
Episode 13

(The episode opens with Hirashima walking around the apartment)

Hirashima: Onishi, hello, I'm going to get some lunch, you want some.


Hirashima: Weird, is he still asleep?

(Hirashima flies around the house)

Hirashima (looked worried): That's weird, he isn't here, now calm down he could just in the city

(Hirashima flies out the door and heads out)

(The city is on fire)

(Hirashima looked horrified and flies around)

(A bunch of people are running)

(Hirashima flies around and tries to absorb the fire)

(The fire isn't put out)

(Hirashima try to freeze the ice)

(The fire easily melt the ice)

(Hirashima makes everybody fly away from the city and lands on the clouds)

(Hirashima check every building)

(No Onishi)

A voice: Looking for your boyfriend

(Hirashima turns around to see a man in a robe)

Hirashima (red eyes): Where is he?

(The man snaps his fingers)

(The screen shows Hirashima appearing in a medieval village and sees a tower)

(Hirashima sniffs and sees Onishi in the tower)

(Hirashima flies away)

(Hirashima try to get to Onishi)

(The warlock appears in front of Hirashima)

The warlock: I forget to tell you, that's there is a deal we need to discuss

Hirashima: What kind of deal that you needed to lock up my boyfriend and set the city on fire which for some reason is affecting my powers.

The warlock: You see I like to test young minds to see what in their hearts

Hirashima: Okay, but those people and my boyfriend are innocent

The warlock: True, but that's the test to see who you would save your city or your boyfriend

(The warlock sends them back to the city with tower)

Onishi: This is crazy, I just wanted lunch

(Onishi noticing stuff melting)

Onishi: Oh, hell no

Hirashima: You can't be serious, you want me to choose my boyfriend's life over a million lives of the city

The warlock: That's the challenge, also you might want to hurry

(Hirashima turns around to see the tower melting)

Onishi: Hirashima! I am going to die by melting (sees his feet melting a little)

Hirashima: But

(The warlock disappeared)

(From the distance, the warlock changes into Ainsley)

Ainsley: Let's see he can handle this challenge.

(The screen shows Hirashima releases a white aura that puts out the fire)

(The people are coming down in the bubbles)

(The tower melted and Hirashima sees Onishi trying to crawl to Hirashima looking like a melted mess)

(Hirashima goes to Onishi)

Hirashima: I am so sorry, I couldn't let those people die

Onishi (mostly melted): It's okay, I know you are too caring, besides I would never want you to let those people die

(Slow clapping is heard)

(Hirashima and Onishi sees The warlock)

(The warlock represents themself as Ainsley)

Hirashima (shocked) (angry): Ainsley! I knew it

Onishi (angry): What?

(Ainsley snaps their fingers)

(Onishi is back to normal)

Onishi (angry): You mean I almost died because of a stupid test

Ainsley: It was to see your boyfriend's morals, yes

(Onishi tries to attack Ainsley, but Ainsley disappeared)

Onishi (angry): You can't stay away forever

(Ainsley appears)

Ainsley: You are right, you deserve to be angry

Onishi: You are damn right, I do, you nearly killed me, the city, just to see if Hirashima pure, didn't he already have the good deeds he has been committing

Ainsley: Yeah, but I had a feeling he did that because he wanted to just win a quick ticket to Heaven instead because it is the right thing

Hirashima: You know, it was, but then I notice what these powers gave me, the praise I got, the people's happy faces as I came to save them and I started to feel satisfied doing the right thing

Ainsley: And that what I wanted to hear, so you passed and don't worry I'm not doing that again

Hirashima: Yeah, see you after my deeds are done

Ainsley: Yeah.

(Ainsley heads to the clouds and disappears)

(Hirashima walks with Onishi)

Onishi: Can we eat lunch?

Hirashima: Sure, you want pizza?

Onishi: Anything, I am starving

(Hirashima giggles)

(Episode ends)