
My life in the world of Invincible

MC got reincarnated in a cultivation world with some high quality perks +++++++++ Testing my skills in writing. Critic to your hearts content. I welcome it {}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{} ∆¶∆¶∆¶∆¶∆¶∆¶∆¶∆ Disclaimer: So this is a thing I guess. Though I thought the designation 'FANFIC' says it all. I mean, It is a FANFIC. OH WELL ==The image used is not owned by me==

DaoistAwesome · Bücher und Literatur
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13 Chs

Minor confrontation 2

Fangbo walked to julang and picked him by the throat. Angry, Maylin threw needles targeting all of his vital points but xiaxiu moved quickly infront of fangbo using her battle technique,'departing sting', she moved, dancing while blocking the needles. Unable to block the last needle she used a strange energy affecting causality to negate the attack.

'Thank god that was the last one' she thought. she has not practiced the technique for long, at the current moment she could only negate attacks for a second before using up the energy she has cultivated using the 'jade sutra'

'That last move, what was that?' maylin saw the last needle hit its mark but then there was no outcome. Using space lock again, she tried to restrain them but chen ling cancelled it from afar.

"Tch, put julong down, this problem does not have to escalate more than this, I will discipline him for his rashness" she demanded

"Miss, you are more than capable of stopping him before he attempted to harm my brother, the fact that he even got this close means that you let him, if he is rash then you can be considered the same" replied xiaxue as fangbo squeezed unconscious julong more tightly

"Young girl, I can kill you before your brother comes back, don't push me, release julong now" shouted maylin

"Threats I am afraid would not work on us. I have a feeling that our lord will put us through a hell much worse if he ever decided to purnish us because we listened to the order of another. If you want to act, you are free to do so, but I would advise that you wait for brother ling to back so you can beg him for his life." Replied xiaxiu holding her blades in a battle stance ready for any incoming attacks.

Maylin looked at the young girl who spoke to he with her eyes not showing any sense of fear, as if telling her that no matter what she did, she would not waver. She released her spirit, a Lucious green tree appeared above her. She was ready.

"I wouldn't do that if I was you" said chen ling as he descended from the sky with the head of Jaquan.


Jaquan stood up as he saw chen ling coming close, he coated his dangers with flames and charge at chen ling. With each move of Jaquan's blade he would send out waves of flames that would hit chen ling, but unfortunately for him Chen ling was just a bad match. The flames did nothing to chen ling, his only other option was to come close and land at hit with his weapons. Holding his blade firmly while timing the attacked from Jaquan, chen ling swung his sword turning to form a complete circle. Seething flames were released in a circular motion, spreading in all directions that hit Jaquan, burning off some of the scales on his body. Chen ling came close to the half cooked jaquan who was stills recovering from the fire, each step chen ling took left the ground boiling.

"Die knowing that you are the first person that I have ever killed" with that he separated his head from his body, before he felt that the martial spirit of maylin was released. He quickly unassimilated with his martial spirit, took jaquan head before heading back.

But chen ling was unaware of one major thing, because saint realm experts have very strong souls, instead of dispersing and going to the underworld, they would linger until they find a new body or their soul power finishes. So to properly kill a saint realm expert you need to destroy the soul as well. As soon as chen ling left, jaquans soul left his body that laid on the ground to escape back to the clan

"And where do you think you are going" klaus appeared and grapped his.

"What is this, who, who are you?" asked the soul. Klaus ignored it and performed a soul reading spell. He saw all of Jaquan's memories, both the good things he did when was young and naïve, and the evil things he did when he grew older and smarter

"Truly, to be pure is to stay young forever, kekeke don't worry, I have special plans for you" saying this, the sub weapon of the reaper appeared, the soul orb, capable of collecting and storing souls.

Klaus put Jaquan's soul inside and left.

Chen ling descended from the sky with Jaquan's head, and landed in front of xiexue. He threw his head on the ground making it roll to maylin who was ten meters away.

"I want to let you know; this would not have happened if he had just let us go. Do you wish to join him"

Maylin looked at Jaquan's head on the ground. If Jaquan can lose, she who was just at the second order saint wouldn't stand a chance.

"Then please let julong go and we would leave and never cross paths" she requested

"Not possible, this one dies, he attacked us, the same thing the old geezer did, why should he receive a different treatment" chen ling refused

"Normally in situations like these, common sense dictates that I kill you all to prevent any future problems but you are more sensible, so I would let you and the other two leave, but should you think of revenge, I will welcome it" added chen ling giving fangbo the go ahead to kill julong.

