

The next day

Today is the day we hunt down blitzwolfer before leaving. This time I wanted to make sure to let Gwen and Kai to get some combat experience because no amount of preparations will ever outweigh battle experience, especially since Kai and Gwen are lacking any sense of scale and have no idea about their power levels in comparison to normal sorcerers.

Even I have it a basic idea of my power based off of the show and blitzwolfer power along with Gwens magical feats. I can't classify myself under the normal power scales of this universe like apprentice male or mage or advanced mage or anything else cause my own way of using magic is unique and hard to classify. Anyways getting off track.

I was waiting for night to fall but Wes was already boring me too death with his story about his group project he had with his buddies. It wasn't even interesting, the only reason he remembered this was because he nearly failed his classes back then. But he decided that I should know about this specific group project.

Of course I had considered the idea that Wes was a plumber and that he was implementing his wisdom via wacky stories like Grandpa max. His survival skills are extremely good even though h tries to act like they are not. His reflexes are impressive and beyond any normal human and athlete level. All this points towards possible plumber.

"Did you know that back in my college days, it was 1965. Things were so simple back then., nowadays you have all these video games and phones and TVs but back in my day, we would wrestle in the mud and learn from our mistakes."

"Yes grandpa Wes but these phones are also very efficient and good devices if used properly. You can reach all the information in human history by typing a simple sentence in 1966 you would have to search the entire library for 1 line in one random book from a library and that was based on the assumption that your answer actually existed in the library you had to search from."

"It was 1965 not 1966 and I understand your point but this has taken to far, I mean people spend more than half of their lives on their screens."

Ooh poor grandpa Wes if you existed in 2020, you would literally have a heart attack. I mean SJW peak and feminazi taken to extremes and extreme sexualization of 11 year olds by Netflix would be too much for Wes.

"I completely agree but that is the fault of the user not the device itself. You can't blame a sword smith for creating a sword that killed unless the sword smith you know the intentions of the Wielder before hand."

"You know you are the most stable and mature person I know and you are 7years old. Even my college buddies have more enjoyment then you do."

"Doesn't really matter but thanks for the compliment but I don't judge my matureness based off old men living in the past with great regret and nostalgia. No offense"

"None taken. You didn't lie, we still do live in the past with regret and nostalgia but we are proud of it. My only life goal isn't just to capture this creature now but to leave behind a legacy who can continue my ambitions but neigh of sharing our wisdom, ekta eat. I bet Kai and Gwen are also hungry for some breakfast."

I looked towards the watch on my hand to see that the time was 10 A.M.

"Nope. They are sleeping in for some reason but I think they will wake up in a few hours. I am gonna have my morning rituals."

"By morning rituals you mean rigorous exercise? I still have a hard time believing that one. I mean you are 7. I didn't begin any physical exercises until i reached 20, well best of luck. I myself shall be sitting and enjoying the AC in the RV instead of the desert heat."

I didn't reply to his jab at me for running in the sand barefooted for a challenge. I jogged for 10 minutes straight before stopping and looking through my head to gather all evidence for Wes being a plumber or a government agent of similar training.

Let's look through all of the evidence.

1. His wishy washy appearances that are characteristically similar of grandpa max.

2. His reflexes are extremely fast.

3. He has hunting experience cause even when he was late, he was still in a fighting stance and had his guard up.

4. He had scars, both mental and physical.

5. He had pos-"

I couldn't continue my mental investigations cause I felt an gun barrel pointed at me.

"If you value life than give us all of your belongings before we decide to kill you brat!!"

I looked to see the origin of this voice to see a Jeep filled with 6 people with guns in their hand and one having a AK-47 rifleL

"Desert bandits, so unsophisticated. Killing and plundering fro no reason. I guess I can dispatch of you and continue my run and make it back in time.

"This kid is mad. Let's just finish this quickly s-"

I dint give them a chance to talk cause my eyes glowed green for a second and all the muscles in my body tensed and relaxed before I ran straight towards the guy with an AK-47

I reached him before anyone came to their sense and kicked the gun into the air before judo throwing the guy into another one on the Jeep. I ducked under the punch I was nearly hit by before slamming my enhanced fist into the guts of a 3rd guy. I immediately collected the guns that had been launched.

By now the scoundrels had come to their senses and had whipped their pistols out but most didn't have a chance to fire because I kicked one of them into another one like a domino but the last one standing pointed his gun at me.

"You you freak, I will kill you for revenge I shall avenge-"

"They are alive moron."


"Yes. Now eat my fist."

I didn't give him anytime to reply as I jammed my fist into his face before walking off.

"Sometimes I forget that the most vile and deadly species are humans."