
My Life in Another World with My Harem

Alex , a highschool student died while bathing . When he woke up he met a ROB who became his wife and reincarnated him a world from her creation contain different characters from animes and mangas . Follow Alex in his adventure to pick his harem while enjoying his life . ---------------------------------------------- Author : well guys , first this fanfic is my wish fulfillment and something I enjoy writing to ease the pressure I'm suffering from . second this will not be multiverse as from the synopsis it's a world from the ROB creation that contains different characters from animes and mangas . third this will be mega harem as I love harem so much so if like it be my guest and if not we'll you are free to ignore it . lastly there will be OC and I will try to describe them as much detailed as I can . the anime / manga characters will be changed to fit my desire, you know what I mean . Note : I don't own the rights of any anime or mangas characters mentioned in this fanfic except the OC . - the cover is not mine so if the owner wants me to remove it just put a comment.

RedMoth · Anime und Comics
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102 Chs

Surprising Encounter

( Alex Pov )



I woke up on a good feeling at my bottom .




Ahhh this feeling is amazing , wet and warm . Wait a minute . Wet ? And warm ?


I opened my eyes and looked to see Anna sucking on my cock hungrily as if she is desperate to drink my cum .


She looked at me with her seductive purple eyes while her massive breasts resting on my thighs giving me soft massage. She smiled and continued to suck my cock with incredible sucking power while swirling her tongue around my cock giving me heavenly sensation. Yes that's the stuff .


My twitched as I was close so Anna increased her speed and then I suddenly put my hand on her head and pushed it down making her swallow my whole dick in her mouth reaching beyond her throat directly to stomach . A bulge appeared in her neck as my dick was so thick and I came directly in her stomach filling it with my cum .


After finished she pulled her head up while sucking my dick to take the last drop of my cum . My dick was out with a 'pop' sound then she licked her lips giving turning me on but I endured the temptation as I don't want to break her and also I have my class in the academy .


" thank you for breakfast darling ~ " she said giving me a smile .


" you're welcome dear ~ "


Then she came and hugged me while resting her head on my chest . Looked at my left to see Vine awake looking at me as if wanting something. I knew what she wanted so I gave her a deep passionate kiss expressing my love and lust for her , she was happy with that kiss .


We rested on the bed for some time , then we got out of the bed and went to take bath and of course that wasn't an ordinary bath as after going inside moans and screams of pleasure was heard . That was good .

Then we got out and dressed " Vine I can't stay her for long as I still have my responsibilities and my academy, I can stay her with you if I didn't have that " I said with an apologetic look .


Vine smiled " Don't worry dear I understand, and also didn't we agree that I will have you from time to time . I also enjoy watching your life there from here ~ "


" Thanks honey" I said as I kissed her .


We separated " so you can watch me from here ?! "


" yeah " she said .


" then I work hard to give you an exciting experience ~ "


" I'm counting on you "


Anna bowed to Vine " Thank you sister Vine I enjoy my time with you " she said with a warm smile .


" no need to bow me little Anna I also enjoyed my time with you " Vine said while smiling at Anna warmly as if she is literally her sister .


I was so glad with their warm interaction.


" Bye honey " " see you later sister "


" see you later darling, little Anna ~ "


Then in the next sec we vanished and appeared in my mansion. Haaah I things to do which I'm lazy to do . Suddenly an idea popped in my mind and looked at Anna and whispered in her ear " as long as you are in this mansion , you won't wear any underwear just you sexy maid outfit on your naked body so I can fuck you whenever I want ~ "


Anna blushed a little and said while smiling at me " yes dear ~ "

I think her blush is because she is excited as I can hear her heavy breaths right now . Think I woke another side of her , well I will accept her no matter what she is like after all she is my wife , woman, and slut .

I went and changed to my academy uniform which consists of a white shirt and black tie with black jacket that contains golden engravings and black pants with black shoes. The same was for girls but instead of pans there is a skirt with magenta like shape .


We slept in Vine's room so we are in the next day .


" I'm going Anna " I said while giving her a kiss then j smiled to her and whispered " don't forget what I told you , dear ~ "


She didn't say anything and just nodded .


I stopped and looked at her " when I come , I will give you surprise "


She smiled " then I can't wait till you come back , darling ~ "


I smile and went to attend my classes in the academy .Walking in the corridor leading to different class I heard someone raising his voice then I turned left and saw a group of guys surrounding a girl wearing 5th year uniform that has a tie with different color than mine which is blue .

The girls had black hair with two braids falling on her shoulder, she was wearing glasses giving her an aura of an intelligent girl . The moment I saw her I remembered her , she is Saki Yoshida  from the hentai manga Metamorphosis. She is the girl who suffered all her life due to her nativity, she doesn't know anything about love or relationships and because of that she suffered all her life . I won't tell her story as I'm sure all of you know it or even heard about it .


This girl needs someone to protect her , appreciate her , genuinely love her , and not some tricks . I will save her , don't want her to suffer , she had enough . Since I read the manga and I wanted to save her and now I have the chance to do it .


Then with determination I walked towards the group of guys and slightly released my aura and focused in on them and said with deep voice  " what are you doing to her ?! "


The group of guys looked at me while sweating and trembling from fear as if they saw a terrifying being in front of them wants to tear them apart .


" go away from her , don't ever come near her anymore and if I saw you just 3 meters near her I will send you meet your creator. UNDERSTOOD ! "


" HIIII yes we are " and they run away with their feet trembling.


I walked closer to Saki and said with warm voice " are you okay ?! "


The girl who was trembling in fear earlier seemed to calm down and said with voice that had a hint of fear mixed with wary " I'm fine thank you "


I smiled warmly and patted her head " no need to thank me , I'm not a man if didn't save a girl in need "


She nodded with small smile on her face .


When she calmed down completely and became comfortable with me I asked her " what is you name ? "


" I'm Saki Yoshida, nice to meet you " she said with a cheerful smile on her face making my heart melt from her cuteness.


" I'm Alexander Coldblood, nice to meet you too Saki  you can call me Alex too "


" thank you Alex "


Author : if there are any mistakes, tell me in comments so I can edit them .I write using my phone as my computer is nearly dead so I'm sorry if there are any inconveniences . Thank you for your support of this Fanfic.





Support my other novel : Lord of Reality: I Prevail in Chaos

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