
My life in the world of Invincible

MC got reincarnated in a cultivation world with some high quality perks +++++++++ Testing my skills in writing. Critic to your hearts content. I welcome it {}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{} ∆¶∆¶∆¶∆¶∆¶∆¶∆¶∆ Disclaimer: So this is a thing I guess. Though I thought the designation 'FANFIC' says it all. I mean, It is a FANFIC. OH WELL ==The image used is not owned by me==

DaoistAwesome · Bücher und Literatur
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13 Chs

The real start

Channeling his energy into their bodies he began opening the first meridian. Both of them felt as if they were underneath a huge waterfall, their bodies felt heavy. The pain become more and more overwhelming as time passed. But they gritted their teeth and fought through the pain.

The process would have been more painful if it was done by another person. Because Klaus's energy is pure without impurities, it lessened the amount of pain they felt. After an hour, their first meridian was opened and the process was done. They wanted to collapse but Klaus forced them to stay up and try feeling the spiritual energy in the air.

They did as instructed and even in their exhausted state, they tried to feel the spiritual energy and in the air.

Noticing the spiritual energy gathering around them, Chen ling finally had to ask

"You actually did it?"

"Naturally" Klaus replied as if it was no big deal

"Klaus, who are you really?" asked Chen

"Finally, couldn't hold it in any longer huh" said Klaus looking at Chen ling's serious face

"I am the forger of stars, the bringer of light and hope, the primal darkness, the bringer of despair, the omni mage, the creator of miracles, but to you and my people, I am Klaus"

"I don't understand most of what you just said" said the perplexed Chen ling.

"Don't worry my friend, why so serious all of a sudden, in time you will understand what I have said, now, let's leave these two and go get a drink" smiled Klaus as he left the room. Chen ling took a moment to look at the xiaxue and fangbo, then followed behind Klaus.


After they were rested, Klaus then explained to them how they were going to cultivate.

"You would need to do more physical exercises; this would improve your body so you can handle your qi better. From now one you have to open the rest of your meridians on your own. When you have opened three points of your meridians, I will then give internal and battle techniques that you can use. For now stick to meditation and physical exercise. In three days, we would leave this place" said Klaus before he instructed them to go practice.

When xiaxue and fangbo left to practice, Klaus left the Chen ling to look after them and went to the cosmic star academy. He would soon be leaving the royal city, so before he left, he wanted to fulfill his obligation he had with Chen feirong of visiting the academy. Arriving at the academy he was blocked by a guard who asked him to state his purpose. He showed his invitation letter asking the guard to lead him to her. When they finally met, Chen feirong was happy.

"Brother Klaus, so happy you came, is Chen ling not with you?" she asked

"He had other things to turn to" replied Klaus

They chatted about some miscellaneous stuff before a man came into the office.

"Oh, principal, you are here. Come let me introduce you" said Chen feiron

"Klaus this is the principal of the cosmic star academy, Sun Zhang. Principal, this is the young man I told you about" introduced Chen feirong

Sun zhang took a look at Klaus then released spiritual pressure on him, feeling the attempt, he released his own pressure on sun zhang. 'This', sun zhang felt like his knees were about to give out. In the xiantian realm Klaus is invincible. Sun zhang releasing the pressure of a xiantian realm expert was like an ant standing before an elephant. Just as his knees were about to give out the pressure stopped. All this happened without Chen feirong, who was with them knowing.

"You must be one exceptional boy, hehehe, you certainly don't give off an ordinary feeling" said Sun zhang after his hidden display with Klaus

Klaus: "and you principal, have good eyes". He knew the principal was only testing him.

After hearing what Chen feirong had said about Klaus and Chen ling, he wanted to meet them and possibly take them both as disciples. With this experience with Klaus however, he gave up on the idea. How can he be the master of someone stronger than him?

"Can I take a look at your sword if you don't mind" Sun zhang asked

"sure" klaus gave him the sword. After taking the sword, Sun zhang unsheathe it slowly.

"This is certainly an exceptional sword," he couldn't help but appreciate. The blade didn't look like it was forged, but simply something that came into existence, it not only looked beautiful, it felt like an extension of himself, his qi flowed in the sword naturally as it would his own arm.

"Can I ask who made such a blade" he asked while returning it

"His name is Mr. black, meeting him however might not be a fortunate encounter" said Klaus as he took the sword and placed it on his waist.

"I understand" nodded Sun Zhang. 'Blacksmiths of that caliber are usually making outrageous conditions before they forge you a tool' sun zhang thought to himself.

"Miss Feirong, I would be leaving the city, for all the hospitality you have shown me I wanted to do something in return. While you were fighting, I noticed that you have a cloud like spirit that freezes its surroundings. Also you use sword to techniques?"

