
My little brother the C.E.O.

Tommy Hawkins was an average nerd whose life was totally turned upside down when a tragedy happened. Was it for better? Or for worse?

Felix_Kunjan · Urban
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253 Chs


I went to my class, exhausted and shocked at my new strength. My free running training with Mark was seriously paying off.

After school I went for cheerleading tryouts. The gym teacher blew the whistle and I began my routine.

I used the skills Mark had taught me and was accepted, I even got the role of the leading male!

I had seen Ruby's name on the form and was sad she wasn't here. She probably would have gotten the lead female role.

I got an idea for how to cheer her up...

It's time for Ruby to meet her secret admirer...

Ruby was reading one of her favourite poems from her secret admirer on the last day of her suspension;

Your eyes are as blue as the depths of the ocean,

Your hair as firey as the flames that burn in my heart,

Your lips, as pink as the colour of the French rose,

Your cheeks shine like...

She got an anonymous message on her phone.

It said, ' Meet me at the largest bridge in the park at midnight '.

I also sent a message to Alister, saying, ' I have something to tell you, Ali, meet me at the largest pond in the park, at half past midnight '

He was confused as his parents' helicopter dropped him off at the pond and he was stunned...

I needed Mark's help to do this as it was totally out of my jurisdiction. He was proud of the sacrifice I was making and made sure I knew that.

We watched them with binoculars to see if the plan was working...

Ruby was dropped off by her driver at the bridge and her heart was filled.

She saw a pathway of scented candles leading her somewhere with blue, gold and lime fireflies flying around.

She followed the path to the largest lake and saw the water was full of bubbles of biodegradable soap, with floating lanterns of different colours and waterlilies also of different colours.

A pink swan boat docked on her shore and another message came to her phone, it said, ' Get in '.

Alister was surprised at the boat and another message from me came to him, it said, ' Get in the boat, I've taken care of everything '.

The boat came and he had to take a breath from his inhaler when he saw Ruby in it.

He slowly got in and saw Ruby flashing that irresistible smile of hers. She said excitedly,"You're my secret admirer?"

Alister didn't know what she was talking about till he got another message which said,"Say yes."

So he nodded.

She stopped smiling like she was remembering something then said,"Why have you been sending me these gifts?"

Alister was speechless, already enchanted by her beauty. I knew he was going to blow his only chance so I shot a pea at his neck through a straw...I came prepared.

He came back to reality and saw her frowning then she asked,"What do you want me for? My looks?"

He shook his head and hands violently but still couldn't speak.

This is bad!

She didn't seem happy any longer and stood up to leave.


She got off the boat and was leaving when she heard someone yell,"Don't leave!"

She looked back at Alister...

He has such a beautiful and enchanting voice...

She folded her arms and I was overjoyed but still a little disappointed. He got off the boat and gently took her hands and said,"I really love you Ruby, not because of how you look in the least, but rather because of your true self. You saved me from being bullied just on your first day, you gave all your allowance to that poor family the day we had a group assignment, you support those in need and despite being dyslexic, you have learned how to read... you inspire me Ruby, but that's how I know you're too good for me."

She looked confused then he continued,"Tommy's your true secret admirer, he just did all this so I'd have a chance with you, but I now realized, I'm not right for you."

She looked into his eyes and I wondered why he said that, but Mark didn't look the least bit surprised.

Alister called for me and I had no other choice than to show up and I looked Ruby in her beautiful blue eyes, she looked into my chocolate ones then said,"You're not my type."

She then walked away.

I was broken hearted and involuntary tears started streaming down my face, I felt a piercing in my chest and my heart turned ice cold.

I hugged Mark and cried in his arms as Alister tried to comfort me.

From that day she simply avoided me and it was creating in me so much suspense.

One day I entered the elevator and there were already students and teachers in.

I realized she was also in and frowning. As everyone left the elevator, she was about to leave too but I held her hand and pulled her back.

She came really close to me, so close, I could smell her rosy scent.

Our lips were an inch away and she pushed me back then yelled,"What is your problem?! Did I not make it clear to you?! I don't like you!"

I shook my head to wake up from her enchantment and shook my hands then said,"No, no, no. I just wanted to tell you there are no hard feelings from last week."

"And when did I say I cared whether you were mad or not?"

This girl is impossible!

"You didn't, but I don't want your grades to go down the drain and for you to be held back like the three Musketeers over there... please, let me help you."

"What's in it for you?"

"Nothing, there is no catch."

She frowned and got out of the elevator, leaving me with the new people entering but said on her way out,"Meet me in the library at recess."