
My Life as a Cultivator in a Game

Sixteen years after transmigrating into the world of cultivation, Lu Yi's long-lost cheat finally awakened. The cheat was a simple task panel where one could earn various rewards by accepting and completing tasks. Lu Yi was surprised to find that he could publish tasks for himself and complete them for rewards. So Lu Yi embarked on the path of self-publishing tasks for himself. He published a task for himself to "practice the Divine Sword technique ten times," and upon completion, his level in the Divine Sword technique increased by one. He published a task for himself to "defeat an outer disciple," and upon completion, he obtained a precious Perfect Qi Condensation Pill. He published a task for himself to "break through to the Foundation Establishment Realm," and upon completion, he obtained a top-grade magical weapon. Without realizing it, Lu Yi found that even becoming a saint or ancestor seemed easy with this system.

Blue Sky Washing Rain · Ost
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40 Chs

Taking Another Task

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Redakteur: EndlessFantasy Translation

It did not take long for Lu Yi to arrive at the Martial Arena area.

The entire area was vast, covering several kilometers in diameter. It was paved with deep blue stone slabs, forming a massive square. The square was dotted with various platforms, which were used by outer sect disciples for sparring.

In the central area of the martial arena, there was a larger platform known as the Central Platform. Life-and-death battles and important competitions often took place on this platform.

At this moment, many people were cultivating their techniques in the martial arena. Among the outer sect disciples, some preferred quiet and solitary cultivation, while others liked practicing in crowded areas. After all, practicing in a group allowed them to discuss and exchange insights when facing difficulties in cultivation, which was quite common.

Furthermore, even solitary cultivators would come to the Martial Arena when they reached a bottleneck in their cultivation, seeking sparring partners to enhance their comprehension.

Lu Yi entered the martial arena, and a Level 3 Qi Refiner disciple who was practicing sword techniques nearby glanced at him. Suddenly, he stopped and stared, then greeted, "Lu Yi? Why are you here at the martial arena?"

Lu Yi smiled faintly and replied, "I felt some inspiration after the lecture and wanted to find someone to spar with."

As Lu Yi spoke, he walked into the Martial Arena. The Level 3 Qi Refiner disciple's eyes brightened. He was also a practitioner of the sword, and he thought perhaps he could learn something from Lu Yi's sparring.

A sword technique in the Regain Simplicity stage. During the previous lecture, the demonstration of sword techniques was only visible to the disciples on the platform. The hundreds of thousands of outer sect disciples below had not been fortunate enough to witness it. They wanted to see such powerful sword techniques, but their strength was lacking at the time.

However, the Level 3 Qi Refiner disciple never expected that Lu Yi would come to the Martial Arena for sparring. It was simply a heaven-sent opportunity. The disciple quickly followed Lu Yi.

The conversation between Lu Yi and the disciple caught the attention of other disciples nearby, and they began discussing as well.

"Lu Yi... is that the one who reached the Regain Simplicity stage in the White Cloud Sword and gained Liu Ningshuang's favor?"

"That's him! I can't believe he's in the Martial Arena now. I have to go and see. Maybe I'll gain some insights!"

"Lu Yi is impressive... We couldn't see the basic techniques demonstrated during the lecture. Now we're lucky to witness this."


The discussion spread, and many disciples followed Lu Yi into the martial arena.

Similar to White Sun Peak, the inner area of the Martial Arena was dominated by stronger outer sect disciples. Lu Yi continued walking in.

Before long, Lu Yi spotted a familiar figure approaching. It was Wang Xinqi, who had sparred with him on the platform before. He did not expect to find Wang Xinqi here as well.

"Lu Yi, I heard some commotion outside and realized you were here. I didn't expect you to come to the Martial Arena too," Wang Xinqi greeted with a smile.

"Wang Xinqi, I've had some insights recently and wanted to find someone to spar with," Lu Yi replied.

'Great, I just found my opponent?' Lu Yi felt a sense of delight.

Lu Yi silently muttered to himself, "I want to defeat Wang Xinqi."

The interface remained silent, without any response or displayed task.

'Huh? Why isn't there a task?' Lu Yi felt a bit puzzled. 'I had two Perfect-Grade Qi Condensation Elixirs before. Why isn't the task even showing up this time?'

Then, Lu Yi thought of something, and his expression became odd, 'Could it be that my progress was too rapid?'

