
The beginners book

I opened the book , the first page had a shining light blue magic rune or something on it. I turned page the headline was Leveling up , Just like any other rpg was you had to kill monsters but it didn't say anything about that you can do quests and stuff to get xp hmm kinda weird for an rpg.

The next chapter was about how you get gold , this is where the quest stuff came up you can only get gold from quests ..okey. Aaand of course you can sell items and stuff to get gold.

i'll save the reading for later , let's focus on how to start my buisness as a merchant. First step is to get into the city, the city had a big old wall around it so i can't walk straight in. I must walk through the entrance, which is guarded and also has a big old brown door on it (a gate). I walked up to the gate , There where a whole crowd of peopole wanting to get in. There where at least six guard's garding the entrance to the city all of them are level 30, so well this will take a while . I waited around like 15 to 20 minutes, and finally it was my turn to get in , The guards asked me for my name . I answerd "Riku" of course , Then they asked the name of my home village or city ..F**#.. I answerd "outside the dark forest" (theres allways some place at least nicknamed the dark forest in rpg games) The guard said "oh you most be from guden, i understand that you don't want anyone to know haha" I mean why not . I said "glad that you understand":) . Then the guard said "Last question young man, what are you going to do when you come in?"

"well im a merchant so im going to eh, buy a store and sell stuff you know yes?"

very good answer i know right The guard said "okey , come on through young man!"

Aaand finally im in ! It was pretty lively in the city , people and buildings every where just like real life? Can you even say that because this is also real life? i guess.. I....I actually miss my last life... My friends my school my parents.. Well not my parents we can leave them out and maybe the school too , mostly my videogames , and friends yeah. But let's leave that behind this is my life now!

I walked forward deeper into the city and saw a store sign with a sword and shield on it , ooh a wepond store cool!. When i opened the door there was a bell sound like "ding ding" I walked into the store , the store was made out of light brown wood.Then a deep man voice echoed across the store "im comming" The man was in good shape, he has brown skin , light brown eyes and a bald head . He said "so what do you desire little man".His name was Ray he is level 23 and a store owner, I don't know if i should feel assaulted that he said LITTLE MAN ! or not. "Whatever" i thought to my self ,"well i need a sword or something like that!"i need a sword to hunt monsters foor loot so i can sell it in my store later on . "oo" Ray answerd , he walked into the room he came from before. "Wait there"he said, i waited some seconds, I don't want to say his name because it would be weird that i know his name .Then he came out of the room with a steel sword with a nice handle wrapped in red cloth or someting that at least looked like cloth but you never know . It actually looked quite good! :O , He smiled and said"thats 50 silver". Aye i actually can afford it NICE! I used my mind to try to opend my inventory and it worked , good to know that i can open it with my mind!

I clicked on the silver are saw a slider and a 0 on the left edge on the slider and 100 on the right, and under the number there was round ball thingi or whatever to call , i draged it to the middle and saw the 100 change to 50 and clicked the ok button in the botto right corner . A pouch appered in my hand , The man looked impressed and said "you most be a wizard or a mage" ehehheheh "sadly im a merchant"i said with a slightly sad voice . I gave him the pouch of silver, He opened it and counted the silver coins . When he was done he gave me the sword and said "here you go my friend" yaaass my first wepond :D "thank you very much" he smiled and said"haha no problem young man"thank god he didnt say little man again that was so triggering .-.. i waved goodbye and left the store with a big smile.

I put my sword in my inventory . Now i only need to finda store to buy :I I followed the street deeper into the city. Sometime later i got realy hungry and remembered that i hadn't eaten for a while . I walked a little bit further ahead

and found a pub, ahhh it came a sweet smell from the pub, i literally started drowling down the whole street. I ran into the bar ,i shouldn,t have done that i fell straight on my face. I heard laughter from both men and women but i didn't care much about it , I helped my self upp on my feet and walked to a empty table . I waited some time and then a woman in the middle age came up to me and asked what i wanted to order. I said a "cup of water and a sandwich would do it" i said cup because theres probably no glass in this age , the woman said "you mean a glass of water right"there is glass in this age wuut, i said "ehm yes sorry" The men in the corner burst out in laughter again, probably because i ordered a glass of water(or because i said a cup of water instead of glass of water ).The woman came with my sandwich and glass of water, and placed it on the table and said thats 100 copper . i gave her 1 silver and she gave me 900 copper back,huh so 1 silver = 1000 copper coins ooh. When i finished my sandwich a group of men came into the pub they wore black robes with a grey symbol on the chest. I culdn't realy see it only a small part of it, something felt bad about them. I looked around and saw that everyone's eyes was wide open , and every one was .. scared . Suddenly i heard a sound "shhiing" and i saw the robed men draw their swords.

i updated the first chapter . fixing some grammar errors . Next chapter will hopefully come out tomorrow !

SuckyDUckycreators' thoughts