest when he felt a sharp pain to his side.

He looked to see Mack with the claws injected into his ribs, and was about to strike again when Mack stabbed the other claws into his obliques.

Mack looked at him with rage in his eyes as he said,"You're such filth..."

"Well filth kills..."Mack said, scraping his chin with the claws on the knuckles of his left hand.

He then pulled out the claws on his right and punched him in the cheek with the claws on his knuckles.

Mr Welshes was down and Mack was breathing heavily, but let out a howl of joy, finally, he had had his revenge... then he went to Luis' aid, who could barely get up.

Luis spoke,"Behind you."

Mack turned back, only to get a massive blow in his abdomen, causing blood to splutter out of his mouth, before Mr Welshes held him backwards by the hair and said,"And filth can be cleaned."

Then he head butted Mack in the forehead, making a powerful bashing sound and a light crack as he fell, hard, to the floor, then he stumbled to one knee when Mack was down and no more moving, then began to chuckle as he looked at his wounds...


The cats lunged at Lucy then she ran forward and slid backwards beneath the white lioness as it jumped, then stood up and did a diagonal b aerial to dodge the black panther.

She arrived right beside the woman, who tried to stab her with the blade, then held her arm and banged it on her knee, before barrel rolling over her back and back kicking her forward.

The woman stumbled forward then grinned as cat ears began to grow atop her hair and a tail protruded from her back, then she lunged forward with the claws that grew.

Lucy didn't get the time to get weirded out before she had to jump back to dodge her first swipe, then sweep kick her legs then do a windmill to get to her feet and back flip out of the panther's grip.

The lioness jumped at her, but she held its chest back with one hand and punched it hard, in the heart, before throwing it at the panther, which roared and ran at her.

Lucy picked a random shield on display and used it to hold back the panther and dropped kicked it to gain distance, before vanishing into the next room.

The woman slowly walked through the rooms and took a whiff of the air and said,"The smell of your blood is almost as good as it would taste..."

Lucy then jumped down from below the curtain and spun down, before smashing a flowerpot on the woman's head.

The woman fell down and Lucy looked at her, before the panther jumped at her and she did a 720 double spin kick, right on the side of its jaw, adding a tornado kick to the face of the lioness and elbowing it down the head.

The two cats fled and she took a deep breath and said,"I preferred you when you were smaller."

She then screamed and looked down as the woman had pierced her claws into her ankle and was laughing maniacally, then elbowed the woman in the head, over and over again, but she pulled out the inch long claws, only causing more damage, as Lucy fell backwards.

The woman slowly catwalked towards Lucy as she scampered backwards, then kicked the blood off her claws, grinned and said,"I was right..."

She lunged at Lucy, who kept her back with the better leg, then wrapped her legs around her and held her in an arm lock.

The woman laughed then pulled herself up, lifting Lucy above the floor and smashing her body down.

The pain surged through Lucy's back and to her chest as she choked for breath, then the woman opened her razor sharp teeth and darted at Lucy's face when there was a squishing sound as Lucy had pierced the claws on the gloves into her neck.

The woman began to suffocate as her windpipe was punctured and her healing factor was down, then Lucy used her last strength to stand up and do a cheat gainer kick to the side of her head, knocking her closer to the ledge, before she wrapped her legs around her neck and flung her at the window, crashing her body into a column, before throwing it down the two storey high palace.

Lucy was breathing heavily as she turned back to see the guards surprised at what happened, before they brought out their weapons, then, with a deadly frown on her face, she brought out the claws and asked,"Where is my daughter?"