
episode 2

(The episode shows Hirashima fly so fast that knocks everything)

(A gang is shown)

(The strong wind knocks off the gang)

(The gang leader is revealed to have short brown hair, white skin, wearing a black jacket, white shirt, black pants and white shoes; with a cigarette in his mouth)

(This man's name is Gima Udo)

(Gima Udo fell on his butt and saw Hirashima)

Gima (looks at Hirashima): Who are you?

Hirashima: Hirashima the mutant and I'm here to save this orphanage.

Hirashima (thought): I can't believe I said that embarrassing line.

Gima (gets up): I don't care who you are, this orphanage is mine.

Hirashima (looks at Gima): What about the kids? Where will they go?

Gima: Who cares about the children? They are nearly dead anyway.

(Hirashima felt a sting from his heart)

Hirashima: That is so cruel.

Onishi (come out of the corner): I agree, only a heartless person would say that.

(Onishi looks at Gima and sighs)

Gima: So, you have gone soft (reveals a gun)

Onishi: Actually I would say I'm the same, I didn't come to stop you.

(Hirashima crushes Gima's guns and gives a sinister smile)

Gima (surprised): My guns!

Hirashima: Sorry, but I don't like guns anymore.

Gima (with an evil smile): It doesn't matter, I practically own this orphanage anyway, so you can't stop me.

(Hirashima makes a piece of paper appear, which makes Gima gasp)

(This paper is revealed to be the deed to the orphanage)

Gima: That's impossible, I burned that, you are bluffing.

(Hirashima shows a burnt mark on the bottom of the paper)

Gima (eyes widened): It's true, what are you?

Hirashima (puts the deed in the pocket): As I said a mutant, pleasure to meet you, and now that I have the deed, I would like to leave this orphanage alone.

(Gima runs to Hirashima and tries to choke her, but Hirashima grabs Gima's arm and slams him to the ground)

Onishi: Oh! That had to hurt.

Gima (takes a knife out of his pocket and puts it up to Onishi's neck): One false move and I kill him.

Hirashima (with his arms crossed): I wouldn't do that.

(Gima got shot on his left hand and the knife fell to his feet)

(Gima turns around to see Onishi holding a gun)

Onishi: Grab the knife, and I will shoot the other hand.

Gima: That's more of the person I saw. Fine, you can have the orphanage, but I'm not the only person that wants this orphanage to go away.

Hirashima (with an evil smile) (Red aura around him): The other gang won't even try.

Gima: You are a tough case, hope we run into each other again (walked away)

Onishi: Well, you saved this orphanage, are you happy?

Hirashima: I haven't fully saved it.

Onishi: What do you mean, no other gangs would be foolish enough to come after this orphanage.

Hirashima: That's not what I mean. (snapped a finger)

(The screen shows The orphanage is a beautiful house with a glowing aura)

(Onishi looks shocked at the house and runs inside)

A college student (looks at Hirashima): What is going on? How is this place so nice? Am I hallucinating?

Hirashima: That was my doing, I hope you don't mind, Emalia.

Emalia: How do you know my name?

(Hirashima reveals his tail and starts flying)

Emalia (looking in disbelief): It can't be, it's some sort of trick.

Hirashima: Hey, believe it or not, I just came to help

Onishi (stands beside Emalia): So, you are going to check on every one of the people here?

Hirashima: Yup, follow me.

Onishi: Why do I have a bad feeling?

(Emalia follows Onishi and Hirashima)

(The screen switches to Hirashima entering a room where there is a bunch of kids surrounded by a woman who has gray hair, white skin, wearing a green dress covered up in the be)

(This woman is weakly breathing)

(The woman's name is Groanu)

A boy: Who are you?"

(The boy who has short brown hair, white skin, wearing a green shirt, blue pants, and white shoes, protecting Groanu)

Hirashima (kindly): Don't worry, I'm a healer.

(The boy looked at Hirashima, seeing the sincere look in Hirashima's eyes)

The boy: Fine.

