
My Journey to Fight Real Me

Tells the story of a young man named Gyezo who wants to get magic powers, but when he is summoned to another world with his class mates, he is the only one who doesn't get magic powers. Because of that, he continued to train and travel to gain magic power. But there was an incident, which made him realize that he was just an Avatar from an existence in a higher dimension

The_Author_23 · Fantasie
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2 Chs

PROLOG : Trip to Museums

A 16 year old boy woke up in a semi-conscious state, he started to get up and walked out of his room down the stairs and went towards the dining table.

"Hoaaaa !! Good morning Mom" yawned

Not long after that, a beautiful woman came out who walked from the kitchen to the dining table while holding up a plate of fried rice

"Good morning too Gyezo, why aren't you getting ready for school yet? Aren't you going to be late?" looked confused

It was then that Gyezo suddenly realized that today, was the collection of forms for a trip to the Museum. Gyezo began to panic

"Mooom, what time is it?" Panic expression

"Right now, if I'm not mistaken, it's already 07:50 am" put the plate on the table

Gyezo immediately ran back to his room, he immediately changed clothes and put on school clothes. After that, he immediately ran to the dining table, sat down and ate his breakfast. His mother was staring at Gyezo as he ate his food.

"Gyezo!!! Don't eat in a hurry, you eat slowly" scolded Gyezo

"Sorry ma'am !! Gyezo has to be fast otherwise Gyezo can't join" ran leaving the food that wasn't finished yet

Gyezo rushed to get his shoes on the shelf, and ran to school. He was in a hurry because the distance from his house to school is quite far, about 600 m. On the way he met his best friend named Lucas they went to school together. When they arrived at the gate there were still 5 minutes before entering class, when they were standing and fixing their breath because they were tired of running around suddenly there was a female student passing by named Iris, she had a pretty face and was almost as tall as Gyezo. She is a girl Gyezo likes

"Heeeiii Lucas !! Look, isn't that Iris?" Directed glances at the girl

"What's wrong Gyezo, ah yes that student is Iris. Don't you like Gyezo" the tone seduces

"Yeah, I can't help it" he put his arm around Lucas's shoulder

After Iris had left and was not seen again, Gyezo and Lucas continued walking to class when they arrived at the class, it seemed the atmosphere was as usual. They then walked and sat on their respective benches which were located behind and next to each other

"Hey Lucas, have you filled out the form Buguru Izuka gave you yesterday?"

"Haaa? What form is Gyezo?" Confused face

"Are you pretending to forget? Yesterday Buguru Izuka gave us forms to fill out in order to go on a Museum Trip. Don't you want to come too?" He took out a piece of paper from his bag

"Ah I just remembered, it turns out that the form" took out a piece of paper

After that Gyezo and Lucas talked about magic while waiting for Ms. Izuka to come and enter the classroom

"Lucas, try to imagine what it would be like if you had magic powers? Isn't that fun?" looked up at the classroom ceiling while daydreaming

"Hey Gyezo already, don't think too much. How can magic be real" laughed out loud

"Yes, who knows, if there really is a feeling I want to have the power of fire and wind, if you are Lucas? What magic do you want to have?" Stare at Lucas

"Me? Nothing, if you get magic power it's up to you what kind of power you want to get"

Not long after Gyezo and Lucas' chat, Mis Izuka entered the classroom and immediately sat down in his seat

"Morning children, today I want you to collect the forms that I gave you yesterday. Students who don't bring them or don't fill out the forms will not be able to join the trip to the Museum" took out books and writing materials

The students began to take their respective forms, stood and queued in front of Buguru Izuka's desk to submit the forms. After all the students had submitted their forms, Mis Izuka stood up and wanted to say something

"Okay kids, tomorrow morning at 07:00 am we are already starting to go to the Museum for students who are late will not take the trip to the Museum. Do you understand, kids?" Smiling at the students

"Okay, Ms Izuka !!!" The students were excited

After that, Gyezo and the other students went through their study activities as usual. Lunchtime rang Gyezo and Lucas took their own lunch out of their bag, they exchanged food and discussed the activities they would both do after school

"Lucas, do you want us to play video games after school at my house?" while munching on chicken fried rice

"Playing video games? Of course why not, but I have to ask my parents' permission first" chewing food

"Okay, after school we go to your house first then go to my house" eating food

They continued to eat their own food without saying a word. Moments after Gyezo and Lucas finished their respective meals the bell rang indicating lunch time had finished ringing. At that time, the physics teacher named Hatoru entered the class.

