
My life in my little pony

It is the story of a man who remembers nothing of his past, his family, his friends but reincarnates in a world of magic and fantasy as a ponet and not just any. this story is action, romance, drama, NO HAREM

Jesse_Assoumou · Anime und Comics
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11 Chs

disciple and new friend

(4 months later)

today is the day of the academy entrance test, here I am with twilight in the waiting room watching twilight go round and round in braided

[twilight] - everything will be fine aizel no need to braid like that I'm sure everything will be fine

[aizel] - I am perfectly fine, it is rather you who ...… ..

[reviewer] - Twilight, miss twilight sparkle it's yours, please follow us

[aize] - listen to twilight have studied magic for 4 months I'm sure you'll do well and I'll even be in the room cheering you on. [twilight] -thank you aizel

When entering the room I can see all the teachers who were looking at me with fear, I was already used to this situation everywhere I had, I asked granny why he was afraid of me but she was lying or deflected the question .

[examiner] -Well let's start, your test will be to hatch this dragon egg.

for over 10 minutes we watched twilight trying with all her might to hatch the egg with her magic, as she was about to lose hope when hearing a <<BOUM>> a big rainbow crossed the sky, it was as uncontrollable magic enveloped her in twilight and began to shoot anything that moved, the egg too which revealed a little purple dragon as she lost I put my hoof on her.

[aizel] -twilight it's okay it's over, everything is fine you can control your magic now.

[twilight] - oh I'm so sorry I didn't mean to cause all of her problems.

before I can answer I hear a voice behind me

[???] twilight sparkle you have a very special gift, I don't think I have met a unicorn with such a talent for magic. [twilight] -PRINCESS CELESTIA

[celestia] - but you have to learn to control them that's why I would like you to become my disciple, so you accept?

[twilight] -but of course I want to. [celestia] - ah one last thing. the princess showed her forehead to show her her beauty mark. twilight then started to jump around the room saying: yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes

[celestia] - I hope I didn't disturb your examination. [examiner] - no your majesty quite the contrary your presence honors us.

the princess turns to me and says [celestia] -You must be the famous aizel rocks, could I personally take care of this one. she asked the examiner

[examiner] -yes as you like princess

[celestia] - follow me twilight and aizel

[twilight and aizel] - including princess


[princess] -aizel rocks I'm not going four ways are you who are you?

[aizel] - what do you mean princess?

[princess] - can't you see that people are afraid of you everywhere they go looking at you with fear

[aizel] - are you going to tell me why? [celestia] - let me tell you an ancient legend {a long time ago there lived a creature created by dark mana he was a horse as dark as night and very tall horn he was called karkadan the KING of darkness, he brought destruction and misfortune wherever he went. until one day a mare called athene created by the mana of light came to stop him and fight. It is said that this clash lasted for years until athene luckily managed to seal it, but karkadan cast a curse on the ponies and that's how the pony of darkness was born. these ponies have always caused destruction and misfortune that is for people

A deafening silence reigned in the room as the princess had just finished the story.

[aizel] -then I'm a dark pony, it doesn't even surprise me so what I have to

do now.

[celestia] - you will become my disciple in this academy and I will teach you how to control your dark mana, okay? [aizel] - yes i agree princess

[celestia] -so start the lesson right away my little ponies

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(2 years later )

i started learning magic with princess celestia i have to say i am really good at it even twilight with her beauty mark of magic couldn't keep up with my speed and the fact that i am a pony of the darkness didn't seem to bother her.

but no one was coming to talk to us because of me cause you know what.ah and the little twilight spike dragon decided to take him as his assistant. I even made a name for myself as a black swordsman.

[celestia] -hello my little ponies today I am going to teach you the magic of light.

[aizel] - expected you must teach me how to master black magic you remember.

[celestia] -no I haven't forgotten but I would like to test a new method [aizel] -ok

(2 hours later)

I was chasing the academy until I saw a pegasus pony being racked by taller ponies, so I intervene

[aizel] - oi oi oi what are you doing there guys? I said intimidating as I walked over to them [racketeer] -aaah aizel save you guys.

[aizel] -What bunch of cowards, are you okay?

[???] - yes thank you for helping me but I could have managed myself without your help.

I turn around without paying attention to his tsundere remark so I hear

[???] - wait you are the pony of darkness aizel right? that's so cool. [aizel] - you're not afraid of me. Everyone is afraid of me except a few people.

[gary] -ben no I think that's cool, oh yes my name is gary and my dream is to become the fastest pegasus in Equestria, he says with a big smile.

[aizel] - very nice to meet you, my name is aizel rocks and my dream is to become the most swordsman in the world.

and that's how I met my new friend who will later be my best friend.


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Gary and I have become good friends, he has a rather cheerful and cheerful personality

we played, practiced sword but he sucked so I beat him very quickly, but I have to go home because granny prepared my final test for a real swordsman as she says.

[aizel] -so granny what is this final test. he asked as he entered the house.

[granny] - the ordeal is in the forest and I also invited your friends to come watch.

We left the house to go towards the part of the forest on the way we met twilight, spike, gary and princess celestia

[twilight] - the faster we are done The faster I could go back to class with the princess so finish this ordeal quickly. [Gary] -yeah make it quicker aizel the wonder volts are going to do a workout then quick. [Aizel] - I'm really touched by your encouragement I said sarcastically

princess celestia and granny seemed amused by our interaction.

[granny] -Well start the trials, The trial of crossing the forest wood, facing 3 timberwolf and looking behind the waterfall. [aizel] -looking behind the waterfall is it really an ordeal?

[granny] - who knows you'll see, it's not my word to discuss go ahead. [aizel] - i'm going. I said as I galloped towards the forest.

Seeing me walk away, Celestia comes closer to ask Granny with concern: will he get there?

[granny] - I hope princess.

[twilight] - what's hard to see behind a waterfall. she said with confusion

[granny and celestia] - the last test is facing your inner self.

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I was galloping in until I saw three familiar figures

[aizel] - ah my little timberwolf you will remind me of memories and if we played. I say with a villain smile

One of the timberwolf starts to run towards, but I dodge it, materialize a sword of darkness and cut off its head.

[aizel] - I wield the swords of darkness better and better, go attack together that we are done.

The apparently angry Timberwolf tomorrow notices precipice towards me to attack me

In order not to waste time I attack them with destructive dark mana magic

[aizel] - ah it was disappointing they are really too weak.

I'm going back to the waterfall to finish with this ordeal

I get to the waterfall and walk behind to watch when a tired neck suddenly collapses.

............… ...

[aizel] -where I am, I said looking around, it was pitch black but I still managed to see, until I saw a darker giant shadow approaching me.

[???] - how are you son? [aizel] -WHAT son why do you call me son and who are you?

Why is he calling me son? Is he my father? but I'm not a union of two ponies, so why?

[karkadan] - oh yes this is I introduce myself my name is karkadan the king of darkness.


it was a bit long sorry but I really wanted to do well, there may be a new personal new character like gary but not much on this good thank you and mark me well

Jesse_Assoumoucreators' thoughts