
My little brother the C.E.O.

Tommy Hawkins was an average nerd whose life was totally turned upside down when a tragedy happened. Was it for better? Or for worse?

Felix_Kunjan · Urban
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253 Chs


Chienembe was taken home by his driver as Mark was busy but when he got home, he drooled on his way to the dining room. The food there smelled and tasted a lot closer to perfection than the one back at school.

It was a dish of mixed brands of pasta which tasted like chicken. Just then, someone put his hands on his shoulders and said,"I made your favourite."

Chienembe smiled, now he knew why this was my favourite.

Chienembe went to my room and saw the mountain of homework he needed to do. Yes, they were each on single sheets of paper yet they were even an inch thick.

I have to do these in a week?!

He was sweating as his shivering finger went over the first question;

Why are quarks and mesons seen as opposites?

He was so confused. He slumped on my bed. He closed his eyes for a second till he heard whispering...

"Don't give up... you can do it..."

Conscience, is that you?

I haven't heard from you in a while, nice to meet you again.

Someone tapped him and he screamed then yelled even louder as the person started tickling him. He begged Mark to stop but he said,"I'm not stopping till you agree to give your homework another try."

"Okay, okay I'll do it! Just stop tickling me!"

Mark stopped and lay beside him. He had just known this guy three quarters of a day, yet he liked him really much, he was much nicer than Oleh gave him credit to be.

Chienembe gave his homework another shot then Mark asked,"Need some help?"

He pathetically look at Mark and nodded his head.

I pathetically looked at the TV screen and shook my head.

Mark, please don't help that imposter.

I'm right here...

I sighed and dropped my head.

The next day...

Chienembe laughed at Ruby's impression of her sister. It was so silly. His ribs hurt.

Then Ruby frowned teasingly and said,"If you think mine is funny, why don't you do one?"

He took a deep breath and stood then started... ' walking ' while shaking his behind vigorously and said in a squeaky voice,"Hey, I'm Rose, I can talk trash and make out with two guys at the same time, watch..."

He turned his back to face a tree and crossed his arms across his belly and started moving them with the tree branches to make it seem like four arms were behind him, then he touched his butt cheek with his left hand and giggled.

By now, Ruby was on the floor, laughing her head off.

She got up and slapped his back and he yelled in pain, but that only made her laugh even more. He loved that beautiful laugh of her's, but...

How strong is she?

After that, he walked with her to her dorm, but someone was watching them...

The next day at school, Chienembe had to wrestle a guy who was a year older than him—yes all the students in my grade were two years older than me, but he was a year older than me—and he nearly wet himself.

The guy ran to him and he ran around the ring, screaming like a girl. Everyone, especially the gym teacher was surprised, they knew me to be a skilled fighter. He failed the match as he quit the moment the guy got a hold of him.

He walked out of the boys' locker room and someone with a hood on followed him from a distance...

A few days later...

Chienembe got an A+ in all but one of the homeworks, the last, he got a B+...

Mark is smart.

I was looking around and heard a bang, then a bullet broke through the TV screen and whizzed right past my cheek.

I was confused as to what was happening then a hooded individual did a really high barani, like Mark/Ms Lucy high barani and landed a few meters to my right.

The person attacked the nine guards and beat them up. Moving as gracefully as a swan, as swiftly as a hare and as agile as a spider monkey.

The person ran to my side and I yelled for help then the person untied me and whispered in a coarse voice,"Follow me."

I nodded and did.

The person tic tacked seven times to the air vents and entered and I followed. I asked as we crawled,"Who are you?"

The person remained silent and jumped down. I followed and asked,"Why are you rescuing me?"

The person still didn't answer.

The suspense was killing me but before I could react, I heard a guard yell,"Freeze!"

We turned back and saw him targeting a gun at us and the person sprinted sideways on a wall an the man missed every shot.

The person did an upsidedown b- aerial—a skill I had only seen Mark and Ms Lucy do—and kicked the guard in the cheek.

He took two steps back and pointed the gun at the person but I bicycle kicked him four times and back flipped down, kicking him in the chin during the flip.

He stumbled to his knees and before he could use his walkie talkie to call for help, I did a standing split to kick the device out of his grip. Then the person butterfly kicked him in the crown.

The person kept taking me to safety then when we were out, I stopped moving and said,"Tell me who you are and who sent you or I'm going back."

The person looked at me through the mask for the first time and I saw their blue eyes. The person then removed the mask and hood and said,"It's me..."

I yelled,"Ruby?!"

She rolled her eyes and said,"No, you idiot, I'm Rose."

I spontaneously started laughing and said,"Ruby, you're so funny! I never knew you had such a sense of humor!"

She groaned and said,"Now I see why Ruby always calls you pea brained, do you really think Ruby would joke in a situation like this?"

I then realized...it was Rose...