(Hirashima walks to the woman, touches the woman's forehead, eyes glow, the woman's body glows, and the woman opens her eyes)

The woman (looks at Hirashima) ( her color comes back): Are you an Angel?

Hirashima: Kinda.

Onishi (thought): He is really good at this.

Groanu (looks at Onishi): Are you friends with her?

Onishi: Yes, and you have a nice clean house, do you have any food, how's the water?.

Groanu: There's no need, you have done enough.

Onishi (holding out his wallet): Hirashima, here's some money. Go now.

(Hirashima speeds out of the house at quick speed, then heads to the grocery store)

(Hirashima grabs groceries with quick speed)

(Hirashima gives money to the cashier)

(The cashier gives Hirashima money back)

(Hirashima disappears)

(The screen switches to Onishi looks at the watch, then holds out his hand, and his wallet is given back to him)

Onishi: You better not have taken all my money.

Hirashima: Of course, I didn't (looks at the woman)All the groceries have been put away and here's your deed.

Groanu (takes the deed): But, why?

Hirashima: Just doing good for others, and it wasn't just me.

(Groanu gives a warm smile at Onishi)

(Onishi blushes)

Groanu: I owe you, let me make you some dinner, won't you stay?

Hirashima: There's no need.

Groanu Please let me repair you somehow, your friend can join us as well.

Hirashima (looks at the woman): Fine, I will stay, will you stay Onishi?

Onishi: I might as well, I did get rid of that jerk for all these people.

(The screen switches to Onishi and Hirashima are eating dinner with everybody in the orphanage)

Groanu (with a big smile): Enjoy this food to the fullest my young children and my guardian angels.

(Hirashima and Onishi waves goodbye)

(The screen switches to Hirashima and Onishi walk together through the neighborhood)

Onishi: So, what now?

Hirashima: Oh, you are going to stay with me?

Onishi: Duh, I'm kinda the reason you ended up in this situation.

Hirashima: You know, I genuinely did miss you when I thought you died in that fire, I barely got any sleep.

Onishi (his back turned): What are you saying that you love me?

Hirashima (touched his heart): I do.

Onishi (thought): Did he just say that?

Hirashima (thought): Did I really just say that?

(Hirashima and Onishi look at each other with a blushed face)

(The sun starts to come down)

Hirashima: Well, it's getting late, we should go (started to walk away)

Onishi (takes Hirashima's hand): My house is closer.

They walk to Onishi's house and finally enter it.

Onishi (as he unlocked his door): Please take off your shoes at the door.

Hirashima (takes off his shoes): Right.

Onishi: If you want to, you can take a shower first, I'll bring you a towel.

Hirashima: Thanks (walked into the bathroom and started the shower)

Hirashima (thought): I can't believe I told him, I love him, right now we can't even talk to each other.

(Onishi puts the towel in the bathroom and walks into his room)

Onishi (sits down): How can he say he loves me, when I killed him just moments ago, but I can't fault him because I…

Onishi (putting his face up) (looking at the moon): Love him too.

(The screen shows Hirashima comes out of the shower and looks at the mirror)

Hirashima (eyes widened): Ainsley, why did you change me back?

Ainsley: I changed you in the first place because your first response to me, you didn't think I would keep you like that.

Hirashima: Well, that's good to know (walks out of the bathroom after he wraps the towel around himself)

(Hirashima enters a guest room, closes the door, turns on the light, and heads to the closet)

(Hirashima puts on a white shirt with spots, brown shorts, and slippers, then walks to Onishi's room)

Hirashima: Onishi, are you still up? Listen you don't have to respond about my confession, after all you always just thought of us as just friends. Anyway, good night (about to walk away)

(A hand pulled him into the room and he was looking straight at Onishi)

(Onishi kisses Hirashima on the lips, Hirashima looked shocked)

Hirashima: Onishi, we shouldn't, we'll only have a month.

Onishi: That's all I need (kisses Hirashima)

(They end up on the bed, then takes off their clothes)

Onishi (thought): I may only have one month, but I will enjoy my time the best I can.

(The episode ends with Onishi and Hirashima in the bed)