
My lesbian Wife

This story is about a young man named Paul, who wanted to settle down from his promiscuous lifestyle, to marry He came in contact with a charming young girl who he later fell in love with and they got married Sandra used to be a lesbian from her university days where she was lured in by her roommate Stacy This was unknown to Paul as Sandra never did anything that would cause suspicion Things changed when Stacy came back from overseas and lured Sandra into the act again Paul later cought them in the act but forgave them because of the love he had for her, But couldn't bear it anymore when she lured Paul's sister Daniella into the act This led to Paul developing heart attack and paralysis, which led to there divorce Paul later found true love while Sandra bore the consequences of her action

InnocentIB · realistisch
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14 Chs

chapter 2

But he wouldn't listen as he was a chronic womanizer who could not stay a day without seeing a woman

Collins was really a bad influence to me as he will always opt us to watch romantic movies and had suggested we watch pornographic movies or in the name of learning how to take care of our wives in bed when we grow up to marry

but I've always rejected the proposal because I was this type of person that had a high level of libido and sex drive and never wanted to do anything that will stimulate me into doing what I wouldn't have done on a norm

Things got worse as collins was bridging different girls into the room all in the name of visit

Girls of Hartford's high school were mostly spoilt brat as they were mostly children of wealthy people who wouldn't discipline there children if they do anything wrong

this school was bad to the extend that it records rape cases and lesbian/ gay activities

but because of the influence of the parents of the students involved, no drastic measures or discipline where made to curb and stop other students from indulging into such act again

most of the girls in the school having known the status of my father as the chief Judge of the federation, were trying to come close to me but I wasn't this type that was always looking for girls because I had promised my self right from childhood that I wouldn't allow any woman who was not my wife to be to see my nakedness, even as I was not a good boy as I was always flirting with girls

But that didn't made me support what Collins was doing because he was far way too young for some of the things he was doing

One day, I decided not to go to school as I was having a little head ache

I was sleeping all through. Collins locked me from outside and went with his key so he won't have to wake me up when ever he is back

after sometimes, I woke up to hear voices in the house, though it was with a sleepy eyes

so I had to really confirm that it wasn't a dream when I noticed that the second voice I was hearing was that of a girl

I gradually open my eyes only to see one of the hottest girl in school whose name was Juliet. she was wearing a very skimpy tight and transparent red gown that barely covered her thigh

She was sitting on the couch with Collins and they were actually kissing and caressing each other's body

I immediately closed my eye back as I never wanted them to notice thst I was now awake

but was forced to open when I began to hear some funny sounds of moaning

I quickly opened my eyes to see what must have resulted to that sound only to meet the unbelievable