
CHAPTER1: Happy Sad Graduation

" You a such an idiot, you had an opportunity to talk to the girl you have been crushing on and you wasted it" said Peter, Samuel look confused cause he did not remember when he had the opportunity to talk to Stella, " what do you mean, we were together through out the graduation party, I never left you side. So what are you talking about" said Samuel. 

 Today marked the day our senior were graduating from the university, I and my friends were present at the occasion since it was open to all student regardless of your year, Samuel was in his second year same with his best friend Peter, they both had a lot in common, they both loved basketball, music just that Samuel was a hip-hop lover while Peter loved rape songs, this two met at the university and since then nothing has been able to come in between them. Samuel had a big crush on a girl named Stella, although Samuel gets to see her whenever they have general course but it never stopped him from liking her, Peter noticed the eyes his friends uses to look at her and he gave him the impression to approach her, now its in these aspect that this two friends were different, Samuel was a shy and gentle type, although he has anger problem that's why he doesn't pass his boundaries and you shouldn't too. But Peter was a guy that doesn't give a fuck of what others think, it was a major problem his parent has been facing right from his high school days, it even hindered him from traveling in pursuing his basket career. Peter tried talking to Stella but she doesn't pay him any attention, " she isn't giving me a listening ear, I guess you have to do this yourself, if she's interested in you she'll give you listening ears" said Peter, the following day after the night Peter asked Samuel to do the talking himself he approached Stella on her way to a lecture, he did not even bother telling Peter because he doesn't want anybody watching in a corner when he gets snubbed, but to his surprise when he offered to help her with her books she gave some party to him, then Samuel started with an introduction about himself. On their way, Peter was walking with some other guys who were is dance mates, when Peter saw this he was amazed and he just gave Samuel a signal in which Samuel also understood the information is friend was passing.

  Since then Samuel and Stella were close, she even spend the night at Samuel's place, Peter sometimes intentionally leaves the room for them both and he would sleep at his niggas place, when he comes back the following he would always ask Samuel " were you able to tell her your intentions", but Samuel respond was always negative and this gets Peter provoke all the time. Now Samuel had a good opportunity to tell Stella his intention at the graduation he which he's just about to ruin the opportunity again and Peter was tried of been the closest man to his friend, he approached Stella and told her Samuel wanted to see her, she went to where Samuel was seated thinking that Samuel really wanted to see her " how are you doing?, I haven't even seen you today and I was kinda worried" said Stella, " I have been here just wining and dining with my bro, speaking of my bro please have you seen him?" asked Samuel, Stella looked lost cause she felt Samuel was the one who sent Peter to call her " are you kidding me right now?" She stood up from where she was seated, " what do you and your friend take me for, why are you guys playing with me like am a toy" said Stella. "What do you mean" Samuel tried to calm her down, but by now she was already flaming In anger she carried her glass of wine and poured it on Samuel's white shirt, the whole school saw this embarrassing event and they gather the scene to hold Stella down, some groups of thugs came to the scene and their leader approached Samuel and told him to stay away from Stella that if he ever sees him close to Stella ever again that that would be his last day on earth, Samuel was quite throughout the whole events, even his best friend was nowhere to have his back. As his mates were leaving one after the other he offed his shirt and went back to the hostel. 

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Abikoye_Emmanuel_8creators' thoughts