
My Life in Another World with My Harem

Alex , a highschool student died while bathing . When he woke up he met a ROB who became his wife and reincarnated him a world from her creation contain different characters from animes and mangas . Follow Alex in his adventure to pick his harem while enjoying his life . ---------------------------------------------- Author : well guys , first this fanfic is my wish fulfillment and something I enjoy writing to ease the pressure I'm suffering from . second this will not be multiverse as from the synopsis it's a world from the ROB creation that contains different characters from animes and mangas . third this will be mega harem as I love harem so much so if like it be my guest and if not we'll you are free to ignore it . lastly there will be OC and I will try to describe them as much detailed as I can . the anime / manga characters will be changed to fit my desire, you know what I mean . Note : I don't own the rights of any anime or mangas characters mentioned in this fanfic except the OC . - the cover is not mine so if the owner wants me to remove it just put a comment.

RedMoth · Anime und Comics
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102 Chs

The Void and The Multiverse

Dark yet beautiful, so beautiful that no one could imagine that something like that could exist at all.

That was what Alex was seeing right now. He was seeing so many galaxies and stars shining and giving a very beautiful sight.

"It's the same dream again, huh. How many times I've seen it?"

"I even can't remember. Anyway, looking at a sight like that isn't bad either."

He said as kept looking, feeling relaxed and calm.

Then suddenly the sight began to change.

Everything became smaller and smaller. The galaxies, stars, planets and everything in sight became smaller, no he was getting further from them until he saw something very surprising.

"Is that the cosmic belt? Fuck, that's a Supernova! Amazing!"

Then suddenly he noticed something that nearly blew up his mind.

"That can't be true! This, this is not true at all. Maybe i'm imagining things."

Alex was so shocked right now that he nearly couldn't understand the thing happening in front of him.

What he saw was that cosmic clusters were appearing and disappearing in front of him, it was like something dying and something being born.

"Tell me it's not the big bang, tell me this is not the universe, no it is universes if I can be more specific."

Yes, what he was seeing right now was the big bang, the theory that explained the beginning of the universe as that what he literally saw.

Then suddenly again, his sight changed and things became smaller again or he went further from them.

Until everything around him became dark without any lights or anything, it was as if he was in the void itself.

The Void, the place beyond the multiverse where nothing could exist, no laws, no concepts and no anything, just a place devoid of everything.

Then Alex shifted his gaze to the enormous and huge ball that contained several flashing lights and starts, he even saw the universes there.

"Now I understand. So this huge enormous ball represents the multiverse that contains the omniverse and then the universes."

Alex nodded in a calm manner, he wasn't surprised or shocked again, rather he felt calm and relaxed, it as if he did this before, as if he looked at the sight in front of him before.

Around the ball was a white belt that was glowing as if holding the ball together.

"And this, is the oldest and the main timeline that linked to the other timelines in different universes, huh. Although it's confusing but I feel like I can understand it very well."

Alex then looked at himself and found himself standing in the void, alone without anyone beside him, as if he was destined to be alone all his life.

"No, I have Vine, Hinata, Daki, Anna and all of my wives with me, I can't be alone as long as they are with me. I won't leave them alone, I'm their husband and I will stay with them." He said with confidence and determination.

He felt relief in his heart as if something heavy was pushed down from his chest and felt so good and happy at the moment.

He closed his eyes and opened them again to find himself back to the palace again.

He looked down and beside him and found his wives clinging to him as if afraid that he would leave them. He smiled warmly and sighed in relief.

The thought of him leaving them scared him to the bone.

Any being had something to be afraid of, even the strongest ones and Alex wasn't much different as he also had something that made afraid and that was being away from his wives.

Although even if he tried to go away from them, they would cling to him like a glue, not leaving him a bit and staying beside him till the end of time.

He kissed their heads gently making them smile while sleeping before he slipped out of the bed without waking them up.

Then he went out of the palace and walked for some time until he was quite far from the palace as what he was going to do right now was something dangerous and could put the girls in danger if exposed to it.

"Well, that's far enough, then let's do it."

He said as he put a barrier 100 meters from him, then sat crosslegged on the grassy ground and closed his eyes.

Taking a breath in and breath out, a dark purple energy exploded out of him and started spreading around him.

It was spreading fast while damaging and eliminating anything that contained life along the way.

The ground shattered, and the grass vanished into nothingness, and that continued for quite a long distance.


Once it reached a hundred meters, the barrier that Alex put started trembling. The barrier was the strongest that Alex could make, but that wasn't enough for him to prevent the dark purple energy from trying to destroy it.


Cracks began to appear on it and was increasing until suddenly it started disappearing and the barrier repaired itself.

'Wooooh, that was close. Now let's continue.'

Alex knew what this dark purple energy could do and knew it was dangerous, more dangerous than anything, it was so chaotic and unorganized that he needed to wear an enchanted gloves to control it somehow.

But he knew that once he controlled it, he would have no match at all.

The dark purple energy that was trying to break through the barrier, began to fill the space in the barrier, making everything shatter literally.

Suddenly outside the barrier, a woman with dark violet hair appeared with a worried expression.

It was Vine.

"Dearest! What are you doing?!" She shouted with a shaky and worried voice while trying to go inside the barrier, but it was futile, although she was the Goddess of Destruction, she couldn't break the barrier and was because of the dark purple energy that filled the space inside and somehow a part of it blended with the barrier, making it far more stronger.

"Dearest, answer me! Dearest! Dearest!"

She was so worried as she knew that this dark purple energy was her husband's and knew that he couldn't control it that was why she made him a glove with the help of Hinata until he could control it, but right now, she couldn't see her husband and the dark purple energy was filling the air and destroying everything around.

She thought that the energy was harming her husband that he couldn't answer her, so she decided to use her own energy and destroy the barrier.

She started to engulf herself with pure violet energy making the area around to shatter, but then she heard someone shouting.


Vine calmed down and cancelled her energy and looked behind to see Esdeath along with the others.

Esdeath was the one who shouted.

"But, but my dearest is..is.."

"Just calm down, aren't you a goddess? And old at that, don't act like a child and trust our husband."

Vine couldn't find word to refute and just sighed but felt quite annoyed when she was reminded of her age, then looked at the barrier again that turned dark purple color due to the energy while still having a worried expression.

Esdeath and the others were also so worried about him, but decided to trust him and wait.

Anna who was pregnant didn't want to be worried to keep her baby safe and decided to trust him that he would go back to her again.

And Alex was still inside with the dark purple energy engulfing him as if hugging him possessively.