
My Legendary Weapon Can Evolve Infinitely!

Our discord server: https://discord.gg/d9z3CCEXWw The past, the present, and the future will all be connected. Human society will learn how things were in the past when gods walked among men and monsters roamed freely. When Earth was finally connected to the multiverse, the entire world erupted into chaos! It was as though reality itself was contorting to accommodate countless versions of itself. Astonishingly, it began to expand, stretching its boundaries beyond imagination. At that time, Jason was recovering from the betrayal of his girlfriend cheating with her supposed best friend. He looked for solace by retreating to a serene lake for a weekend of fishing. Craving solitude to deal with his thoughts, he wanted some peace. But as soon as he stepped out of his car, the ground convulsed violently. Much to his surprise, a mysterious system had been activated, revealing portals to alternate dimensions. Suddenly, Jason found himself thrust into the depths of a dungeon, a valuable treasure chest right before him. Within that chest was the Infinite Dagger—a legendary weapon capable of infinite evolution! From a mere dagger to a formidable sword and even transforming into a bow—its potential knew no bounds! Jason was surprised at his unexpected fortune, yet he understood that obtaining such a treasure wouldn't be without risks. No, crossing this dungeon would be a stroll. He stood at its precipice, facing a boss—a towering, purple-hued Colossus that looked like it came out of a fantasy world. To add insult to injury, he would need to get rid of the boss's minions. The real question remained: How could he, at level one, defeat the dungeon's boss?

ExSoldierLv99 · Fantasie
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317 Chs

Chapter 38 - Power UP

 While clenching its teeth and gripping its weapon even more strongly than before, the monster made the atmosphere change. The beast was truly enraged for being on the losing side of a battle against such a small and pathetic creature and for letting that worm enjoy the fight as well.

 The aura created by Frenzy got more intense, and then the beast charged again while swinging its sword widely. That didn't work very well since Jason did the same. When the beast was about to attack, Jason hit the enemy with a body slam and the hammer hit the face of the creature. In the next moment, Jason used a quick sequence of Double Slashes. Despite that, the beast still tried to grab him with its other arm, but Jason jumped in the opposite direction and changed his weapon to the gauntlets.

 Jason landed at the top of the sword and then used Charge again before hitting the beast's face with a barrage of punches and Mana Arrows.

 The beast was crazy and stubborn enough to try to resist all that, even attack Jason with a punch on his his right side…The impact was jarring, causing Jason's body to jerk violently. In that moment, his perception of time seemed to slow down, and he felt an intense burst of pain surging through his ribs on the right side of his body.

A visceral sensation coursed through Jason's being as the force of the punch reverberated through his torso. He could hear the sickening sound of bones cracking, a haunting noise that amplified the intensity of the situation. The pain intensified, causing him to wince, his face contorting in agony.

 Still, he endured that and kept punching the beast in the face. This time, he began to alternate between shooting Fireballs and Mana Arrows. 

The orc, taken off guard by Jason's relentless strikes, staggered backward, momentarily dazed by the force of the blows. The scene unfolded in slow motion as if time itself had momentarily slowed down to capture this moment. 

 That single attack made Jason lose half of his HP, but he ignored that as he kept stacking the effects of the gauntlets on the beast and he saw its HP dropping at fearsome speeds.

The once-mighty orc, with its face swollen and bloodied from a series of relentless attacks, stood before Jason, its fury tempered by exhaustion and pain. The beast took several steps back, and Jason was forced to stop due to the exhaustion as well.

The orc's swollen face reflects the toll of the fierce battle it has endured, its once intimidating visage transformed into a grotesque mask of bruises and cuts.

With a determined expression etched across his face, Jason moved closer, measuring the distance between him and his battered adversary. He channeled his strength, the pain in his right side momentarily forgotten in the heat of the moment. The weight of the situation hangs heavy in the air, amplifying the gravity of the impending strike.

 The monster prepared to swing its massive blade as well, but that hadn't been nearly enough to make Jason flinch. His muscles tense as he gathers his energy. He draws power from deep within, summoning every ounce of his physical and mental prowess for this final moment. The sound of his racing heartbeat fills his ears, propelling him forward.

Closing the gap with calculated precision, Jason positions himself in front of the orc. His fist, fueled by determination and a thirst for victory, was poised and ready. He gazes into the orc's bloodshot eyes, and then saw the sword being swung down at him…

"Die! Shithead!" Jason shouted.

With a primal roar, Jason unleashed a devastating punch, channeling his entire being into the strike. The force behind it is awe-inspiring as if the weight of the entire battle rests within that single blow. The impact resonates through the air, accompanied by a resounding crack as Jason's fist connects with the orc's swollen face.

The orc, already battered and weakened, crumples under the force of Jason's powerful punch. The force of the blow sends it hurtling backward, its body hitting the ground with a thunderous thud.

 The sword was swung down, but it hit nothing since the beast was pushed backward and fell with its back on the ground.

(You obtained 100.000 experience points.)

(You leveled up and received seven status points.)

(You leveled up and received seven status points.)

(You leveled up and received seven status points.)

(Congratulations! For defeating a boss on your planet alone, the title One is Enough ranked up from (E) to (D). + 01 parameters when leveling up. You obtained 56 free status points.)

(Congratulations! For eliminating all the enemies of another tribe on your planet, the title Merciless Hunter ranked up from (E) to (D). When facing members of the same tribe nonstop, you will gain four percent more experience when defeating them. This effect will be canceled if you stop fighting for more than one hour or when you kill a creature of another species.)

(Congratulations! For defeating the boss alone, the title Challenger ranked up from (E) to (D). All parameters + 8

 Jason took a deep of breath and then snorted while looking at the body of the boss. That had been intense and quite fun, but instead of all that, Jason felt proud for surviving in the end… that is what you get by messing with him… even though it cost all the ribs of his right side, and breathing made him feel like crying like a little girl.