
The shadow god 2

"Thus shadow owes its birth to light "


I woke up confused as to where I was,I remembered following the king into his chambers and how I bumped my nose into his back and how he rubbed it,I couldn't believe that happened though,he seemed strange to me. But that thought is for another time cause I really need to focus on what my duties are as I am in the kings chambers,I do not want to go into thoughts of him harming me ,if I angered him,I do not even know where my fate lies,it's not going to be bad i assured myself,after gathering my hammering thoughts I stood up from the bed, "Wait !what?i slept on the king's bed?how did that I happen ,I can't comprehend,or did I sleepwalk to the bed,i know I was sitting on the floor before I dozed off,I ruled out the possibility of the king carrying me to his bed,it's totally not possible,Anyways let's not fret,I totally slept fine on that bed,it's been so long I slept on something soft,so am glad ,I hope the king doesn't mind though.

I was arranging the beddings properly when the king came in,he was so quiet,I didn't even when he came inside.

"I hope you slept fine girl",the king said to me

"Yes I did ,Your Majesty ,not daring to look him in the eye,as I did once,he had piercing dark grey eyes,I don't know how grey can be piercing though,but his was, "I really enjoyed my sleep as I found myself on the bed this morning,I said trying to goad him to know how I got there.

"Yes I did carry you to the bed,you weren't comfortable on the floor I assumed.

Thank you Your majesty for your kindness,I smiled at him trying to win him over with my smile 'cause I still don't know what my fate is,but he seems amiable this morning unlike yesterday when he was so grumpy.

"What would be my duty Your majesty?

"My personal maid is what you are .And you answer to no one else by me ,do you understand?

"Yes your majesty."

He rang the bell in the room,and not not long food was brought in ,different kinds of dishes I have never seen in my life,definitely lavish,my mouth was watering as they brought in the dishes,I was literally starving,I hadn't had any food to eat since they captured us except for water.Since I was his personal maid,I could eat too right? As if he knew my thoughts,he told me to help myself to the food,I nodded like it was the most natural thing to do,I quickly settled down on the floor and was about to start eating,when I heard his cold voice telling me to sit on the chair.i looked up to hear him repeat his words,telling me to sit on the chair.i was shocked but then it's his command how could I disobey,even though I have been more used to sitting on the floor for a long time doesn't mean I didn't want to sit on a cushion for a change after all this while an opportunity arose why shouldn't I take it so after brooding in my thoughts I start down to eat,it was incredibly comfortable just like the luxury of the bed.My master His Majesty sure is kind I thought,I gobbled down my food like I hadn't eaten in years they were all extremely delicious to the delight of my taste buds,I ate to the extent I completely forgot about the mighty aura beside me.Completely in oblivion that I had become a sort of amusement and entertainment for the mighty god beside me.

After gobbling up food to my taste buds and stomach satisfaction ,I then cane to a realization that the food wasn't meant for only me ,The mighty god hadn't eaten oh no 🤦🏼‍♀️ I was doomed,A great offense I had committed I thought,I quickly went on my knees ,trembling in fear,Your majesty forgive me for my rudeness and lack of my manners I have committed a great offense please do not kill me.i said but met with silence for a while as I my head was bowed down I wasn't able to see the flash of amusement in his eyes ,I was totally done for this time ah I lamented in my mind,so i was gonna die cause of food .


This maid would never to amuse me

Her face was really expressing.all of her emotions could be seen on her face