
My little brother the C.E.O.

Tommy Hawkins was an average nerd whose life was totally turned upside down when a tragedy happened. Was it for better? Or for worse?

Felix_Kunjan · Urban
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253 Chs


The rest of the week was quite uneventful. School was still okay it's just the effect of my awesome little brother was wearing off.

I was dreaming about cuddling a kitten one morning when someone tapped my side...

I groaned and said,"It's Saturday, I can sleep in mom."

"I'm not mom and the plane isn't going to wait either..."

I quickly jumped off my bed and ran to the wardrobe to change into my towel, showing my skinny interior, rarely seen by outsiders.

Mark chuckled as I ran to the bathroom and took my bath.

Mark drove me and on the way to the airport I was a little disappointed when he took the car to a car rental.

But he compensated for that by buying me a kitten! I chose the one which reminded me most of my dream, a fat, grey, lazy one.

We took a taxi to the airport and waited for a few minutes till the plane was ready.

The air hostesses struggled to separate me from the fat cat I just got. I clinged to it as hard as I could until Mark tapped me and gave me a reassuring smile.

The air hostesses fell down and the cat started scratching the one who was holding it. I picked it up and gently put it in a cage and gave it to the traumatized air hostess then we got into the plane.

First class was awesome! There were cute but mysterious plants at every corner of the white room, a harpist and air conditioning.

It was even more perky as I was able to go to the cockpit from time to time as the air hostesses drooled at the dark man sitting at the front.

I sat by Mark and reassured myself that I will soak up every part of the four hour journey.

Five minutes later...

As I snored and drooled on the window, Mark looked at me with a smile, hiding all the self doubt he had inside.

He's so innocent.

Sigh, I wish I didn't have to lie to him...

I was tapped gently and awoke from Dreamland only to see the verdigris covered Statue of Liberty.

I looked at Mark happily and he placed his hand on my shoulder.

The plane landed soon and the two of us dragged our luggage through the airport.

I stopped when I saw a gorgeous woman walking in our direction—dirty blonde, pink lips, tan skin and perfect features.

She held the hand of a little girl around five as she sashayed our way, with men all around stealing glances of her.

She had a cold expression on her face as she approached us, Mark also was frowning deeply.

She came so close, the only thing stopping them from kissing—which was the only thing I wanted in the entire world at the moment—was a few inches of air.

"Mark."She said in a deadly tone.

"Lucy."Mark said with the same voice.

I'm beginning to think they might not kiss and get married...

She sashayed away and I waved at the little girl, she waved back.

I realized Mark's grip on my hand tightened, I pulled my hand to make him notice this...it didn't work.

"Mark, who was that?"

"Lucy Stone, one of the most wanted actresses in Hollywood."

"She's really beautiful."

"Yes, and she's my ex- girlfriend."

"Ex? Why?"

"You really ask a lot of questions, don't you?"

"I'm a kid, that's how we roll."

He sighed and said,"She cheated on me."

"What, why?"

"Why else do people cheat on their partners? They want more."

I realized he didn't like the topic, so I shut up.

We went to the street and a white Bugatti pulled over.

He placed the luggage on it and I realized there was no driver...


"Hop on.", He said, casually.

You don't have to tell me twice.

I jumped into the car and he revved the engine.

I soaked up the city as the wind whipped through my hair, looking at the hug L.E.D. display signs on buildings I wanted to disassemble, the tall buildings themselves, the people, the police in a car chase with the criminals who were shooting at them...it was paradise.

We arrived at a huge black gate which automatically opened and I gasped when I saw the mansion.

This is his house?!

He parked the car in the underground garage which had three other awesome cars on standby.

We dragged the luggage and the cat into the huge house, it looked even bigger on the inside!

Mark took me to the largest bedroom I had ever seen and said something that almost made me faint...

"This is your room."


"Enjoy."He said and walked away.

I did the first thing that came to my mind...

From the second floor of the room, I jumped, spread my body and landed on the waterbed.

I rolled around and smiled widely, I sat up and looked at the smart TV which was trying its best to entertain me...