"Yes, my martial spirit is the ice cloud. And it is true that I like using sword techniques" replied Chen feirong

Klaus pointed at Chen feirong and a light beam flew from his finger and hit Chen feirong's head. He gave her the Snow sword technique'. This technique will make her better utilize her martial spirit, instead of freezing everything which would take much qi and time in combat, she would instead create a snow like tornado around her, with each drop of snow acting as a blade. this technique has six moves; piece the flake, break the peak, cold to the bone, traceless snow, frosty retort, traceless rage.

After understanding what the technique is about Chen feirong immediately bowed

"Thank you, brother Klaus, I don't know what I did to deserve this" she was being honest. Techniques are priceless treasures to a cultivator. The techniques that Klaus just gave is definitely a high-level technique. 'Just for paying for his meals and arranging a place to stay got me a technique, how extravagant'. If techniques of such high level were so easily gotten, she would have offered food and a place to stay to more strangers.

"Think nothing of it. I have achieved my purpose, it's time to bide farewells"

Klaus was escorted by Chen feirong to the entrance of the academy before they separated. Though that will not be their last encounter

Three days passed and the time came for them to leave the city. Xiaxue and Fangbo looked much better now compared to three days ago. With them eating to their fill and cultivating their complexion got better by the day.

As they left the building, Chen ling had a hunch

"Are we going to a forest again"

"Yes, but this time its different, we would be heading in the direction of the Duanren empire, there is something that I want from there. We are using the forest to train xiaxue and fangbo along the way"

"We'll be training in the forest?" as fangbo

"Yes, prepare for hell, you will hunt spirit beast until you'd wish you were dead"

"Really!" replied fangbo. Chen ling looked at him strange. In the beginning he hated it so he expected them to be scared. 'Wait, when you are before a real spirit beast, lets see your enthusiasm then'

"This time it would be different. Spirit beast closer to the duanren empire are stronger compared to the one you faced chen, so for their training they would be fighting creatures that I create till I deem them ready" said klaus

Chen ling "creatures that you create?"

"you'll see" klaus replead.

Two months passed as they continued their journey in the forest. Chen ling broke into the second order xiantian realm. Xiaxue and fangbo also opened their third meridian. Their strength comparable to a third order houtian realm. Kluas then decided that fangbo will learn

'the ways of the grandmaster'. a set of hand to hand combat techniques which when mastered, none can beat him in hand to hand combat

'composure technique' .an internal skill which increase fangbo's power with his will. The more strength of will he has, the more power he can call forth.

'Dragon fury'. A set of fist skills practiced by making the form of his qi to move like a gloden dragon, at the advanced staged he would capable of forming qi dragons to assist him in battle.

For xiaxue, he decided on the

'Ways of the crimson lily'. A set of blade and chain techniques which allowed for quick movements and precision

'Jade sutra' an internal skill which negates attacks. Having ten levels, when mastered to completion, she could negate all attacks for 5 minutes.

'Alluring stings' A twin blade skill, which looked like a dance, beautiful yet deadly.

Klaus wanted them to study the opposite of their talent, to block any weaknesses they might have. Fangbo having speed will learn strength, xiaxue having strength would learn speed.

They all gathered in an open area deep within the forest. Its is time for the expected combat training.

"Hey guys, I am about to show you my majestic awesomeness, so be of high spirits and still your hearts, this is a show of the lifetime" said Klaus opening his hand as if on a stage.

'I don't want to do this now but damn I miss tv'. He was going to merge with the black spirit. just like with most martial spirit, the martial artist knows the capabilities and defects of his martial spirit, the application however, they have to learn.

In his case he knew when he merges with his martial spirit, in that state he is all powerful, but there is a slight change in his personality because unlike other cultivators. His martial spirits have consciousness. If he merges with sol, he becomes more prideful, and if he merges with his black spirit, he becomes more playful. But because of his wish, there is one ability that he can only use when he merges with the black spirit, Omni magic.

"Lets blur the lines between reality and fantasy shall we" said Klaus as he merged with the black spirit. his form became black, horns grew out of his head, his body became taller, and his clothes changed into a black robe, an orb with white light emitting from the middle floated above his hand.

"kukukuku, boy are you about to have the training of your lives, it's gonna be fantastic" said Klaus with a deep voice,glowing red eyes, and prestine white teeth. Fear took the trio. If not that his reigned in the dark energy emitted by the black spirit, they would have pissed themselves.

Klaus then cast a spell on a five hundred meters square radius. He was using boundary manipulation to bring things from his imagination and fantasy to reality.