
my journey towards you

Stella a girl from a well known family ends up falling in love with the mysterious guy who saved her life in her past. will she able to pass the test which is assigned by the destiny during her journey with him?

sofia_riju · Urban
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5 Chs


It's been a tiring day with all of those kids at the day care. I plopped myself on the sofa thinking to call mom. Because it's been two weeks since I haven't called mom.as I thought of mom she called. "hey mom" I quickly replied by answer her. "Hey honey is everything all right? You haven't called me from past few days. Is everything all right?" she bombarded me with her questions. "No mom I'm fine. Just tired at the day care" I said with assuring voice "that's why I'm saying to take your position in the company "she said with a worrying tone. "Let her be mom. Waste of time." A voice came behind from mom's voice. That's it. Here comes the person who adds more fuel into the fire. None other than my brother, Matt Weston, the CEO of Weston industries. "Hey idiot, how are you?" I asked." better than ever. Cause you're not here" he replied sarcastically. "Why don't you kids behave like other siblings? Matt Weston if don't stop quarreling with your sister then get ready for the blind date that's going to be on Friday evening." Mom vented out her anger. I just giggled at her words. Poor Matt tired of blind dates. But what mom didn't know is that my idiotic brother is trying to court his secretary Leah Carlson. "And you Stella Weston, stop quarreling with your brother."Ok mom I said in a puppy tone wondering what would my mom do if we quarrel in front of her. My mom wants my brother to get married as he is 28 and she didn't know what my brother thinks. "Alright mom, I got to go need to get groceries for tomorrow. Call you tomorrow". I was about to end the call, then she spoke "wait. There is a party this weekend. Our company reached the top 10 in our country so your father is throwing a party. Don't make some dumb reasons to escape the party. Your father wants to announce something". "Yes mom. I'll definitely try" I said and hung up the call. Now I got freshened up went to groceries. When I was returning I remembered to get taffy's snacks. So I rushed back and got some of his favorite snacks. When I opened the door he just jumped on to me and licked my face." My little doggo missed me huh? My cutie pie" he just barked. I laughed at his cute face. And then I picked all the groceries that fell down when he jumped onto me and I went inside. We ate our dinner and took taffy to a night walk. After that, I arranged our beds and I changed into my pajamas. When I tried to sleep that same face came into my mind. "Who are you? What are you doing"? I drifted into my dreamland while thinking.