
episode 3

(The episode opens with the sun rising)

(Hirashima got up beside Onishi and smiles)

Onishi (eyes opens): Morning

Hirashima (looking shocked): You were faking it.

Onishi: No, I only just woke up, but I was too lazy to get up (blushed)

Hirashima (smirk): So, are you feeling okay?

Onishi: Why, you think your power is going to infect me or something

Hirashima: No, I already checked my powers don't work like that

Onishi: Wait, after you do your good deeds will you be gone for good

Hirashima: That's what I would think

Onishi (Sad): Oh!

(The screen switches to Hirashima and Onishi are eating breakfast together)

Onishi: So, how many good deeds do you have to do?

Hirashima: 100

Onishi: What kind?

Hirashima: Helping people selflessly

Onishi: Like helping children, the homeless, people apart of the LGBT community, etc

Hirashima: Yup, all them

Onishi: No matter, how small

Ainsley: NO matter, how small as long as he does something for somebody else, that's all that matters, what you did yesterday was a good thing

Onishi: You were watching

Ainsley: Of course

Hirashima: So, what should I?

(A list appears in Hirashima's hand)

Hirashima (looks at the list): Fair enough, giving somebody a cup of coffee, really?

Ainsley: No matter, how small

Hirashima: Fine, I can do the simple ones first, does it matter which person?

Ainsley: Yes, a woman

Hirashima: Okay

Ainsley: Now you can leave

(Hirashima kisses Onishi)

(Hirashima disappears)

(The screen switches to Hirashima appearing in a coffee shop and sees a woman who has long ginger hair, white skin, wearing ripped red shirt, blue jeans, and no shoes being kicked out of the store)

Hirashima: Hold it!

(The security stops)

Hirashima (gives money to an employee): One decaf with foam and sprinkles (winks)

The woman: Thank you, but how (sees Hirashima's tail)

Hirashima (nods): Yup

(The security lets the woman go)

(The woman goes to Hirashima and hugs him)

(The screen shows Hirashima giving a coffee to the woman)

The woman: Thank you. Thank you.

Hirashima: Like I said you are welcome, after all everybody should enjoy a good cup of coffee

The woman: My name is (holds out her hand) Jean

Hirashima (shakes Jean's hand): Hirashima

Jean (gets up): Why me?

Hirashima: This is out of the kindness of my heart

Jean (looking suspicious): You are up to something

Hirashima: I am not, I really am serious,

Jean: SO, if I walk away, I won't get stopped

Hirashima: Yup

(Jean walks towards the door, looks at Hirashima)

(Hirashima waves at Jean)

(Jean walks out the door)

(Hirashima is watching the security and drink some coffee out of a cup)

(Hirashima looks at the list and checks off)

(The screen switches to Hirashima wiping a bunch of cars with multiple arms)

(A man who has short red hair, white skin, wearing a red shirt, blue jeans, and white shoes named Tom)

Tom: Thanks again, Mr. Hirashima

Hirashima (cleaning cars): Just Hirashima

Tom: Okay, Hirashima, you missed

(Hirashima wipes a small spot quickly)

Tom: A spot, nevermind

Hirashima: Thanks, I am here to help to clean

Tom: You are great

(Hirashima are shown cleaning out a beat up car)

(Raccoons are taken out of the car and put in a basket)

(The raccoons are given food and eat quickly)

(A portal enters)

(The raccoons enter the portal)

(The portal closes)

(A bunch of papers are thrown out)

(Hirashima's tail catches the paper and put it in a recycling bin)

(A bunch of candy is put in trash)

(Gum is thrown in the trash as well)

(Two seats from the back are taken)

(Tails were made into two car seats)

(Hirashima puts the car seats in the back)

(A red car is shown squeaking clean along with a green car, black van, pink Suv, and a red pick up truck)

Tom: Amazing

(A woman who has curly black hair, brown skin, wearing an orange shirt, blue jeans, and shoes named Tilma)

Tilma: Say, how much for the pick up truck, I have to make a lot of rounds

Tom: 2,000

Tilma (hands out money): Here

Tom: The truck is yours, but please sign (holds out a paper with a pen) this

(Tilma signs the paper with a pen)

(Tilma gives the paper to Tom)

Tom (bows at Hirashima): Thank you

Hirashima: You are welcome

(Episode ends with Hirashima walking away with a smile)