
My Life As Tadano

*Important Note* Don't take it seriously, none of this are real, the characters in this story is not mine. I Created This for the sake of improving my writing skills, feel free to criticize this is just me writing a Fictional story with a complicated plots. A Young man from Earth, was suddenly Transmigrated in the body of Tadano Hitohito. The protagonist of Komi-san can't communicate. Tadano which is now an entirely different person, the young man who had been Transmigrated from Tadano's body couldn't remember anything from his past besides the Anime, Manga and Novels he reads. He thought that he'll live peacefully in this Rom-com world with his fated partner Shoko Komi, but he suddenly receives a System!

Charlottes · Anime und Comics
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98 Chs

The Healing Sticker Side-effect

The woman that they saved thanked them both, Miu was happy to help the woman, not long after the police arrived and arrested the thugs.

The police find it strange that these 2 youths actually beat 2 thugs that are more likely stronger than your average adult, but they didn't get questioned because of their merit of saving the woman.

Actually the woman they saved had a bit of a powerful connection to the police, her father is actually the Chief police in Tokyo, so this was handled smoothly and quickly.

Now that the police and the woman they saved left, only the two of them are left in the streets, now it was time for Hito to strike a conversation.

"Oh uhmm, hey a while ago I saw you smoothly kicked the thug's face without much trouble, it was as if you do it all day and definitely it wasn't just any normal kick since the force that is applied to it is at least 200kg, tell me is it karate?"

Miu flinched, she replied.

"Well no, it is called Mixed Martial arts I haven't shown a move since the thug is weak and fainted in my first move." Miu she didn't lie, it was the truth the Thug was weak.

Hito couldn't help but thought 'Damn! Only you and some others could say that! The thug isn't weak, you were just too strong!'

But he couldn't really blame her for having that mentality, after all she spent her life living with Grandmasters, also her grandfather is the strongest Martial Artist in the world!

So one couldn't blame her for calling them weak, they just had a different concept of weak and strong, probably in Miu's mind the strong is someone that could blow a huge boulder with a single punch!

"Ohh? Really? Where did you learn Mixed Martial Arts?" Though he knows, he asked for not getting suspicion. After all it's better for the person to reveal it, than to reveal it yourself.

Miu hesitated for a while, but then as an honest girl she is. She spoke.

"Umm..I learned it from my family Dojo!"

Hito acted surprised, "Oh! Your family owns a Dojo?! That's cool!"

Miu was known to be weak at praises, so she suddenly felt happy and said.

"Hehehe, really?"

"Yes! It is by the way does your Dojo accept Disciples?"

Hearing that Miu froze, and she said.

"Regarding that well...we do but…"


Miu blushed a little, and said.

"We currently don't have any Disciples at all! Basically our Dojo is empty! We have the teachers but there isn't a single Disciples at all!"

Hito said, "Ohh!! Then the teachers must've been bad at teaching then?"

He intended to say that he wanted to see his Miu react, as he said it, Miu immediately refuted him.

"No! They are not bad at teaching! They are the best! It's just our Dojo isn't well known yet!" She felt a little angry when the Masters of her Dojo was mocked.

"Is that so..? Then do you mind if I'll go to your family Dojo? I'd like to see it for myself if they are really good! And if they are I wouldn't mind joining in your Dojo as a Disciple! Of course the tuition fee isn't a problem!'

Miu was surprised she didn't expect this outcome at all! Someone is actually interested in joining her family Dojo!

But of course she is happy and accepted.

"Okay! I'll bring you there right now! I'll show you that my Dojo is capable of!"

"Wait, wait I'm not going right now it's already late! I'll just go tomorrow!"

She suddenly realized that it was already late, and she embarrassedly said.

"Ah! Yes...I forgot that it's already night! Then tomorrow! I'll bring you to my family Dojo!"

Hito nodded and said.

"Then that's a promise, right give me your cell phone number I'll call you tomorrow so that I would know where to see you."

Miu suddenly turned awkward, and shyly said.

"I-i don't have a phone!"

Hito was surprised, he didn't expect her to not own a cellphone! Not even a flip one?

"Now that's a problem, oh well there is another solution, you see I've noticed that we are actually from the same school, so even if I can't contact you since you don't have a phone. I'll just meet you after school just tell me where."

Miu was again surprised, "Eh?! We're classmates?!"

He gathered quite Surprise Points, solely because of Miu being easily surprised, he nodded.

"Yep we are, you're also 1st year right?"

Miu nodded, "Yeah, I'm from Class 1-A."

"Oh it's just near I'm from 1-B just a single room the distance between us."

"That's really close! Okay then after school I'll find you in your classroom!"

Hito nodded, he scratched his head and said.

"Then it's decided! I'll go home now and you too, also you should be careful on your way home... you might be strong but you're still a girl, you're not Invincible just be cautious."

Unknowingly Miu felt a foreign warmth in her chest, within her life no one had said something like that to her, not even her grandfather.

Hito suddenly remembered, he actually didn't officially know her name.

"Right by the way my name is Tadano Hitohito, and you are?"

Miu opened her mouth and spoke.

"Furinji Miu, that's also my name. Nice meeting you Tadano-san!"

"Same here Furinji-san!"

After that the two left, and went back to their respective homes.


Meanwhile Sakura is currently in the hospital because her body felt like burning, she was also throwing up.

Seeing her like that her mother panicked and immediately called the ambulance, and now they are currently in a private ward.

It wasn't anything bad, it was just a little side-effect of the healing sticker that Hito gave her.

The nurse actually wanted to remove the sticker so that she could inject the Serum in her right arm, however Sakura refused the nurse's attempt to remove the sticker, she had promised not to remove it for the next 24 hours!

Seeing Sakura's reluctance, she didn't force her anymore and proceeded to inject in the other spot in her right arm.

Now that it was avoided tomorrow these people would be shocked to see Sakura's Illness cured.

( END- )

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