
My little brother the C.E.O.

Tommy Hawkins was an average nerd whose life was totally turned upside down when a tragedy happened. Was it for better? Or for worse?

Felix_Kunjan · Urban
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253 Chs


The man was taken into the interrogation room and was injected with some truth serum then asked,"Who hired you to murder Alice?"

He struggled and said,"I'll never tell you that and that's the truth!"

The cops were stunned, he was immune to it...

Mark angrily hit the glass and did it again, I told him to stop because he could hurt himself and he looked at me, knelt down then said,"Tommy, I need you to listen to me."


"I own a villa which is very far from here. No one knows where it is, or that it even exists. You will be safe there."

"But what about you?"

"...I will have to stay to catch that criminal's boss."

"But I don't want to be away from you again."I said, hugging him.

"I know, I don't want to be away from you either, but you'll have to be strong...for me."

I sadly nodded.

He took me to a helicopter and I entered. It ascended into the air and I looked at Mark, tears in my eyes, then I blew a kiss to him, he returned it.

The helicopter flew for a few hours then a guard gave me a thick jacket and said,"Master Thomas, you'll need to wear this."

I put it on and checked on Google maps, our location. I found out we were getting close to the Canada- Alaska border.

We soon reached a snow covered mountain with a beautiful wooden mansion on its side.

The helicopter landed on a helicopter pad on the roof and I got down with my five guards.

One of them touched a screen on the door and it read his palm then opened.

They led me inside and I saw it was huge, that made me miss Mark even more.

I couldn't talk to any of my friends as there was no reception and I didn't know the wifi password.

In my room, I was just typing in random guesses which came into my mind and eventually, it opened! It was my birthday!

I immediately called Mark and said I missed him.

"I miss you too."

"When will I be able to come back?"

"I don't know, but soon, I assure you."

I smiled and blew him a kiss, he returned it.

I switched on the TV and ate my lunch there. After that I went for a walk. There was so much snow and yet I couldn't even get into a snowball fight with Mark.

I went for a walk without my guards, I wanted to be alone. I was walking when I slipped on a frost covered rock and fell on my back, the snow made me slide down the hill and I fell down a short cliff.

I fell and hurt my left ankle so badly, I couldn't stand up.

Then I heard growling...

I looked into the bushes and they parted, it was a pack of wolves. I yelled and scampered as far from the as possible but they were walking closer and I called for help, but the villa was too far for anyone to hear.

One of them jumped on me and growled crazily. I screamed then heard three successive bangs and the wolves were frightened and ran away with their tails between their legs.

A woman holding a rifle came close to me and asked,"What are you doing here alone kid? Don't you know it's dangerous out here?"

"I do now."

She frowned then asked,"Where do you live? I'm going to take you back."

"I live on the villa up the mountain."

"Oh really? You're rich?"


"Let's go."She said, picking me up.

"Aw, aw, my ankle hurts."

"Let me see that... it looks like it's sprained."

She looked at the blizzard encircling the villa and turned back then I said,"No, you're going the wrong way."

"I'm not drowning in seven feet of snow for some kid who wasn't even supposed to meet me, you'll rest at my cabin for the night, then I'll take you home tomorrow."

I reluctantly agreed then she took me to the small, rickety cabin.

She said,"I'll go get some hot water and a first aid kit."

I nodded again and she came back with a white towel, a bucket of hot water and a first aid kit a few minutes later.

She brought her hand closer and I said,"Aw, aw..."

"I haven't even touched it yet."


"Does it hurt now I'm touching it?"

"I can't even feel it."

"How about now?"





"Not a pinch."


"Aw! What are you doing to it?!"

She looked at my foot which she had twisted the whole way round and said,"Nothing."

She patched it up and said,"Don't stand on it for a while."

I nodded.

She went out and chopped some firewood, then she went to the kitchen.

She came back almost an hour later with a bowl and I looked in and asked,"What's the puke for?"

She was ambivalent as she said,"It's soup."

"Oh right! I thought you did it to apply it to my wound."


I hope it tastes better than it looks.

I tasted it, it was worse, much worse! It tasted and felt slimy, like actual vomit.

When she looked away, I threw it out of the window then quickly repositioned myself.

"You're done?"She asked.

"Yes and I loved it!"I lied.

"Okay, let me get you some more."

"No, no, no, no! You don't need to do that! I'm already full, I had a big lunch, so it sustained me till now."I lied again.