"Yo kids !! Good afternoon how are you guys today?" Walk to the center of the blackboard

"Good afternoon too Siiiirr !! Good news for you" full of enthusiasm except Gyezo

Gyezo doesn't really like math, physics, and so on. Even so, he is so skilled and skilled in other subjects such as sports and is also skilled in planning or tactics but in contrast to Lucas, he is so skilled and likes math lessons but is very lacking in sports lessons and is also less skilled in drawing up tactics or plans

Lesson started, Gyazo seemed from the beginning to start the lesson unenthusiastic and just slept in his seat, in contrast to Lucas he was very enthusiastic and enthusiastic about taking physics lessons.

The bell that signaled the end of school had rung, Lucas immediately woke Gyezo who was sleeping

"Heeeii Gyezo !! Wake up don't you want to go home?" Shout to Gyezo

"...." Sleep soundly

"Hey Gyezo, look in front of Iris" in a seductive tone and whispered into Gyezo's ear

"Haaaa?? Where? Where is Iris?" Awakened and startled while looking for Iris

"Hahahaha apparently just using Iris' name can wake you up so easily" laughed out loud

"Damn you swindler Lucas!!" Angry and annoyed expression

"Yeah, sorry, because I screamed earlier but you didn't wake up yourself so I tried that method using the name Iris who would have thought it would work"

Gyezo and Lucas went to Lucas' house to ask permission to play at Gyezo's house, but while on the way Lucas thought of asking permission from his parents that he wanted to stay at Gyezo's house. When they arrived at Lucas' house, Lucas immediately asked permission from his parents to stay at Gyezo's house. Lucas' parents allow Lucas to stay over at Gyezo's house but only for tonight. Lucas also went to his room to change clothes and prepare his equipment to go to the Museum. After everything was ready, Gyezo and Lucas immediately left and went to Gyezo's house when they got there. When Gyezo opened the door

"I am home !!" With a sound big enough

"Yes !! You're home, there's a snack in the refrigerator just take it if you want to" shout from the backyard

"Yeess maaa'am, me and Lucas are going to play video games first" in a big voice while walking to Gyezo's room

"Yeah, but remember don't play too long" in a lower voice than before

They entered Gyezo's room and immediately started playing video games. While they were playing, they played various kinds of games, from fighting, adventure, to football. During their time playing video games, Gyezo dominates the game more than Lucas. Because I was too engrossed in playing video games, it didn't feel like it was time for dinner

"Kids!!! Come down and have dinner, food is ready. Hurry down" while preparing other food

"Yes ma'am, we are downstairs for dinner" stood up and walked to the dining table

When Gyezo and Lucas arrived at the dining table, they immediately sat down and finished their food, then continued back to their room. When they were inside Lucas asked something

"Where is your father? Why isn't he before?" Curious face

"Yeah, that's because my father is the owner of the company, so he's very busy. Ah, forget it, let's continue our game."

The two of them then played video games late into the night. In the morning around 05:00 am something rang, it turned out to be the cellphone alarm set by Gyezo, when the alarm went off Gyezo and Lucas woke up

"Hoaaaa !! Good morning Lucas" stretching

"Huaaa !! Good morning too Gyezo" yawned

They also prepared provisions to be taken on a trip to the Museum after everything was ready, the time showed 06:50 they started walking to school

"Mom we go to school first" closed the door

"Yaaa!!! Be careful on the road"

They walked, nothing happened when they arrived at the Buguru school Izuka was already waiting in front of the bus car and told the students to get on the bus. Gyezo and Lucas immediately got on the bus, when all the students had boarded the trip to the museum begins

"Okay children !! The trip to the museum begins" happy expression

"Yeess Miss !!" Spirit

The distance between the museum and the school is quite far, the distance is about 250 km, and they passed several ravines and mountains. After 1 hour from the school, they were already on the road near the cliff, everything seemed fine, but it didn't take long for a large landslide to occur, the landslide immediately occurred. headed to the bus that Gyezo was riding and jumped into the cliff beside the road, after the incident it was reported that all those who boarded the bus died and the bodies and the bus were not found at all

But what actually happened, right before the avalanche hit the bus, a woman suddenly appeared and stood on the bus. Everyone was shocked and at that moment the bus was suddenly in a wide field