
My life as a monster

[Hello new author here plz support me with your love . I have just started writing web novels. but I hope you my readers will help me. In This amazing journey. Plz give your thoughts on my work in the coment box. I hope to upload daily.] Read the story. Synopsis Coming soon

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6 Chs

The start

On a street people are going happily with their love ones. Some people are coming back from there jobs. Some are going out to party. On this street there is an alley that people are avoiding. People start running after they went near the alley. Suddenly their is a scream of a woman from the alley. All the people stop and then started running. One person a young man with a good muscle body started running towards the alley. Inside the alley there are ten men with their mobile phones making video of a woman whose clothes are ripped and she is crying. The young man ran to the person close to him and gave him a hard punch on his face. The man was sent flying to wall. All the other goons look towards the boy with murders intention.

One of the goon stared at the boy and said: yo we have a hero here. So mr.hero here to save your princess. But I tell you this will be tough for me. As I would have to kill an innocent.

All the other goons started laughing at the young man. The girl saw the boy and there was only dispair in her eyes as she saw the boy. She knew the boy couldn't beat the goons. They were not your average goons they were sent by someone to finish her carrier. Thats why they ripped her clothes and shooed videos.

The young man stared at the goon with angry eyes. If eyes could kill the goon would have been slaughtered a million times. The young man moved his mouth and said to the goon. "I am going to kick every one of your ass and sent it to police.

The goons were not happy to hear this so they gang up on the boy. The boy started to punch and kick the goons. But very soon they over power him. As the boy was fighting the goons. The one person he knocked over to the wall with a punch stood up and reach out to a botel. He smash the ball to the ground. Now the bottle was sharp. The goon took the bottle and suddenly sent it straight to the young man back. The other goons started to kick the boy as he fell down. Pretty soon the boy was all bloody as he laid there on the cold street of the alley. The girl watch all this with her eyes open as she watch the only person to help her and gets brutally killed. She watch as her only hope gets killed. The girls mind broke and she just stared at the boys bloody body.

The goons watching this started laughing. The leader of the goons said to his gang"shit for some time there I thought he had us there or not! . On this sentence they started laughing loudly as they reach the woman and started filming her. One of the goo said;Boss after this will we go to the restaurant. I am so hungry after all that fight. All the goons agreed with the boy as they started leaving this place. The alley became quiet with only a bloody corpse and the body of a woman being there.