
Chapter 1: A New Beginning

Where am I, how who am I what has happened to my body. I started to panic I couldn't remember what had happened to me.

All I could remember was, I was at work just another boring day of serving customers and dealing with my boss yelling at me for forgetting something. Then all of a sudden I hit the ground did something fall on my head. As I opened my eyes I couldn't see anything.

Here I am screening the path that stretches before me. I try to move with all my might but nothing is happening. What is wrong with me why cant I move. One more time should do something here I go.

I tried to move left to right, up or down but nothing changed.

I looked around to see if I could find anything or anyone to help me escape, from what ever was holding me down. but all I could see is what looks like a dimly lit hallway.

After all that looking around I could not find a possible way for me to escape all on my own I would need help from a outside source. Just as those thoughts left my mind, I could see the dimly lit hallway becoming brighter and brighter, was something approaching.

What could the new source of light be a friend or foe, savior or Enemy. As the light came closer I realized by the height of the light either I must be incredibly short or who ever is holding the light source is a giant.

As time went on I soon would know the answer. As the light grew closer I could start to hear foot steps. until the foots step reached to were I was being held. As I looked up at what was holding the light, it was a monster.

By the looks of it, to me it looked like a undead knight wearing pieces of old worn out iron armour. I watched as it reached for me, was I finally going to be free. As the undead knight picked me up, I realized from the way it picked me up I was no longer a human.

I tried to talk to the knight but no word would leave my mouth. wait do I even have a mouth anymore. as the knight began to hold onto me tightly I felt a thought enter my head it was one word, Really a letter was it meant to be a name "Z".

Was "Z" this undead knights name when he was still alive. Wait a minute how could i know what someone's name is just from touching them. let alone know the name of some undead knights name.

Hold on since when did i start to think undead knight are a normal thing. Even when i was a human the era of knight was a old part of history, not something you would see of a daily basis. Plus I didn't even think zombies and undead were real. So what am i doing here with one now.

What has happened to me?.