
My life start like that and will end like this

Just some things I write during my depressed death life :) I will update every week 2 at 3 poems, enjoy :p . There is no female/male leading or idk what's going on here but.. I mean everyone can read those poems :)

peachyc4t · Teenager
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7 Chs

Can you be my lover one ?

Can you be my lover one ?

Would you stay at my sides ?

Would you stay with me when Im sick

Sick of me

Sick of this world

I'm so into you

As you're into my heart

And this love could take me anywhere

But wouldnt let me go in front of you

Because by one word you could kill me

As you may know

I'm sensitive

And your words blow my mind

Everytime you speak to me

Don't stop it

Be my lover one

You already won

I'm done

Just be my lover one

I wanna take your hand

Go to the beach

And eat a vanilla ice cream

Sweet as you are

The moon is full tonight

As my eyes full of light

When I imagine hold you tight

Which makes me high

I could see your beauty everywhere

Even if I was blind

Even in the darkness

The beauty of your soul has no limits

I will be your coat

When it will be cold

And I'll be your blindfold

When it will be hot

Be my lover one

Be mine

And I'll be yours
