
My little brother the C.E.O.

Tommy Hawkins was an average nerd whose life was totally turned upside down when a tragedy happened. Was it for better? Or for worse?

Felix_Kunjan · Urban
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253 Chs


We went to the Principal's office after school the next day and the Principal sighed and said,"Mr Hawkins, we cannot tolerate this sort of behaviour in our establishment."

Mark said,"Yes and it wouldn't happen again, but I'm sure there's an explanation behind this."

She said,"Well your brother was attacked first but he should have reported to a teacher afterwards, then again he could have been seriously hurt, so I'd say he isn't mostly to blame."

"I will compensate the family."Mark said.

We stood up and walked out of the room and we met Xander's father, he was handsome but I had seen handsomer guys and not only that, but he also seemed like a narcissist as he had obviously used ten too many beauty products and enhancers on himself.

Mark and he agreed on the price which by my opinion, was too expensive. Mark wrote the cheque without a fight and the man said,"You also better get that rat under control."


Mark's smile turned into a deadly frown and he said,"Well rats can spread plagues and eat people alive if they're provoked enough and one more thing, if you call my brother a rat one more time, I assure you that it wouldn't be just your son in the ER."

He then shoved the cheque into his chest and he stumbled back, either because Mark pushed really hard or he just had really weak legs.

Mark held my hand and took me away from that creep.

The man looked at the Principal in horror and she shrugged her shoulders.

Mark took me home but left for a date with Ms Lucy and left Lucille with me and the girl watched me like a hawk.

I couldn't even fart in peace.

Yet I wanted to spy on them, like so bad!

I occupied myself by playing video games with Chienembe and Lucille, though she was still my only limitation.

My best friend had morphed into my worst enemy...so I locked her in my room then ran into the elevator and pushed the button, but then my conscience kicked in...

I can't just leave her in there like that.

Even with Chienembe there.

Especially with Chienembe there.

She's my best friend...

Ugh, Mark, why did you raise me so well?!

I went to open the door and she seemed indifferent and said,"Took you long enough."

"Wait, you knew I was coming?"

"Of course, I put a tracker on you and I'm not telling you where."

Oh she's good.

I just sat down beside her and gave up, she was too good for me.

Mark came home hours later with Ms Lucy and was surprised to meet me there, he asked,"You didn't spy on us?"


"Aww, aren't we interesting anymore?"

Ms Lucy smacked the back of his head.

He held it in pain and said,"Aaah, what?"

Ms Lucy asked,"You want him to spy on us?"

Mark said nervously,"Well kinda, I mean, why would he want to spy unless there was something worth spying on?"

I smiled widely at Lucille and she folded her arms and rolled her eyes.

Ms Lucy said,"Well I beg to differ, I'd prefer some privacy."

Lucille smiled widely at me and I folded my arms and rolled my eyes.

After that, Mark drove Ms Lucy and Lucille home and came back, just in time to help me with my homework.

He also began teaching me how to do a barani flip and actually said I was a fast learner! Can you believe that?!

After that day, news spread across the school, Rose had broken up with both of her boyfriends, for no reason. Of course they couldn't afford losing her and tried everything in their power to win her back.

They showered her with gifts, all of which she refused, they went on their knees and begged her, even took control of the PA system and sang a song and said an apology for whatever they did wrong and yes, they did all of this together, of course they occasionally fought over her.

When asked, she simply said she was no longer interested in having two boyfriends.

I on the other hand was also being showered with gifts, from this ' true love ' of mine.

I knew it wasn't Ruby but hoped more than anything that it was her.

One day we were in Geometry class and there was a lot of cacophony in the room, no single voice could be heard since all the voices were so loud.

Suddenly there was a high pitched screeching and everyone turned dead silent and covered their ears.

Even deaf Anne switched off her hearing aids yet still covered her ears. Just then the noise stopped as Mrs Wilson, the Geometry teacher stopped scratching her wolverine- like fingernails on the smart board.

She then yelled,"Would you just shut up! You sound like a bunch of rabbits being made into fur coats!"

That hit me in the heart.

Everyone seemed to know she'd gone too far by pulling the rabbit card, even she realized her grave mistake and apologized but of course, we had to avenge the poor carrot munching cotton tails, so we kicked her out of the classroom and continued our noisemaking...she deserved it for reminding us about such a horrible thing which went on in our world...she deserved it, right?