
episode 4

(The episode opens with Hirashima taking cakes out of the oven with his multiple arms,the other arms turns off the ovens)

(The screen shows a woman who has short black hair, white skin, wearing a brown dress with long sleeves turning around to see a chocolate cake that is shaped as a dog)

(Her name is Aria)

A woman: A doggy cake (smiles) okay, Sarah, where are you?

(A woman who has blue hair, brown skin, wearing only a towel named Sarah)

Sarah (brushing her teeth) (muffled): What's wrong?

Aria: You didn't leave this cake, did you?

Sarah (muffled): No

Aria: Then (looks at the cake) who (sees a card)

(Aria grabs a card)

Aria: Dear Aria and Sarah, I hope your relationship is going well, this cake is for your anniversary, love Hirashima the mutant.

Sarah (muffled): Who is that?

Aria: That superhero that was shown on TV

Sarah (muffled): A celebrity sent us a cake

Aria: I know, should we send him a thank you card

Sarah (muffled): Absolutely wait until I get dressed, so we can eat together

Aria: Fair enough

(Multiple screens showing people seeing cakes in their kitchen, looking shocked, and smiles)

(The screen switches to a person who has cult brown hair, brown skin, wearing a blue dress and heels pasting)

The person: Oh! I can't… what if they don't like me

Hirashima (shown as a shadow): They will

(The person turns around to see Hirashima wearing a blue dress, tiara, holding a wand)

The person: Who are you?

Hirashima: Just call me your fairy godmother

The person: I doubt you could

Hirashima: I bet I can, why are you doing this?

The person: I wanted to see that all kinds of people are welcome

Hirashima: How about I stay by your side, so you get more courage?

The person: My name is Angelo

Hirashima: Nice to meet you

Angelo: (takes a deep breath) I am ready (looks determined)

Hirashima (has his hand on Angelo's shoulder): Alright

(Angelo comes from the curtain)

(A bunch of men are looking at Angelo)

(Hirashima appears)

Angelo: Welcome everybody, this is a place to welcome all of you, it's Sunheart field and I am Henry, tell me how many of you love dressing like a woman because it's fun

(A bunch of men raise their hands)

Angelo: How many of you have been frowned at because you did that in public?

(A bunch of men raised their hands again)

Angelo: Well, no more this is a safe haven for all of those that feel like that

(One of the men raise their hand)

Angelo: Yes

Man # 1: What if you take it seriously?

Angelo: You can practice here if you are competing in a drag contest

Man #1: So, we can hang here and nothing bad will happen

Angelo: Absolutely, so if you will stay I would be happy

Man #1: Then, I'll stay, where do I sign?

(Hirashima hands a clipboard)

Man #1: Thank you, and my name is Henry (winks at Angelo)

Hirashima (whispers): Oh!

(Angelo blushes)

(The screen switches to Hirashima taking off the red dress)

(Onishi giggles)

Hirashima: Oh, shut up

Onishi: I can't you believe you are really wearing drag

Hirashima (with his hand on his hip): But, I make it work

Onishi: You do

(Hirashima put his hair in a ponytail, wearing a yellow shirt, blue jeans, and white shoes)

(The screen shows Hirashima putting mail into mailboxes at quick speed)

(Hirashima puts a package by the door and knocks on the door)

(a man opens the door)

(The man takes the package and smiles)

The man: Thanks, hira

(Hirashima looked shocked and walks away)

(Hirashima left four packages by a door and knocks on the door)

(Two women appear from the door and takes the packages inside)

Two women: Thank you, Hirashima

(Hirashima giggles)

(Hirashima leaves bones for dogs)

(The dogs are shown eating their bones)

(Hirashima puts more mail into mailboxes)

(Hirashima looks at the neighborhood)

Hirashima (cross off the list): Seems everybody is happy

A man: Hang on

(Hirashima turns around)

A man: I need your help, I seem to gotten my keys stuck under my car

(Hirashima lifted the car and the man got the keys)

The man: Thank you, say how old are you?

Hirashima: Sorry

(Onishi appears giving the man a death glare)

The man: I am too (runs into his car and drives off)

Hirashima: Onishi, was that necessary?

Onishi: What?

Hirashima: Play dumb all you want, but I know you gave him a death glare

Onishi: And if I did

Hirashima: I wasn't going to go out with him, I believe I'm sleeping with somebody else

Onishi: For now, but your only staying here for a month and I want

Hirashima: Me all to yourself, fair

(Hirashima and Onishi kiss)

(Episode ends with them walking away together)