"No, don't do this…" pleaded maylin, but it was too late.

Fangbo immediately separated julongs head from his body with his bear hands. A gruesome way to die. Blood splattered on his body, but that was nothing new, his past year was spent with him always covered in blood.

"Now you better leave before I change my mind" said chen ling holding more firmly to his blade to emphasize his point.

Maylin swallowed her anger and shame of letting julong die in front of her, but there was no hope. She took Qianqian ran to where ming hung was hiding and flew at max speed out of the forest. But before she left chen ling and the others she saw an entity that was made of darkness floating above them which made her use her maximum speed to escape while she can.

When she left Chen ling finally stopped his technique causing his level to drop back to seventh order xiantian. Fatigue overcame him before he stumbled and knelt on the ground his supporting himself with his sword.

"brother ling" xiaxue and fangbo called out worriedly

"don't worry, its just a side effect of using blood accumulation, I just need to rest" chen ling explained to reduce their worries.

"That was splendidly handled, an A+ rating I must say" appeared klaus

"Was it handled as to your expectations" ask chen ling with an angry face

" kekeke, come on now friend, I did say splendidly"

"haa, you are not angry that I let them go" asked chen ling, this time worriedly. He and klaus still act like friends, but their real relationship is still that of a master and subordinate.

"That is the luxury you can afford as someone who is strong. Because you are now capable of handling the any outcome you gave them a chance to survive which in my book is good. Had you killed all of them then I would have been disappointed." Replied Klaus

Chen ling: "Thank you for the praise"

"fangbo, xiaxue, you both did not disappoint me, excellent job"

"Thank you lord klaus" they responded kneeling on one knee.

"As your reward how about to show you some more of my majestic power"

Klaus then casted a spell, terraforming the earth into a flatland then a huge western type castle appeared having everything that they would want and need inside. Done with the spell he unmerged with his martial spirit and let the black spirit to return to first form, the ball of darkness, and roam about.

"Go in and relax, enjoy the things that are inside. You guys have learned a lot about combat awareness. I need to make some preparations of my own"

Xiaxiu and fangbo didn't even hear what he was saying, looking at the majestic castle that appeared from no where already fried they brains. Chen ling nudged them

"You should be used to this by now, getting surprised by everything he does would just tire you out" he said walking into the castle to finally get the rest he craved.


Maylin rushed back to the family compound and sought an audience with the patriarch. While she was explaining what happened to the patriarch, Ming Qianqian was in her room playing the scenes that happened again and again in her head. Finally, her eyes showed signs of infatuation and obsession

'He's strong' she thought.

Still remembering the dominating visage of chen ling, completely forgetting the fact that he had killed her uncle and gave the order for her elder brother to be killed. She laid on her bed imagining all kinds of scenarios where she had chen ling all to herself. A very powerful man all to herself, which woman didn't want.

'His future growth is unimaginable' she couldn't help but see chen ling as the most handsome man in the world. she came to a decision but she would have to talk to her father, the patriarch about it.


Arriving at the meeting hall Qianqian could hair her father shouting

"How dare you tell me such nonsense, some boy killed my son and you want me to forget about" shouted the patriarch Ming sheng, at ming maylin,

"Brother, I advise you to not act rashly, I am not saying that you should let it go, but we should at least know who they are first, before we act"

"But he killed my son!" said the angry ming sheng

"Would you shut up and listen!" maylin could no longer take it.

"You ming family men are all stupid, Jaquan behaved the same way as you and he died, do you also want to die without knowing how you died. As for your constant ranting about how he killed your son, you are just three hundred and eighteen years old, you can just sire another son" shouted maylin, tired of no one taking her advice.

The patriarch was surprised by the disrespect she just showed, though she is his sister she had never shown him disrespect, adhering strongly to the family rules. Forcefully calming himself down, he sat down.

"What do you think we should do?" he asked

"Those children are not ordinary. They also said they have a master that they serve. I think we should investigate them, but that might be easier said than done, the other option is to meet them in a guess of friendship and learn all the information that we need from them directly before we act"

"Plan A would make them warry of us should they find out; we should go with plan B" ming sheng reasoned

"I agree, I think someone other than me should do it though, if I go it might be obvious" said maylin

"True, but we would need a face that they are familiar with" said the ming sheng as he was thinking of what to do when Qianqian came in

"Send me father, I can be the familiar face needed for the mission"

"Absolutely not" the patriarch promptly refused.