
Ch. 40 - Misaki : Reconciliation.

I woke up that day, feeling a bit better than yesterday, miss Kanae's words kept repeating inside my head. I exited my room to get to work, right before I turn towards the exit, I anticipated my father to be there, waiting for me again like usual. But he wasn't, I look around and wait for a bit, thinking he might show up in a few minutes. But it seems like he got fed up by my cold attitude towards him, I feel guilty and sorry for him. I have allowed my emotions took over my head, not even giving him the chance to explain.

I just decided to get over it and went on to my workplace, plenty of time for me to think of something to say when we meet again.

*Later on that day.*

"Alright, good work today, Akagi!"

The manager enthusiastically said to Akagi.

"You too~"

He replied.

"Its rather nice that one of our most efficient employees manage to come back, its hard here without you, you know?"

The manager teasingly said.

Akagi laughs at his manager flattering with him. Today was rather tiring and and his strength hasn't fully returned yet, but he is happy that he manage to get back on his feet. Especially how his coworkers and manager appreciates his diligence and values him.

"But Akagi, are you sure you're alright? You seem slower and a bit more stern than usual."

One of his coworkers asked, worryingly.

"Yeah, im fine, I just push myself too much the last time. Its no biggie."

I replied.

"Yeah, but take less time at work and be more careful, take it slow."

My manager said.

"Hehehe, of course!"

I replied.

I was already changing my clothes and preparing to leave, my manager told me to take a few hours off to get home and rest after I told him I wasn't exactly in full capacity. He was also reluctant to even allow me to get to work, but they were really short handed.

After I change, I walk out of the dressing room and my manager escorted me to the main door, telling me how they all react upon learning how I was rushed to the hospital.

"Well take care, Akagi. Everyone missed you."

He teasingly said.

I just chuckled and he leave me to get back to his work. I open the door and was bemuse when I saw my father, standing beside a black car. He looks at me and smiled, he quitly opened the rear door for me and pat down on the seat, signaling me to hop in. Not saying anything. I stood frozen, puzzled on what should I do. I thought of getting back inside and leave through the back door, but as I turned, everyone was looking at us. From my coworkers to the customers dining inside, they're all watching us, as if this was scene from a movie. I face back towards him and the front door window is opened, revealing my landlady, enthusiastically waving her hands at me.

I had no choice but to come over and go with the flow, as I approached my father pat me on the shoulder and made me ride in his car. They really cornered me this time.

Driving through what seems to be different from the route I usually take to get home, well rather it seems we're getting farther from the apartment I currently live in. I was starting to get nervous, thinking they'll kidnap me or something.

"Umm...where exactly are we going?"

I asked nervously.

"To the shopping mall."

Miss Kanae replied.

Akagi : "The shopping mall?"

Kanae : "Yeah, you dont have to worry, your father would buy you everything you need or want. Isn't it right, hon?"

Masao : "Yes, Kanae told me that you lack alot of necessities, and I thought it might be good for us to spend some time with each other, right? Father and son."

Akagi : "Ohh..."

Kanae : "Why the long face? You said you want a chance to meet your father, didn't you?"

Akagi : "Ah..yes, of course."

I replied.

I remember when I was younger, during when I was living with my grandparents. I've been asked several times by different people whether I would want to see my parents again, and everytime, I get filled with negative emotions and I get a little bit angry.

"Ha! No way!"

I would always say it with pride.

My grandparents took notice and were stunned how I got the audacity to say it, they lectured me about it and said.

"Akagi, you shouldn't disrespect your parents like that, no matter how much they neglected you, they're still your parents. Always talk about them with respect and be kind whenever they decided to come back to you."

At first this sounded very unfair and outrageous to me, I didn't mean to be rude but I unintentionally questioned them about this one. They both look at me in the eye, I thought I was gonna get disciplined. But they're wise and very understanding people, they told me that...

"If you want to take revenge on your parents, do it the righteous way. Your attitude towards them or anyone who hated you, reflects how you are raised by the people around you. You dont just downgrade yourself but you'll also disgrace us, treat them with respect and particular regard. Show how different you are to them, show them how dignified, respectful and pure you are. That's how you would get your revenge on them."

Ever since then, I just say "Yes" whenever someone asked me that question again. Even though I used to say I dont want to see them again, I dont exactly know how I feel about it. But I just tend to follow my grandfather's teachings.

"Come on, cheer up a bit! I'll make sure he won't run away again~."

Miss Kanae jokingly said while pointing towards my father. I made a forced but rather convincing smile and laughed with her.

I saw my father glance at me through the rearview mirror and seeing me react for the first time made him happy. My phone rang, I check it and it was a message from Misaki, I haven't told Misaki about anything yet, and she is currently busy studying for their upcoming exam, so we dont have time to be together or talk about anything.

