
My lesbian Wife

This story is about a young man named Paul, who wanted to settle down from his promiscuous lifestyle, to marry He came in contact with a charming young girl who he later fell in love with and they got married Sandra used to be a lesbian from her university days where she was lured in by her roommate Stacy This was unknown to Paul as Sandra never did anything that would cause suspicion Things changed when Stacy came back from overseas and lured Sandra into the act again Paul later cought them in the act but forgave them because of the love he had for her, But couldn't bear it anymore when she lured Paul's sister Daniella into the act This led to Paul developing heart attack and paralysis, which led to there divorce Paul later found true love while Sandra bore the consequences of her action

InnocentIB · realistisch
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14 Chs

chapter 3

Juliet was now sitting on Collins lap with the zip of her gown opened and her bare breast was dangling out with full extension

I was surprised to see such firmness in her breast

Collins on the other hand was still licking all part of Juliet's face and lips while his hand was fondling Juliet's breast

this was really getting to me as my little junior was already responding

I tried to lay on my stomach in other not to be noticed cause I was only wearing a nightie and my already formed bulged could easily be noticed

Collins changed from kissing Juliet and was now sucking her breast which was then making her to moan out loud not minding that I was in the room

I was busy feeding my eyes with the pleasurable scene

I was surprised who taught Collins all this strategies cause he was acting like a married man who as already married long ago and had been in the business for a long time

As Collins was still Sucking Juliet's breast, his hand was now moving downward towards her private area and was trying to shift the gown down so he can have full access but the gown was tight enough to let him move it so easily

Juliet on the other hand was already lost in ecstasy and didn't even know what was happening again

Collins started fingering her through her gown though the gown couldn't let his hand go in

after some time I could see a damp area around Juliet's private part which was visible through her red gown

what could that be I thought to myself but never wanted to move my body in order not to be noticed

so I kept calm to see what was going to happen next

after about 5mins of trying to finger Juliet through her gown, Collins finally dipped his finger into her gown and moved it down

I couldn't see what was happening inside there any longer but I could only see the movement of Collin's hand

this was really getting me crazy as I began to notice wet patches on my night wears

what is happening, I asked myself in shock cause I have never experience such in my life even as I have been flirting and playing with girls

Juliet's sound was now going higher that it was filling the who room

"Please I want to feel you" I heard Juliet saying

I was surprised that this girls were already spoilt to this extent

immediately Juliet stood up and took off the gown she was wearing, leaving her already soaked panties

and was about to take off the panties when Collins held her hands

Collins: please let's not get to this extent here, remember Paul is here and might wake up any time to see us

"And what's bad about that" Juliet replied

immediately I heard that, I quickly closed my eyes so they won't know I was awake all this while