

After birth

I shall spare you the really gory and painful Details of birth. Seriously why was there so much blood? Anyway I am getting off track, I was just born a few hours and I can hear my parents words. Seeing their blurry faces and details just solidified my guess of them being from Ben 10 but the nail in the coffin was a blur of red shirted man with grey hair and a pot belly. They called him grandpa max.

The technology was much more advanced but I was passed into the arms of my newly christened mother. I used the low amount of motor control I had to throw my hands towards her and touched her face before chuckling like a tiny baby. So far I could only flail, cry and sleep. I feel like a weird version of Magikarp.( from my poekmon fic. Haha shameless self promotion for the win)

"He has your green eyes, he looks so cute. What shall we name him dear?" The husband, my dad,I guess? Asked my mom

"How about Benjamin. We can even call him ben." Dad looked ready to interfere but a single glance and a smile from.. mom was enough to stop dad dearest from continuing.

This is why all the beta males shall bow to my might hahaha! I am just joking but seriously, I have some sort of a weird disgust at being submissive to anyone else. My previous life's instincts or some sort of personality traits leaking through? Yeah I guess so. Well I guess if you can't be submissive then you gotta be dominant. Meh I will do what I want do.

Well before I could internally monologue anymore, I was whisked away by the nurse to my living place for the next .. week? How long do they keep babies in a medical bay? Meh. I really need to go through all my memories once.

I should probably practice my magic abilities until I get my omnitrix along with physical abilities. The omnitrix transforms the person into the same specimen as the wielder. So a weightlifting champion as a tetramand (four arms) would be much stronger than a 16 year old in shape Ben. At the very least this is true for the instinct 2 omnitrix's.

I should probably revise all my knowledge about the omnitrix versions.

(There are 4 omnitrix[without the reboot] versions. {info dump incoming}

There is the original omnitrix, it has a time limit of 10 minutes and randomly selects transformations and Ben has 19 aliens by the end of the first show. It can also get new aliens through physical contact to that alien. The user and to figure out how to use the alien on their own. It was actually just a prototype and that's why it has a plethora of glitches. This is the omnitrix from the original show

The second one is just the first omnitrix after it recalibrated during the 5 years of not being used. It had way more transformations and it was limited by the energy output so if Ben just transformed into alien and did nothing, he would stay as that form for ever but if he used up all the energy then he would Instantaneously transform back Than there was the biological lock which allows Ben to stay in one transformation for however long he wants. This omnitrix downloads the basic instincts and knowledge about a species of pokemon when ever ben uses it. This version allows Ben to use a green scan to scan aliens from a safe distance to Absorb different types of dna. Ben sacrificed this omnitrix to stop it from getting to vilgax, destroying it. This is from alien force.

The third one was the ultimatrix. It was made by albedo and was practically identical to the second omnitrix except for the ultimate evolution feature. This feature simulated what would happen to a species if it was out in a war zone for a million years and then replicated that dna. This is why they are way more combat focused than their normal species. This is from ultimate alien

The 4th and final version made by the first thinker, azmuth. He gave this to Ben after he saw ben give up ultimate power for his morals. It has way more transformations and only 61 are showed on screen and 72 are named. It can also scan new species but it isn't shown on screen. It immediately transforms the user to the prime of the species and this is the only omnitrix with this feature or function . This is of course from Ben 10 omniverse.

There is also master control. This feature allows Ben to swich between any alien for however long he wants without consequences or need to go back to his human form. It allows the user to telepathically transform into any alien with no drawback. The O.G omnitrix unlocked this feature via glitches. The recalibrated version came with this unlocked but kevin and Ben tampered with the function causing it to be deleted. The final version also has master control and Ben uses it pretty well during the entire show but the telepathic switching is never demonstrated properly.

The magical system from the show was never expanded on except for a few branches, I should probably focus on the basics that Gwen and Ben 10,000 use. Anodites have an extreme talent in manipulating mana cause they are made of energy. Since I am .. quarter anodize and talented enough then I should have no probables regarding that.

Magic in ben 10 was dived as dark and light though it may be neutral in most uses, the main problem was all the magicians use magical items and spells to enhance their power and I don't have access to those spells to spell book. Most used magical items are Hex's Charm. Charmcasters bags and gwens spell books.

{info dump over}

No matter which version I get. I must use the most of it. I should probably plan a lot but my head is hurting and sleep is looming on me and my motor control is non existent. My fictional memories and thinking must have tired and strained the baby brain so I must sleep.