We Arrive at the destination my landlady suggests, it was a huge place, with many people going out with their family and friends. With many extravagant and fancy looking establishments, famous restaurants and branded products. Looking at myself just wearing a red shirt, I feel out of place. However my main concern is how its supposed to keep me warm as the place is fully air conditioned, and I easily get cold. We walk in and immediately felt the sudden drop of the temperature, this is the first time I ever enter a shopping mall this big, most of the time I just went to grocery stores and small, cheap boutique shops. But its kinda hard for to me to get excited since im so unfamiliar with this, also my father's presence makes me nervous and wary, I tend to act bland and simply to prevent him to getting to know what my interest are, or getting any idea how to get close to me.

"Masahiko, what do you want to buy? Pick anything you like."

He said.


I try to think of something to say, I dont wanna embarrass him by turning down his offer, but at the same time I dont wanna look like im only after his money!

He looks at me, head to toe and think of something.

"I know, you need new clothes."

He said.

I look at myself and my clothes are nearly worn out with its original colours fading.

"Come on, let's get you some clothes."

He wrap his arm around me, in a way how a father would escort his son while shopping, but its a bit awkward how he's doing it while im a grown person now. He insistently went on to take me to the men's boutique store, Miss Kanae helped me get some clothes that would fit me.

"Look at this!"

Miss Kanae said while holding a dark blue sweater with a grey shirt underneath.

"This will definitely fit your age, try it out!"

I went to the changing stall and as soon as I came out, both dad and my landlady was waiting for me to wear it.

"Nice! It does suit your age perfectly."

My father said.

"Aww~ Girls will definitely be all over you with that!"

Miss Kanae said.

I dont exactly know how I look, but it kinda feels nice, it smells nice, its comfortable and I wont be worrying about getting a cold again. I thank them awkwardly, when my father asked why I feel so nervous. I simply said.

"This is the first time someone bought me something that's out of my budget."

While looking shamefaced.

He just laughs and said to me.

"Just ask me what you want."

He then patted me in the shoulder, after we pay for the clothes, we went on a shopping spree. He took me to several stores and bought me everything I laid eyes on. All the delicious food I couldn't have before due to budget limitations, I try to tell him that its alright and that I feel embarrassed and shamed about him buying me everything. But he just insisted on doing it, I didn't bother bringing it up again since he may feel like im pushing him away. And im sure this is his way of redemption, buying all of his son's needs.

And he looks very happy so I just sort of let it go.

I felt younger and cherished for once, when I was living with my aunt's house, I can only buy things using my own money. And this fills the void in my heart and satisfy my longing for a father figure.

When we were walking, my father's arm around me, telling me stories of his time working on a cruise ship. I notice miss Kanae, looking gloomy and walking slowly behind us. I couldn't help but look at her amd wonder if something is wrong. My father sees me looking at her, he looks at her and walks up to her.

"Dear, something wrong?"

He asked.

Miss Kanae shook her head.

"Its nothing."

She said while smiling, assuring my father that nothing is wrong. My father looks at her and it seems he can tell that something is wrong, especially by the way she usually acts. Miss Kanae is usually cheerful and jolly all the time, so seeing her gloomy and quite all of a sudden made my father wonder.


My father gasp.

"Its about the hair products you want to buy right?"

He enthusiastically said, he probably promised it to miss Kanae and forgot it. Miss Kanae's face lightens up but hesitates, saying she doesn't want to intervene with our bonding. My father looks at me and I nodded twice, assuring them that its alright. I tend to give way so they could also enjoy themselves, they're married after all and I dont wanna be so much of a nuisance. The three of us walk together like a family and bought everything we need, I dont know how much money my father has but he doesn't seem to hesitate to provide for me and his new wife.

Looking at his generosity, kindness and patience with handling my clingy stepmom and my intricate attitude. He seems to be a really good and caring person, I dont see why would my mother betray someone like him. I feel so bad for him, and trying to think of what he has to go through with all those years of loneliness and betrayal, gives me a stinging feeling in my chest. That's why im hesitant at accepting gifts for him, cause I have no way of giving him something back that will show how much grateful I am. But best I can do for now, is to respect him, prove to him that I am different from my mother. However I did prepare something that could at least put a smile on his face.

"Dad, look what at this."

I showed the portrait I drew of him yesterday, I spend the whole day making it. Even though its not detailed just like the ones professionals do, its still something I am proud of doing.

He looks at it and smiled cheerfully, his face wrinkling up, forming crow's feet. I can see the authentic happiness in his face, its makes me feel happy and warms up my heart, its not much but im sure he can appreciate it. And I take this as proof, I can put in some efforts to show im grateful. He held it high and shouted.

"Wow! My son is an artist!"

I let out a chuckle.

"My~ my~ You two seems to be having fun."

Miss Kanae come back with some take out foods, father proudly showed her the portrait I drew.

"Look at this! My son is so talented!"

I never felt anything like this before, when someone actually appreciates what little I could do, but still cherishes it so much and happy to be the one receiving it. I feel so happy and glad that I was able to experience it.