After all, Lu Yi's cultivation had now reached the Level 7 Qi Refiner stage, and both the White Cloud Sword and White Cloud Qi Refining Art were at Level 7. His strength had undergone a complete transformation compared to just two days ago.

According to the interface's assessment, the gap between Lu Yi and Wang Xinqi was too significant, making it impossible to generate a task. This seemed to be the only possibility for Lu Yi.

Lu Yi scratched his head, realizing that he might need to spar with cultivators at the Level 9 Qi Refiner stage or above to receive rewards. Thankfully, cultivators at the Level 9 Qi Refiner stage did not pose much of a threat to him.

Wang Xinqi was unaware of Lu Yi's thoughts. His eyes lit up and said, "If you're looking for someone to spar with, then how about sparring with me, Lu Yi? I've had some insights too."

Lu Yi felt a bit helpless because he felt pointless to even spar with Wang Xinqi since there was no reward. Lu Yi considered himself too strong for Wang Xinqi. Lu Yi had to consider Wang Xinqi's self-esteem and not defeat him too easily. It would be a waste of time.

Lu Yi smiled faintly and exuded the aura of the Level 7 Qi Refiner stage.

"You're at the Level 7 Qi Refiner stage already?!" Wang Xinqi exclaimed. His eyes widened in surprise as he looked at Lu Yi.

Wang Xinqi continued with envy, "I didn't expect you to break through your level. If I'm not mistaken, Liu Ningshuang gave you a bottle of Perfect-Grade Qi Condensation Elixirs after the lecture."

Then Wang Xinqi sighed and shook his head. He said, "When you were at the Level 6 Qi Refiner stage, I was already not your match... Now..."

Wang Xinqi no longer mentioned sparring, and Lu Yi felt relaxed.

Wang Xinqi continued, "With your current strength, I'm afraid that you can only gain something from sparring with the disciples at the Level 9 Qi Refiner stage. There are two disciples that I'm good friends with inside. They're at the Level 9 Qi Refiner stage. Why don't you come with me?"

Lu Yi's eyes lit up and thought, 'I guessed it saved my time from looking for an opponent.'

"Lead the way, Xinqi." Lu Yi nodded and said.

"Hahaha, come now, Lu Yi. Those two disciples praised you very much and they've long wanted to get to know you," Wang Xinqi said.

Lu Yi nodded and walked in together with Wang Xinqi.

Not long after, Wang Xinqi brought Lu Yi to the side of an arena. Two youths were sitting cross-legged there, discussing the Dao. Both of them carried long swords on their backs. It seemed that they were both sword cultivators.

Lu Yi looked at their faces and did not have any impression of them. After all, there were about a thousand people on the platform at that time. Lu Yi would not deliberately remember who they were.

Wang Xinqi brought Lu Yi over. The two youths sensed something and turned to look. When they saw Lu Yi, the two youths' expressions changed slightly. Then, they stood up.

"Lu Yi, you're here too?" The young man on the left smiled and asked.

The youth on the right was even more muscular. He grinned and said, "I knew there would be something good today. It turns out that I'm going to meet Lu Yi."

"Greetings." Lu Yi laughed.

Wang Xinqi introduced, "This is Lu Ling, and this is Wang Wulian. Both of them are at the Level 9 Qi Refiner stage. They can be ranked in the top 100 in the outer sect."

Then, Wang Xinqi looked at the young man and said, "Lu Ling, Lu Yi has already broken through to the Level 7 Qi Refiner stage and plans to find someone to spar with. I wonder if the two of you are interested?"

"You're at the Level 7 Qi Refiner stage already?!" The handsome young man, Lu Ling, stared at Lu Qi with wide eyes and said in surprise.

Wang Wulian seemed to have thought of something and said enviously, "Previously on the platform, Liu Ningshuang gave you a bottle of Supreme-Grade Qi Condensation Elixir. It seems to be very useful."

Lu Yi chuckled and said, "Liu Ningshuang is kind."

Then Lu Yi muttered to himself, "I want to defeat Lu Ling."

Task: Defeat Lu Ling (Progress: 0/1)

Reward: Perfect-Grade Qi Condensation Elixir x 10 / Perfect-Grade Qi Condensation Elixir x 1

Accept: Yes/No

Lu Yi was speechless. He had a complicated thought, 'I was happy that I finally got a task, but also disappointed that even defeating Lu Ling, who was at the Level 9 Qi Refiner stage, would only yield a single Perfect-Grade Qi Condensation Elixir? Isn't that quite meager?'