
My little brother the C.E.O.

Tommy Hawkins was an average nerd whose life was totally turned upside down when a tragedy happened. Was it for better? Or for worse?

Felix_Kunjan · Urban
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253 Chs


We were in the Super Tree Grove but we as in Mark, Chienembe and me. Ms Lucy was at the Sands Skypark Observation Deck, they didn't want to be seen together as that would blow their cover.

I could tell Mark missed Ms Lucy as he was distracted most of the time and was eager to go home.

It was our last week in Singapore and I had bought souvenirs for Ruby.

I was playing video games with Chienembe when I heard Mark and Ms Lucy...well of course my ears became the size of a bat's.

Mark kissed Ms Lucy's nose and put his forehead on her's then asked,"Lucy, do you really love me? Or it's something else?"

Ms Lucy answered,"I don't know...I don't want to be away from you and I really like you but...I'm just scared you might hurt me again."

Mark cupped her cheek and said,"I'll never hurt you again Lucy..."

Then Lucille just appeared out of nowhere and yelled in my ear,"So what did I miss?!"

I yelled and Mark and Ms Lucy both frowned at me then locked the door. I frowned at Lucille and she nervously shrugged her shoulders then said,"Sorry."

I sighed and got up...

This stalker isn't giving up.

I went to the adjacent room on the second tower and started looking at them through my binoculars then Lucille appeared behind me and startled me, I sighed and she asked,"What are you doing this time?"

I said,"The usual, now snuggle in."

She lay down beside me and somehow fell through the window and screamed, she yelled,"I don't want to fall! I don't want to fall! Don't you dare let me fall...if I die, I'm gonna kill you."

I yelled,"You're pulling my hair!"

She gripped onto—for some unknown reason—my hair for dear life.

Mark and Ms Lucy from the other side heard the cacophony and closed the windows then Lucille slipped.

She screamed as she fell and I slapped my forehead and said,"Lucille, open your eyes."

She opened them and saw she had safely fallen on a window washing ledge...two inches below where her dangling feet were two seconds ago.

She nervously chuckled and I rolled my eyes then walked away as she said,"Tommy, you can pull me up now...Tommy? Tommy!!"

We were in first class in the plane going back to New York and I was sitting with an air sick kid.

He looked all shades of green as he held down the puke rising in his throat. I quickly saved the day by snatching a potato chip paper bag from an air hostess, emptying it on a random guy in front of me and offering it to the kid.

The kid snatched it and puked his intestines into it so much so that it got full.

He offered it back to me when he felt better and I refused, I wasn't going to touch that in a million years.

The kid frowned and shoved it into my chest, making the vomit splash allover my clothes and face.

I was horrified as the kid started laughing then I puked in my mouth and let it out on him, for payback.

It was my turn to laugh as he screamed for his mom. She got there in a second and screamed to see the stinky, vomit covered children and seats.

The woman dragged her son to the bathroom to clean up and I reclined in my seat.

Peace at last.

I closed my eyes then my cold, wet shirt touched my chest and I couldn't take it any longer and stood up and ran to take a shower.

I came out, fresh, clean and naked but saw the new clothes Mark had left for me were gone and I saw that same mangy kid snickering with them in his hands.

I chased him round about the room and he dumped them in the water closet.

I got fed up and forced his head into the bidet and he held on to the edges for dear life, just then Mark appeared and yelled,"Tommy, what the heck are you doing?!"

I looked at him then said,"This isn't what it looks like."

The kid immediately started crying.

I was sitting in my seat, in new new clothes and angry as I had been grounded...on the plane! I was sitting angrily and staring at the kid who was playing with some immobile airplane toys and murdering a doll with imaginary bullets...that kid was dark.

I just felt hungry as I had puked everything in my stomach onto that kid. The kid heard my stomach rumbling then did something I wasn't prepared for...

He had his mother make the air hosts prepare a feast for me, as the hostesses were busy looking at Mark.

I ate too much and almost vomited again but the kid was prepared, he brought a paper bag for me and I just let out the extra food then thanked the kid after offering it to him.

He did that snicker again and poured the puke over the person right in front of our seat and I was horrified as he shoved it into my chest.

The huge man walked to us and he pointed at me and said,"He did it."

I dropped my jaw and the man said,"I'm gonna make you pay for that kid."

I yelled that it wasn't me but all the kid had to do is start the waterworks and everyone in the room believed him.

I was double grounded and stared at that kid as we left the plane. He was snickering.

We drove home and I made a million apologies to Mark but he wouldn't hear of it, he was too mad, not because I clearly embarrassed him, but because I ' behaved disrespectfully '.

I told him it wasn't me but he had trouble believing that a sweet little three year old could frame me so well.

Ms Lucy and Mark were still in secret so we flew in separate planes, which was much of a bummer to me. I still wanted to spy on them.

The groundation was for two months after we hit soil so I was still grounded when we got home. Chienembe on the other hand, was free like a bird.