
chapter 1

hey hi this is my friend his name is ciao lin and I are childhood friend and now we are headed to the karaoke his dream is to become a singer but because of an drunk truck driver I died saving my childhood friend and supposed to go to heaven but I got reincarnated as prestigious family's second son and I researched a bit about this world and found about that there's no value for who are not cultivaters and weak people only strong people have authority and I also found out that u ascend to heaven and become an immortal and be worshiped as a diety in two weeks I was supposed to go to a sect but it got postponed cuz they thought I have lost memories but in fact I'm not even from this world my family members are thinking of making me take test to the biggest sect in jihao and I don't understand what I'm supposed to do but I know one thing that in this world by meditating you get stronger but it is called cultivating and I so on started cultivating so that I wouldn't embarras myself in front of public my goal in this world is too have a happy life and ascend and peacefully cultivate