
Level Four (39)

Level Four (39)


At that moment, a hunter came running to tell that the monster was trying to break the second side of the bridge and the leader could not ask or inquire anything further from Qiao. The Silver Class leader gathered his men and started to give them instructions to prepare for the hunt. Any further delay could become a lethal factor. 

"Collect all the traps we have and lay them out on the upper layer of the lake. Bind them to strong upholds for example big trees or large boulders nearby to maintain their stability." He ordered two of his men. 

These traps with strong anchors will be used by the Silver Class for support when they would need to jump from the bridge to follow the whereabouts of the monster. 

After setting these measures, the leader ordered them to bring both the seniors who would be giving them instructions at the times of crisis and also using their active stones to provide them with footing in the air.